понедельник, 26 октября 2009 г.

Программы софт-каталога ProtoPlex (2009-10-27 06:02:01)

Программы софт-каталога ProtoPlex (2009-10-27 06:02:01)
Блог новостей · Новости (5048) · Библиотека (288) · Компьютерные программы (6419) · Скрипты (3052) · Рефераты, дипломы, курсовые работы (6722) · Обои для рабочего стола (14572) · Электронный журнал (41) · Форум (4508) · Поздравительные открытки (219) · Рейтинг сайтов (65797) · Служба рассылок (278) · Анекдоты (2399) · Создание сайтов и интернет-магазинов · Баннерная сеть · Книги и учебники (91203) · Фотоальбомы (2379) · Фото знаменитостей (610) · Прикольные картинки (911)

Всего программ в каталоге: 6419
Размер каталога: 91136.01 Мб
Бесплатных программ: 2579
Новинок: 2021

Image2Ico 2.1 (shareware $12.50; 2781 Кб)

Прекрасный инструмент для конвертации изображений.
Работает со всеми распространенными форматами (bmp, dib, rle, gif, jpg, jpeg, jpe, ico, png, wmf)
Поддерживает различные размеры иконок: 16x16, 32x32, 48x48
Различает иконки 16 цветов, 256 цветов, TrueColor и 32bpp (XP-Style)
Содержит встроенный image processing
Покупая Image2Ico, вы приобретаете целый набор программ: Bmp2Ico, Gif2Ico, Png2Ico, Jpg2Ico, а платите в несколько раз меньше!
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/2599.html ]

OperaCache3.0.0.5 (freeware; 272 Кб)
Волошкин Константин

OperaCache3.0.0.5 – программа для извлечения из кэша браузера различных ресурсов. Позволяет сохранять найденное в отдельной папке. Например, вы просмотрели видеоклип на You Tube и не можете его сохранить для просмотра в offline-режиме, просто,
запускаете эту программу и указываете тип медиа. Программа всё
найдёт и сохранит. Так как программа выполняет поиск в кэше, то необходимо, чтобы кэш существовал после закрытия браузера. Если вы настроили браузер на удаление кэша после закрытия, то
отмените эту опцию.

Сохранение видеороликов в форматах .swf, .avi, .wmv, .flv, .mpg.
Сохранение звуков в .mid, .mp3, .wav.
Сохранение картинок в .gif, .png, .bmp, .jpg, .ico.

[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/6687.html ]

Translator v 1.0 (freeware; 207 Кб)
Константин Волошкин

Translator – Утилита для перекодирования текстовых файлов из 1251 кодовой страницы в 866 и наоборот. Может работать из командной строки.Программа встраивается в контекстное меню проводника. Для настройки программы, достаточно запустить её без параметров.Программа сама себя инсталлирует и деинсталлирует.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/7553.html ]

Boom Voyage 1.1.7 (shareware $19.95; 8775 Кб)
KraiSoft Entertainment

Пришло время для незабываемого аркадного путешествия во времени и пространстве. Направляйте шарик своей ракеткой, чтобы разбить все блоки на уровне и двинуться дальше через 6 эпох от древнего Египта до Дикого запада. Ловите полезные призы, используйте помощь механических друзей и остерегайтесь неприятностей на своём пути. Великолепная трёхмерная графика, реалистичная физика, Всемирный зал славы и многое другое.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/7179.html ]

A VIP Organizer 2.992 (shareware $64.95; 5730 Кб)
VIP Quality Software

VIP Organizer - это программа для управления рабочими задачами и временем ориентированная на малый и средний бизнес, которая, используя to-do метод, позволяет выполнять больший объем работы за меньшее время и повысить производительность труда за счет фокусирования внимания на самых важных задачах, которые дают 80 % конечного результата.

Можно использовать VIP Organizer для управления вашими повседневными делами и рабочими задачами. Это ваш помощник в следующих случаях:
+ управление проектами, ресурсами, рабочими процессом, задачами, и т. д.
+ планирование личной жизни и профессиональной деятельности на дни, месяцы и годы вперед;
+ организация, расстановка приоритетов, установление предельных сроков и контроль за выполнением заданий;

VIP Organizer предназначен для тех, кто считает, что они управляют своей жизнью, а не наоборот, и рекомендован для тех, готов изменить способ организации своего времени и верит, что сможет достигнуть большего путем оптимизации своего времени.

VIP Organizer объединяет в себе органайзер, планировщик, блокнот и программу для напоминаний в одно мощное приложение, которое:
+ помогает совершать задания в походящее время и соответствующем порядке
+ организует вашу жизнь и придаст веру в будущее
+ позволит Вам завершать задачи вовремя и, возможно, намного быстрее
+ повышает Ваши способности менеджера и экономит Ваши деньги и время.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/6902.html ]

ЕГЭ и ГИА репетитор ЭкзамL 10. (shareware 300 руб; 2672 Кб)
Лев Левин

ЕГЭ и ГИА репетитор: Математика, Русский и Литература, Обществознание, История, География, Физика за три дня – легко! 55 теста ЕГЭ и ГИА за 2004-10 годы (1909 вопросов) 11 и 9 классы. Математика (11 тем,249 вопросов,467 ответа). Русский язык (11,367,1206). Обществознание: (20,899, 3675). История России и Древнего мира (162,2986,11432). География (7,281,1147). Физика (9,286,1005). Детская психиатрия (20,1319,4663). Право и политика: (70,764,2902). Сестринское дело (52,2581,10000). Фармация (6,1299,6000), Лечебное дело (41,1461,5852). Терапия (34,1090,4133+200 кардиограмм). Информатика (7,161,587). Пожарное дело (8,168,547). Вопросы перемешиваются или по порядку, ответ можно отложить. Настраиваемые секундомеры по теме и вопросу. Ответы могут быть 5 типов: точный ответ (например, фамилия); отметить нужные из списка; установить соответствие между понятиями (например, события и даты); объекту приписать свойства; ранжировать объекты (например, по степени важности).
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/3816.html ]

Memo Fora 4x4 «Свой бизнес» (shareware 800 руб; 4872 Кб)
Генадий Ляшенко

Автоматизации процесса торговли любыми товарами и услугами. Полный комплект оперативных документов, раздельный учет товарных остатков по отделам (складам), учет номерных экземпляров товаров, ценообразование в трех валютах (рубли, USD, EURO), работа с заказами и комплектация составных изделий. Оперативная информация по долгам контрагентов, заказам, оплате накладных и обороте товаров и услуг.

Новая форма счетов-фактур от 9.06.2009 г.

Ведение списков аналогов и замен товаров. Поддержка национальных валют стран СНГ (Таджикистан, Украина, Казахстан, Молдавия, Узбекистан).

Поддержка работы со сканером штрих - кодов, выписка сканером товаров и экземпляров по серийным номерам, настройка и разделение прав пользователей на доступ к информации. Полная информация о товарах и контрагентах.

Более 100 отчетов, в т.ч. и с экспортом в MS Excel, возможность подключения внешних заказных отчетов и операций. Программа доступна в 2-х вариантах: Standart и для работы с БД Pervasive.SQL
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/3392.html ]

Rescue Digital Camera Photo (shareware $69; 2242 Кб)
Data Recovery Prices

The best solution for restoring deleted data that includes photos, images, picture folders, movie clips and audio video is Digital camera data recovery software. Photo rescue program quickly scans the storage media to locate and revive lost pictures saved in jpg, jpeg, gif, tiff and other file formats. After completely scanning the disk, recovered images is displayed that can be saved at user specific location. Digital camera data recovery software supports major digital media brands including Samsung, Canon, Casio, Fuji Film, LG Electronics, Hitachi, HP, Yashica, Olympus, Panasonic, Philips etc available in the market.

Features of Picture restoration utility:
* This recovery software recovers files from all digital cameras (SD Cards, CF Cards, & Memory Sticks).
* Picture restoration utility is able to recover files deleted accidentally due to any cause including card failure.
* Image restoration application fully supports all major branded digital cameras including Sony, Samsung, Toshiba, Panasonic, Nikon, Canon and other major popular brands.
* Digital camera photograph retrieval utility is affordable, easy to use and does not require any specific technical skills to operate it.
* Image restoration application is compatible with all Windows operating system like 98, 2000, XP, NT, Vista etc.
* Use our program as many times as you need to use it.
* Picture restoration utility requires a Pentium-class processor with RAM (128
MB recommended) and 24MB of free disk space (for installation).
* This recovery software easily restores all corrupted file extensions like jpg,
Jpeg, mpeg, gif, tiff, jpg, bmp, avi, mpg etc.
* Photo rescue program scans complete device and restore all recovered photos
in same format without any change in color, size and pixels range.

[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8449.html ]

Card Recovery Software (shareware $69; 2242 Кб)
Photo Recovery Freeware

Freeware memory card data retrieval software is comprehensive tool that easily retrieves erased or damaged all file formats including jpeg, mpeg, midi, wav, bmp, tiff, gif, aac in quick time. Multimedia card image restoration program is fully capable to recover or scan all deleted files, folders from logically corrupted digital camera memory card. Memory card file recovery utility is safe and cost effective tool to restore formatted, corrupted or damaged memory card details from mobile phone memory card. Memory card songs backup program retrieves missing digital pictures, audio video clips from different branded memory card devices including Samsung, Sony, HP, Nikon, Canon, Philips, Kodak, Fujifilm and Kingston etc. Multimedia card image retrieval software is easy to use and non destructive utility to recover damaged file information from corrupted SD card. Memory card data recovery tool efficiently works on different storage memory card including 256MB, 512MB, 1GB, 2GB, 4GB and 8GB. SD card image backup application easily execute under all Windows OS including Windows 98, 2000, 2003, NT, ME, XP and Vista.
* Memory card file salvage utility retrieves deleted document, pictures and music files from damaged memory card.
* Multimedia card data recovery application is helpful to restore erased, corrupted files, directories from mobile phone memory card.
* SD card file retrieval software is available with install/uninstall features and easily operated either technical or non technical users.
* Memory card image backup program repair or recover lost, damaged data from digital camera memory card.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8442.html ]

Free Video to iPhone Converter (freeware; 7397 Кб)
DVDVideo Soft

Конвертировать видеофайлы для Apple iPhone в MP4-формат. Сконвертируйте фильм целиком или только его часть (обрезать видео). Форматы входных видеофайлов: *.avi, *.mpg, *.mpeg, *.mpe, *.wmv, *.asf, *.mov, *.qt, *.amv, *.3gp, *.3g2, *.flv, *swf. Этот бесплатный конвертер не содержит шпионских программ и рекламы. Он абсолютно безопасен при инсталляции и использовании!
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8438.html ]

Driver Detective new 09.08.24 (shareware $29.95; 4687 Кб)
Amy Bob

Driver Detective has recently been built from the ground up and is an industry first in providing manufacturer specific drivers for your computer.For example, if you own a Dell? computer Driver Detective will recommend drivers specifically for your Dell? computer model. Driver Detective is simple and easy to use with a new user interface designed to make updating drivers fast. Driver Detective uses the latest Microsoft .NET technology to keep your computer information more safe and secure. Driver HeadQuarters has an experienced support staff available to help you, with integrated customer support tools built in. Driver Detective can save you endless hours of work and aggravation updating your drivers. Update your computer today with Driver Detective. New Features include:Windows Vista Upgrade Wizard - Thinking about upgrading to Windows Vista? Dont make the move without using Driver Detectives Vista Upgrade Wizard first. Learn more about the Vista Upgrade Wizard.New Database Design - Our newly redesigned database is the largest, most comprehensive database in the industry.New Improved Interface - The new interface was designed to be simple, smart and easy to use.Increased Customer Service - Contact Customer Support or Ask our staff a quick question easily from inside Driver Detective.Self Updating Software - Driver Detective now automatically keeps itself current with the latest version.Manufacturer Specific Drivers - If you own a Dell? computer Driver Detective will recommend drivers specifically for your Dell?.Industry Leading Scanning Technology - Most accurate and comprehensive Driver Scanning Engine (DSE) on the planet.Driver Backup Wizard - Never worry about losing your drivers again, Driver Detective has a built in wizard so you can copy your downloaded drivers to a CD, network drive or USB flash drive.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8430.html ]

Cucusoft iPhone iTouch iPod Transfer pro 9.13 (shareware $29.95; 1102 Кб)
zhang guangye

iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer is an easy to use iPod/iPhone utility designed to help you backup all your files from your iPod/iPhone/iTouch. Recover lost or missing music or backup and restore all of your iPod/iPhone/iTouch content; including your favorite songs, videos, photos, Play Lists and more. If you have any iPod/iPhone device, this software is a must have utility to keep your iPod/iPhone safe. Features: * Top-rated iPod transfer software - Easy and simple to use, powerful as well. * Supports all iPod/iPhone/iTouch models. * Auto-scans your iPod/iPhone devices. * Auto-searches by Album/Artist/Genre/Type. * Simple to install and operate. * Advanced settings supports Backup Folder Rule. * Index by Album/Artist/Genre/Type. * Easily and quickly backup your songs, videos, photos, playlists, podcasts and more from your iTouch/iPhone/iPod to any folder on your PC. * Supports manage iPhone/iTouch/iPod content, import and export files between devices and computer. * Supports not only iPod/iPod Nano/iPod shuffle, also iPhone and iTouch. * Supports play media file directly in our program without third party player. * Supports manage your iPod device on any computer. * Supports transfer photos from iPhone/iTouch/iPod to computer. * Supports locate music or video by ablum/artist/genre easily. * Supports multiple languages. (English, Spanish, Deutsch, Japanese, Chinese...) * Good value for money.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8429.html ]

Reset Internet Explorer Password (shareware $38; 1024 Кб)
Accounting Software

MS Internet Explorers cached web passwords recovery software recover passwords to web sites saved in Microsoft Internet Explorer. IE password retrieval program helps to recover all types of passwords used on the IE and saved by the AutoComplete system. Password retrieval software restore internet explorer passwords recover forgotten or lost login information. Internet explorer password retrieval software supports all version of internet explorer such as 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, and 7. IE password retrieval utility is fully compatible with all versions of Windows operating system such as Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows Vista and easily operated by both technical and non-technical users. Internet explorer password recovery tool recovers only saved (cached) passwords on your computer. IE password restore tool will instantly recover Internet Explorer passwords and also the URLs of sites and their logins. IE password recovery program restore all password form any website where auto login is enabled. In Password recovery utility when remember password option is selected and user are able automatically login to email account without entering your password. IE password recovery program recover passwords and AutoComplete strings saved in Microsoft Internet Explorer. Features:* Internet explorer password recovery software recovers lost or forgotten email accounts password ever stored in password list.* Internet explorer email account password recovery software decrypts Internet Explorer passwords from registry binary files.* IE password recovery application provides attractive graphical user interface and inbuilt help manual.* MS Internet Explorer password recovery application supports all major versions of Internet Explorer.

[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8424.html ]

Unerase Digital Photos (shareware $69; 2129 Кб)
Photo Undelete

Digital image restoration software is a read-only and non-destructive photos retrieval program to recover lost or deleted photographs, corrupted images, pictures, erased albums, missing snapshots etc from USB flash removable media drive. Software easily restore data lost due to formatting or reformatting FAT, NTFS based disk partition, virus attack, power failure, hard disk failure, software corruption, accidental deletion, inaccessible partition etc. Digital photo recovery software supports all major manufactures of hard disk including Quantum, Hitachi, Western Digital etc. Application retrieves accidentally deleted or lost data even if Drive Not Detected or Drive Not Formatted message is displayed while accessing any USB supported storage media or hard drive on computer. Software securely scans the storage media and restores all lost or erased data at your specified safe location in tree like structure. Digital photographs backup tool support all digital file formats including jpeg, jpg and gif. Application facilitates user inbuilt step-by-step help manual option and does not require any technical knowledge or skills to operate it. Software works on all windows operating system including Vista, XP, 2000, 2003, NT, 98 etc. Utility supports GUI interface so it is easy to use and operate.
* Application restore jpeg, jpg, gif pictures, photos and image file format.
* Software easily scans the storage media and restores lost or deleted data in just few mouse clicks.
* You can see preview of the recoverable data in tree structure format.
* Software provides inbuilt help manual so you can easily recover lost data without any technical knowledge.
* Digital pictures rescue program retrieves accidentally deleted data even if Drive Not Formatted message is displayed on your computer.
* Utility supports GUI interface so it is easy to use and operate.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8406.html ]

Remote Control PC 4.8 (freeware; 3350 Кб)
Yura Goncharuk

Простая в использовании, но крайне надежная программа для удаленного управления ПК позволяет Вам работать или просматривать файлы на удаленном ПК и редактировать их при помощи собственной клавиатуры и мыши. Программа также позволяет перезагружать и выключать удаленный ПК. Данное решение применимо как для индивидуальных, так и для корпоративных пользователей. Те, кто впервые сталкивается с Remote Control PC рискуют навсегда остаться верными этому решению, ибо программа просто завораживает своими возможностями, надежностью и простотой с которой удаленное управление ПК становится просто игрой. Программа необычайно проста в установке и настройке и не требует специализированных знаний.
Домашние пользователи могут обмениваться фотографиями со своими родными или того более показывать их своим родным удаленно, не тратя деньги на диски и флеш-носители.
Корпоративные пользователи всегда смогут помочь своим клиентом удаленно не в зависимости от отго где находятся последние в тот или иной момент.
Remote Control PC экономит время и деньги любого пользователя, а также в целом делает жизнь проще!
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8405.html ]

JIRA Client 1.5.2 (shareware $69; 21432 Кб)
Igor Sereda

JIRA Client - это настольное приложение для работы с Atlassian JIRA. JIRA Client позволяет получить быстрый доступ к задачам и багам при помощи интерактивного, похожего на Outlook интерфейса, а также позволяет работать без доступа к сети (оффлайн).

Основные возможности:
(a) Интерактивное настольное приложение вместо браузера

Для доступа к багам и задачам не нужно перебирать и ждать пока загрузятся страницы в браузере - используйте знакомый, похожий на Outlook интерфейс.

(b) Возможность оффлайн-работы

Даже если у вас нет доступа к сети или доступ к корпоративной сети осуществляется через медленное VPN-соединение, вы все равно сможете работать с локальной базой багов и задач. Все сделанные вами изменения будут автоматически синхронизированы с сервером, когда к нему появится доступ.

(c) Поиск

JIRA Client позволяет быстро искать баги и задачи через поисковые запросы любой сложности, а также поддерживает гибкую иерархическую систему фильтров для быстрого доступа к спискам багов.

(d) Захват экрана, редактирование и добавление картинки к багу

Вы можете не только захватывать экран, но и редактировать полученную картинку перед добавлением ее к багу: вырезать часть картинки, выделить важную информацию, добавить комментарий, и многое другое.

(e) Учет времени

JIRA Client предоставляет удобный интерфейс для учета затраченного на задачи и баги времени, и позволяет опубликовать эти данные в JIRA в виде work logs.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8386.html ]

The Secrets of Egypt 3D Screensaver 1.0.2 (shareware $5.99; 3827 Кб)
Ted Miukou

Пирамиды Египта - одни из самых старых и мистических памятников на земле. Они всегда удивляли путешественников, ученых и исследователей. Египетские пирамиды - это наиболее старые и единственные сохранившиеся на земле представители чудес прошлого. Они сдновременно являются как целью для путешественников, так и источником вдохновения для людей на протяжении более трех тысяч лет. Пирамиды сохранились до наших дней практически в первозданном виде. Как говорят люди, "Человек боится Времени, а Время боится Пирамид". Перенеситесь в древний Египет с этим хранителем экрана и исследуйте секреты Великих Пирамид!
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8385.html ]

Picture Restore Software (shareware $69; 2119 Кб)
Data recovery Prices

Professional picture unerase software is helpful to fastly and safely revives your valuable weddings albums, precious family snaps, favorite friends images lost due to software failure, hard disk corruption, unexpected system shut down, virus attack and other similar reason of files missing. Lost picture recovery software is an effective and easy solution to immediately restore any format data including bmp, jpg, jpeg and tiff without losing original pixels. Digital snaps rescue utility is compatible with all digital camera including professional, point and shoot, novelty camera and restores complete records from multimedia memory card in an efficient way. Formatted picture repair software restores your important photographs from undetectable removable storage media. Missing photo rescue program safely scans your whole storage media device and restores recovered data at secure place of your computer system/laptop. Deleted image salvage utility is compatible with all USB drive major brands including Transcend, Kingston, Sony, Samsung, Apacer, HP and many more.
* Image restoration tool provides relevant solution to quickly restore damaged photos, missing picture files from corrupted memory card of digital camera.
* Erased photo recovery software is an effective program to recover your lost data records and takes less time to complete recovery process.
* Application safely restores all deleted images of your multimedia memory card lost due to virus infection or software malfunction.
* Affordable snap restoration utility provides interactive GUI to regain misplaced snapshot files
from inaccessible hard disk.

[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8379.html ]

Picture Restore Software (shareware $69; 2119 Кб)
Data recovery Prices

Professional picture unerase software is helpful to fastly and safely revives your valuable weddings albums, precious family snaps, favorite friends images lost due to software failure, hard disk corruption, unexpected system shut down, virus attack and other similar reason of files missing. Lost picture recovery software is an effective and easy solution to immediately restore any format data including bmp, jpg, jpeg and tiff without losing original pixels. Digital snaps rescue utility is compatible with all digital camera including professional, point and shoot, novelty camera and restores complete records from multimedia memory card in an efficient way. Formatted picture repair software restores your important photographs from undetectable removable storage media. Missing photo rescue program safely scans your whole storage media device and restores recovered data at secure place of your computer system/laptop. Deleted image salvage utility is compatible with all USB drive major brands including Transcend, Kingston, Sony, Samsung, Apacer, HP and many more.
* Image restoration tool provides relevant solution to quickly restore damaged photos, missing picture files from corrupted memory card of digital camera.
* Erased photo recovery software is an effective program to recover your lost data records and takes less time to complete recovery process.
* Application safely restores all deleted images of your multimedia memory card lost due to virus infection or software malfunction.
* Affordable snap restoration utility provides interactive GUI to regain misplaced snapshot files
from inaccessible hard disk.

[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8378.html ]

Presentation to Video Converter 6.4.9 (shareware $99.95; 17749 Кб)
Darryl Town

Presentation to Video Converter позволяет Вам сконвертировать PowerPoint презентации (PPT, PPS, PPTX, PPSX) в любые видео файлы, которые поддерживает Ваша система, (например AVI, ASF, WMV, MPEG, VOB, MP4), флеш файлы (SWF, FLV), анимированный GIF или записать презентацию на DVD диск. Presentation to Video Converter очень эффективен и легок в обращении, достаточно всего лишь несколько кликов мышкой, для получения прекрасного видео ролика со всеми звуковыми эффектами. Для проверки звукового содержания Вашей презентации, запустите Sound Tester и программа автоматически проверит звуковые устроиства и найдет правильный канал для записи звука. Вы также можете полность контролировать Вашу презентацию во время конвертации. Используя Presentation to Video Converter Вы с легкостью сможете сконвертировать презентацию и поделиться полученым роликом через интернет или использовать видео файл для показа презентации на лекциях или семинарах.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8375.html ]

RunAgent 1.2 (shareware $19.95; 1475 Кб)
Vladimir Zharinov

Часто на своём компьютере мы пользуемся большим количеством приложений, в меню "Пуск" и на рабочем столе скапливается много ярлыков. C каждым разом приходится тратить всё больше времени и нервов на поиск нужной программы.

Попробуйте RunAgent! Это незаменимая утилита для продвинутых пользователей. RunAgent предназначен для максимально быстрого запуска необходимых вам программ - потребуется лишь 2 клика мышью. С его помощью Вы легко сможете создать свой список приложений для быстрого запуска. Оставаясь невидимой, эта программа появляется только тогда, когда Вы захотите. Теперь нужные приложения всегда под рукой, и при этом ничего лишнего на экране!

Преимущества использования RunAgent:
* Запускать программы через RunAgent - действительно быстро. По нашим наблюдениям, до 3-х раз быстрее, чем через меню "Пуск".
* RunAgent всегда доступен. Даже не нужно сворачивать документ, над которым Вы работаете. Достаточно лишь подвести курсор к тому краю экрана, где "прячется" программа и нажать левую кнопку мыши.
* Встроенная поддержка технологии перетаскивания (drag & drop). Интересующие ярлыки можно переносить в окно программы.
* Теперь можно с легким сердцем удалить ярлыки программ с рабочего стола (оставляя больше места для документов) и с панели быстрого запуска (Quick Launch).
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8373.html ]

Audio Editor (freeware; 10158 Кб)
Software Mile

The powerful easy-to-use digital audio editing program you can use. With Audio Editor you can: 1-Open a lot of audio files like MP3,MP2,WAV,WMA,OGG,VOX,G726,RAW,DSS,CDA,MPC,PCM,GSMtc. 2-Save to several audio formats: MP3, WAV, VOX, OGG, G726, WMA, and RAW 3-Edit ID3 Tags of the following file types: WAV, MP3, WMA, and OGG. 4-Record from all available audio sources in your system like microphone, Stereo mix, Line in. etc. you can mix or insert the recorded audio into the current audio or record in a new window. 5-Copy, Cut, Paste, and other editing operations on the opened audio files. 6-Apply a lot of effects on the opened audio files. 7-Apply a lot of filters on the opened audio files. 8- View Frequency Analysis of the opened audio files. 9-Mix audio files and save the output. Some menu items will not activate until you open a file like ctionmenu items, Trim, Insert silence.All ffectsmenu items, All iltersmenu items, Some ditmenu items will not activate until you select a portion of the waveform. Watch the selection information at the bottom. You can change the record device depending on source that you will record from, it may be "Microphone" to record from a microphone or "Stereo Mix" to record directly from your sound card that means you can play a song in the background and record from it. You can choose from other listed devices. In the same way you can change the output device [Play Device You can Change the temporary directory that will be used as a swap space for Audio Editor operations. You should select a directory in a sufficient free space partition. The Frequency Analysis shows you how much a frequency occurs in the audio file, you can move the cursor to the graph and watch the cursor value in the cursor frame If you see nothing,try changing the FFT size and FFT window. Tag Information is information related to the media files,you can get it in Windows XP by getting the properties of the file and then edit the summary tab.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8364.html ]

Cold North Pole Screensaver 1.0.2 (shareware $5.99; 6659 Кб)
Ted Miukou

Установите этот хранитель экрана на ваш компьютер и насладитесь живописными видами северной природы, моря, айсбергов, белых медведей, пингвинов. Разнообразные графические эффекты и спокойная фоновая музыка притягивают взгляд и создают ощущение уюта и комфорта на вашем рабочем месте.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8360.html ]

Recover Passwords (shareware $38; 1024 Кб)
Pen Drive Data Recovery

Freeware internet explorer authentication code recovery software is non-destructive comprehensive application to resolve the problem related to lost passwords of your personal accounts or business accounts. Forgot password retrieval utility quickly scan and saved recovered passwords at your specified location on computer system in a systematic manner. Automated password recovery program facilitate to uncover hidden security code covered by asterisks characters. Download recover passwords solution easily recovers secret code without requiring any hacking or cracking tool. IE password extraction application extracts all missing or forgotten secret code details from windows registry files or password list within few seconds. Internet explorer authentication key rescue software can easily viewing server details about your personal email accounts, auto complete data strings and content advisor passwords. Demo version of IE password unmask utility will show you first two characters of recovered secret code and complete keys available on full version. Advanced IE login key revealer tool is executable on all major versions of Windows operating system including XP and Vista enterprise edition. Password recovery software also supports all latest versions of internet explorer browser and provides highly interactive graphical user interface with help manual for easy to operate it.
* Internet explorer secret keys unmask revealer tool is capable to recover lost or misplaced password of your personal and business accounts.
* Automated IE password recovery software quickly scans and saves recovered password in text format for further reference.
* IE authentication code rescue utility provides multilingual passwords recovery system.
* Password retrieval application unmasks secret keys hidden behind the asterisks characters.
* Software easily fetch forgotten or misplaced password from Windows registry or password record list.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8367.html ]

Recover Deleted JPEG Files (shareware $69; 2129 Кб)
Data Restore Software

Digital photo recovery software helps to restore corrupted images, pictures from damaged removable storage media. Deleted picture restoration tool successfully recovers erased digital images, snaps from formatted digital camera, xD card, sD card. Advanced digital image rescue utility also retrieves all pictures from bad sector and virus infected hard disk drive. Digital picture restoration tool salvages corrupted wedding photos, party snaps from unrecognized multimedia card, pen drive, zip drive. Digital photograph retrieval software restores accidentally deleted pictures from all type of USB storage devices. Professional digital image recovery software retrieves erased photos, pictures from undetectable flash card, memory card. Digital picture retrieval tool securely salvages all image file formats such as tiff, png, gif, jpeg from damaged FAT NTFS supported hard disk. Digital photo restoration software recovers lost images, snaps under all Windows operating system including Windows Vista Starter, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Enterprise and Windows Vista Business.
* Digital image retrieval tool recovers photos, pictures corrupted due to malicious program, virus attack or hardware fault.
* Digital picture salvage software restores deleted jpeg, jpg, gif files from formatted external storage media.
* Advanced digital photo rescue utility retrieves erased pictures, images from latest storage media brands like Konica, Olympus, Canon, Kodak etc.
* Professional digital photograph rescue tool salvages deleted photos, pictures from corrupted zip drive, flash card, DSLR camera.
* Digital picture salvage software is very easy to use and does not need any technical knowledge to operate it.

[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8331.html ]

Sony Digital Camera Repair (shareware $69; 2242 Кб)
Photo Recovery

Digital camera photo recovery software provides best solution to recover unintentionally deleted pictures just in few seconds. Image rescue application helps users to restore accidently formatted videos, images, audios, movie clips of all available formats like jpg, gif, jpeg, mpeg and tiff etc. Digital camera image retrieval program recovers snaps missing due to transfer of images from one device to another, battery failure, accidental deletion, virus attack or any other reason. Digital camera data recovery tool restores deleted data even if Drive Not Formatted or Drive Not Detected message is being displayed while accessing media on your system. Digital camera photograph rescue application salvages corrupted photos from crashed or inaccessible memory cards inserted in cameras having different capacities and ranges. Picture restoration software scans complete device and restore all recovered photos in same format without any change in color, size and pixels range. Image retrieval utility has graphical user interface wizard which creates user friendly environment to work with software. Picture retrieval application is available with inbuilt installation help manual which makes installation process easy for all users either technical or non-technical. Photograph salvage software salvages deleted picture folders from digital camera memory card even after formatting of multimedia device.
* Digital camera photo restoration software recovers deleted photos, corrupted images from inaccessible camcorder.
* Picture recovery utility restores images from crashed memory card and works with memory cards of all ranges.
* Handycam data retrieval program does not require any technical assistance to install software.
*Digital camera photograph revival application is compatible with all major brands of camera like Nikon, Samsung, Panasonic, Sony and Canon etc.
* Picture regain software is compatible with all Windows operating system like 98, 2000, 2003, XP and Vista
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8316.html ]

Virtual Teacher Screensaver 2.62 (freeware; 1994 Кб)
Nikolay Tiushkov

Virtual Teacher Screensaver - это удобная программа для увеличения вашего словарного запаса иностранного языка. Просто поставьте Virtual Teacher Screensaver на ваш компьютер, установите минимальное время задержки до начала работы скринсейвера, и каждый раз, когда вы будете делать перерыв в вашей работе, на экране будут появляться красивые слайды. Вверху вы видите иностранное слово или фразу, внизу - перевод на русский язык. Все тексты даются крупным шрифтом, так что вам даже не придется сидеть за компьютером, чтобы прочесть их. Вы можете ходить по комнате, офису, заниматься своими делами, упражняться на тренажере, делать что угодно. Вам надо просто время от времени бросать взгляд на экран вашего компьютера. Скоро вы обнаружите, что с удовольствием периодически смотрите на экран, узнавая слова, которые вы уже знаете, и запоминая еще не знакомые. Через некоторое время вы заметите, что все чаще и чаще появляются фразы, которые вы понимаете без перевода. Если вы уверены, что данную лексическую единицу вы уже хорошо освоили, вы просто нажимаете F8. Вы всегда можете посмотреть, сколько слов вы уже выучили: это так здорово - что-либо делать и всегда четко видеть результаты своей работы! Мы сделали все для того, чтобы, помимо увеличения вашего словарного запаса, вы могли получать еще и эстетическое удовольствие от использования VTeacherа. Вы можете настроить цветовые схемы, используемые для показа слов, самостоятельно - так, как это будет нравиться именно вам. Помимо этого, на заднем плане Virtual Teacher Screensaver может показывать фоновый рисунок. Помимо всего вышеперечисленного, Virtual Teacher Screensaver умеет произносить иностранный текст. Таким образом, для запоминания материала используется сразу несколько возможностей: все это повышает эффективность изучения иностранного языка. Итак, вы отдыхаете, занимаетесь своими делами, делаете что хотите, и при этом, практически незаметно, увеличиваете свой словарный запас,- не правда ли, заманчиво?
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8309.html ]

Recover Corrupted JPEG Picture (shareware $69; 2129 Кб)
Freeware Data Recovery

Digital photos recovery application is an effective and secure program which helps to quickly recover lost or damaged digital pictures without any modification in original one. Digital pictures recovery software provides retrieval of all deleted image files, photo albums, snapshots, webshots, photographs and other related data in efficient manner. Digital pictures rescue utility restores corrupted digital pictures from hard disk drive as well as USB removable multimedia storage devices. Digital photos retrieval tool gets back picture data even if isk not formattedor isk not detectederror messages are being displayed on system screen. Digital images rescue software supports all major brands of storage devices like Samsung, Sony, Olympus, Maxtor, Western Digital, IBM, Transcend, Kingston, Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Konica, Kodak etc. Digital snaps recovery utility salvages image files from all USB storage media like compact flash drive, SD (secure digital card), MMC (multimedia card), Micro drive, PDA (Personal digital assistance), memory card, pen drive, zip drive, digital camera etc. Digital pictures restoration program is compatible with all picture file formats like jpg, jpeg, bmp, gif etc. Digital images recovery utility provides accurate picture files recovery in short time period.
* Digital photos rescue tool is useful for restoration of all lost digital picture files, albums, snapshots etc.
* Digital pictures restoration program is easy to use utility with step-by-step user help guide.
* Digital snapshots rescue application is compatible with all major Windows operating system.
* Digital photos rescue tool provides preview option before actual recovery of recoverable picture files.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8289.html ]

dbForge Data Compare for SQL Server 1.10 (freeware; 5731 Кб)
Devart Devart

dbForge Data Compare for SQL Server это бесплатный, быстрый и легкий в использовании инструмент для сравнения и синхронизации данных в SQL базах. Хорошо продуманный интерфейс поможет вам быстро проанализировать различия в данных, а удобный мастер обеспечит синхронизацию результатов сравнения с дополнительными настройками.
Главные преимущества Data Compare:
1) Пользовательское построение соответствий в таблицах, колонках, представлениях и схемах
Вы можете вручную построить соответствия между таблицами, их колонками, представлениями и даже схемами, если это не удалось сделать автоматически. Эта возможность пригодится, если вы хотите сравнить следующее:
объекты с различными структурами данных
колонки объектов с различными структурами данных
одинаковые схемы с разными именами
2) Удобный мастер сравнения
Мастер сравнения поможет вам быстро выбрать базы, включить только необходимые объекты в сравнение и запустить сравнение. Также вы сможете использовать дополнительные настройки.
Все что вам нужно, это следовать по страничкам мастера. Это не только удобно, но и гарантирует точное сравнение данных.
3) Полный контроль синхронизации данных
Data Compare генерирует скрипт синхронизации, с которым вы можете сделать следующее:
выполнить в целевой базе
сохранить в файл
открыть в SQL редакторе
4) Поддержка различных SQL серверов
Вы можете сравнивать данные в базах, которые находятся на следующих SQL серверах: 2008, 2005 (включая Express редакцию), 2000 (включая MSDE редакцию).
5) Встроенный SQL редактор
При помощи SQL редактора вы сможете просматривать, редактировать и выполнять скрипты синхронизации или создавать и выполнять запросы.
Окно Данные предлагает широкий ряд опций для управления результатов запроса. Например, вы можете использовать режимы карточек или таблицы для удобного просмотра данных; группировать, сортировать и фильтровать данные в таблице; выгодно воспользоваться опцией кэширования обновлений и многим другим.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8269.html ]

MMC Card Recovery (shareware $69; 2242 Кб)
Memory Card Data Recovery

Memory card data restoration utility provides accurate solution to recover lost pictures, missing word documents and video file from memory card. MMC card recovery software helps to restore photographs, snaps, audio, video clips, other documents of different file format such as jpeg, gif, mp4, wav, mpeg, doc, xml and wmp. Memory card data salvage tool also retrieve business documents from various memory cards like micro-sD card, xD, compact flash and digital camera memory card. Memory card data rescue application instantly recover data lost due to various logical errors like rive not detectedor rive not formattedwhich are displayed while accessing device on computer. Memory card file backup utility facilitates with user interactive graphical user interface (GUI) and quickly retrieve lost data. Micro sD card data recovery software also restore deleted images, excel sheets and saves retrieved data in text file format at user specific location on PC. Memory card data retrieval tool rescue audio video files, pictures, word documents erased due to unintentional format, software corruption, improper handling of memory card and other human errors. MMC card recovery utility is compatible with memory card of all brands such as Kingston, Acer, Sony, Transcend, Casio, HP and Epson. Memory card data recovery program supports Windows operating system including Windows Vista Home Basic, Vista Business and Vista Ultimate.
* Memory card data salvage software easily recovers all lost data from damaged memory card.
* MMC card recovery tool facilitate to retrieve images and video clips erased due to hardware mismanage.
* Memory card data rescue utility restore data from memory cards of all available capacities.
* Memory card data recovery software helps to recover data from file folder with long names.
* Memory card data restoration tool rescue data from all kinds of memory card like sD and xD.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8266.html ]

Keystroke Recorder (shareware $45; 2078 Кб)
Spy Software

How can you determine your computer keyboard has been used in your absence! Keystroke recorder software trace all keyboard keys (character keys, numeric keys and functional keys), internet activities, typed username, passwords, chat conversation, visited websites and document list opened anywhere in tour computer. Keylogger monitoring program is just password protected process in which capable to log files from system keyboard and only authorized users can access and capture data in text file format. Keystroke surveillance utility appear for external system users and also it will not show on desktop, add/ remove program, task manager, control panel and start menu etc. Keylogger recording application is capable to records all files and folders operations activities including cut, copy, paste, delete and rename actions. Keystroke recording application is very easy to capture keystroke or internet activities, no procedural knowledge is essential even non technical person can easily operate keylogger software. Keylogger monitoring utility record all activities which done on your computer from other users like family, friend, employee, kids and other visited users. Keystroke recorder program can be used at home as well as in office to monitor the online/offline activities. keylogger monitoring application capture all visited application with name, date and time. Undetectable keylogger recorder utility runs in stealth mode of your pc background and remains completely unnoticeable by spyware or antivirus software.
* Keystroke recorder utility is easily used by all type of user like home, institute and organizations.
* Keylogger monitoring software can track all user activities like visitors, friends, children and spouse.
* Windows keylogger recording program capture all type of keystroke like online chatting, emails, visited URLs, text messages etc.
* Keystroke capture tool supports all Microsoft Windows operating system including NT, ME, XP and Vista.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8265.html ]

Undelete SD Card (shareware $69; 2201 Кб)
Disk Recovery Software

Multimedia card data salvage utility is safe and easy to use recovery of all formatted memory card files from your unreadable memory card storage devices. SD memory card file recovery software provides advance data backup facility to retrieve deleted, erased files, folders from all damaged memory card media including compact flash card, memory stick, XD-picture card, mini SD, micro SD card and other similar storage media devices. Memory card data undelete program is also capable to recover lost or damaged important document, corrupted photos from different storage capacity memory cards like 64MB, 256MB, 512MB, 1GB, 2GB, 8GB and higher. Compact flash card data retrieval utility is very useful to restore accidentally formatted, inaccessible digital pictures and other stored data from USB memory card digital devices. SD card data restoration software is compatible with all Windows operating system including Windows 98, 2000, 2003, NT, ME, XP and Vista. Memory card data salvage utility is non destructive utility to recover lost music files, mp3, mp4 songs, audio video clipping, music collection from damaged SD memory card.
* SD card file undelete program provides comprehensive tool to retrieve erased digital files, folders from logically damaged memory card.
* Memory card data recovery software recovers corrupted data due to improper restoration, hardware malfunction, virus bugs and other reasons.
* Compact flash data retrieval application is read only tool that easily retrieves unreadable document, albums from memory card.
* SD memory card data restoration utility restores lost music collection from different multimedia card, XD-picture card.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8263.html ]

Restore Digital Camera Pictures (shareware $69; 2242 Кб)
Data Recovery Software Affiliates

Digital camera data recovery software is easy to use, non-destructive recovery tool designed exclusively for digital camera users capable to restore all lost, corrupted, formatted, unreadable, deleted, photo images from USB Flash digital camera. Digital camera data recovery utility is reliable and powerful Data Recovery Software used to undelete and restore photo images stored on your digital camera or camcorder with full support to all major brands.
Digital Photo Recovery tool recover lost, deleted and formatted digital photos on removable media. Digital camera data recovery software works with every type of digital card reader appearing as a drive letter in your local PC. Digital photo recovery software is the best recovery solution for image recovery, picture recovery, photo rescue, data recovery, photo restore or digital media recovery whether files were deleted or media was corrupted or formatted. Digital camera snap recovery tool is reliable solution for photo rescue, digital image recovery or digital picture recovery.
* Digital camera disk revival utility is risk-free and no modify/overwrite operation is allowed on your original data.
* Digital camera data recovery software is designed to help you to recover digital photo files from media that is defective or damaged, as well as images that you may have inadvertently deleted from your storage media.
* Digital camera data retrieval tool Supports USB, Serial Port, LPT, FireWire, Floppy Drive, CD-ROM Drive, CD-R/W Drive, PCMCIA and more.
* Digicam image recovery tool recovers deleted image files (JPG, JPEG, TIF, GIF, RIFF, TIFF, AVI, PNG, BMP, 3gp) because of virus attack.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8255.html ]

Типовые договоры 1.0 (freeware; 4187 Кб)
Kondratiev Andrey

Программа "Типовые договоры" содержит в себе базу договоров (более 2000). Позволяет изменять текст договора и сохранять изменения в базе. При помощи программы можно найти нужный договор через поиск.
Редактор поддерживает основные функции, которые есть в Word. Договор можно распечать.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8253.html ]

Unerase Memory Card (shareware $69; 2242 Кб)
Digital Camera Unerase

Undeleted smart card data rescue application recovers lost, deleted and missing files and folders of jpg, gif, aif, mpa, mp3, mp4, wma, avi, bmp jpeg, midi files. Memory card files recovery software retrieves completely inaccessible data from corrupted external cards of mobile phone, digital cameras, iPod players. Lost files and folder recovery tool SD and xD cards handles system generated error like drive not recognized, drive not formatted while accessing your memory card on your PC or laptop. Software for instant data rescue restores your entire virus infected memory card data like image, picture, clips, songs and other important document files. Unerase memory card data recovery tool fully supports branded secure cards, SD, xD cards, micro cards and other device cards of Kingston, Transcend, Samsung and Sony. SD card file rescue software retrieves your entire data and stores in a user specific location inside your PC drive. Application provides step by step guidance and user manual for efficient data recovery from Smart cards.
* Formatted memory card data restoration utility efficiently rescues your lost or accidently deleted files like txt, jpg, mpg, mov and zip.
* SD card file salvage tool recovers lost images, pictures, photos, documents, office file and media files from logically corrupted memory cards.
* Recovery software instantly rescues data and restore recovered file in a user define drive location for further reference.
* Major brand (Transcend, Kingston, Sony, Samsung and Toshiba) of memory card are fully supported by unerase memory card data rescue tool.
* Application support major Window operating system such as windows 7, Vista, 2000, XP and 98 with classic GUI interface.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8241.html ]

Flash to Video Encoder PRO 5.0.8 (shareware $99.95; 13931 Кб)
Darryl Town

Flash To Video Encoder PRO это программа для конвертации флеш роликов (SWF и FLV) в видео формат (AVI, MP4, ASF/WMV, MPEG) или для записи флеш файла на DVD диск. Так же Flash To Video Encoder PRO позволяет сохранять каждый кадр флеш файла в виде изображения разных форматов (GIF, JPEG и пр.) Video to Flash Converter PRO так же позволяет добавлять Ваш логотип в виде любого изображения или картинки, видео файла или текстового сообщения для соблюдения авторских прав полученного Вами видео файла. Процесс конвертации позволяет пользователю контролировать и управлять содержимым флеш файла (например кликать мышью во флеш игре, нажимать на кнопки). Вы можете использовать Flash To Video Encoder PRO в различных целях, например создавать собственные видео фильмы из флеш роликов; записывать процесс Вашей любимой флеш игры в видео формат, сохранять их для будущего просмотра и пр. Так же вы можете конвертировать флеш файл в MP4 медиа формат для закачивания и просмотра на различных мобильных устройствах.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8239.html ]

Unerase Digital Picture (shareware $69; 2129 Кб)
Digital Camera Undelete

Photo retrieval application is cost effective tool that retrieves all your misplaced family album, lost digital snapshots or deleted pictures from Windows hard disk drive, memory cards (including Mini sD, xD picture card, compact flash, MMC card etc.), digital camera of any mega pixel resolution and other removable USB storage media. Erased picture recovery utility is GUI based that supports restoration of all major file formats including jpg, mpg, jpeg, gif, riff, tiff or bmp. Retrieval software for digital images unerase erased digital photo files even if system generated error messages like rive Not Detectedor "Drive Not Formattedare being displayed on your computer screen while accessing media. Digital image salvage tool recovers encrypted snaps lost due to unwanted circumstances like virus attack, media formatting, logical crash, corruption of master boot record, software/hardware malfunctioning or human error. File rescue software for digital photographs is compatible with all major manufacturers including Konica-Minolta, Transcend, Samsung, Hitachi, Panasonic, PRETEC, Sony, Western Digital, Kodak, Nikon, Fuji film, Olympus and other manufacturers. Erased picture restoration utility facilitates with thumbnail preview of retrievable digital files before saving them at user specified location.
* Digital photo retrieval program restores all lost picture albums from hard disk drive, inaccessible USB memory devices or damaged camera memory card.
* Digital snaps backup tool uses advanced file recovery algorithms to easily regain lost snaps even after corruption in MBR, MFT, DBR and FAT.
* Erased picture recovery application undelete deleted pictures and supports every type of digital card reader on your computer.
* Damaged image salvage tool is compatible with Windows 98, ME, 2000, server 2003, NT, XP and Vista.
* Digital photo restoration application provides inbuilt help manual for technical and non-technical users.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8233.html ]

Mail Password Recovery Software (shareware $38; 1024 Кб)
Digital Camera Data Recovery

Forget your login passwords of multiple email accounts, don worry! You can easily reveal all missing passwords using Mail password recovery software within seconds of time. Internet explorer password recovery software uncover password of various email accounts including Yahoo, Gmail, MSN, Hotmail, AutoComplete fields, database or administrator password. Hotmail password cracker utility is an easy to use and non-destructive application which reveals passwords of FTP Client software and ZIP, RAR, PDF, ACE files password and many more similar records. IE password breaker software retrieves login password of Newspaper group, online shopping, Magazine subscription, Web forms, Search engine accounts or any password protected windows application. Administrator password cracker software uncover all hidden password that are covered by asterisks of any windows protected application. Internet explorer password recovery and unmask tool support all major versions of internet explorer including 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0. Gmail password cracker utility provides user friendly graphical user interface which requires no technical skills to operate. IE password rescue program reveals password list and saves it to user specified location for future reference.
* Unmasks lost or forgotten passwords of any website account ever entered in your computer.
* Uncovers all hidden passwords covered behind asterisks (******) characters.
* Supports all major versions of internet explorer such as 4, 5, 6, 7 and IE8.
* Provides multilingual password recovery support and recovers password of any length and complexity without any loss of data.
* Saves recovered password list at user specified location for future reference.
* Provides interactive graphical user interface and does not require any technical skills to operate the software.

[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8232.html ]

Home Keylogger (shareware $45; 2283 Кб)
iPod Restore

Home keylogger software is easy to use convenient utility that is useful to find out what other users do on your desktop/laptop when you are not present. Keyboard key recorder tool tracks all typed keystrokes information including chats history, internet or browsing activities, mail addresses and visited website URL in hidden password protected encrypted log files. Software automatically sends this log file at your specified mail address so that you can know about user activities on your computer in your absence. Key logging shareware is also helpful to know about your kid or children internet activities and protect them from online dangers. Software easily installs on all windows operating system such as Vista, XP, NT, 98, 2000. Remote keylogger utility facilitates you to watch what your employees are doing on computer during their working hours in your absence. You can claim them and easily catch them with time wasted on web surfing, chatting or instant messaging. Software tracks all keystrokes including function keys or combination keys etc. Keylogger supports GUI interface so it is easy to use and operate and does not require any technical knowledge to operate it.
* Keylogger saves keystrokes, chat history, mail addresses and web surfing in password protected log file.
* Keyboard logger software runs secretly in the background and automatically send log file at your specified email address.
* Application easily tracks all user activity on computer with used files, folders, name, time and location.
* Software is useful to record your children internet activities on computer.
* Software supports GUI interface so it is easy to use and operate.
* Utility does not require any technical skills to operate it.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8218.html ]

Recovery Software for Digital Pictures (shareware $69; 2129 Кб)
Data Recovery Software

After several years of research and development, Data Doctor Recovery has made reliable, low-cost and most viable digital picture restoration utility which facilitates you to recover all lost photographs and images from any undetected storage device. Data Doctor Recovery offers the depth of expertise and strategic intelligence. Data Doctor highly trained professionals consistently conceive and build robust, IT based data recovery solutions. Company well qualified professionals use innovative and powerful algorithms that are being constantly developed in our lab to bring feasible data recovery solutions. Data Doctor Recovery mainly emphasizes on developing realistic and economical data restoration utilities.
Compatibility: Data Doctor team of well qualified engineers continuously indulged in updating its products to make them compatible with latest technology. Image rescue tool efficiently works under all latest versions of Windows operating system including Windows 7.
User Friendly: The most important aspect that made our products more admirable is its simplicity, easy to use and interactive graphical user interface (GUI) environment which enables non technical users to easily operate the software.
Robust: By using highly developed tools and techniques, Data Doctor team of qualified engineers has developed picture recovery tool such that it can recover data in any adverse situation like power failure, crashed disk partition, hardware malfunction, formatted disk drives etc.
Versatile: Data Doctor Recovery provides useful and cost-efficient picture retrieval utility by which user can easily recover deleted pictures of different file format including GIF, JPEG, JPG etc from any corrupted storage media.
Online support: Data Doctor most talented and highly dedicated team of well qualified engineers always (24X7) available to help all of its valuable clients.

[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8210.html ]

iPod Copier (shareware $20.00; 4699 Кб)
Onestop Soft

iPod Copier is very easy to use tool to Copy your iPod Device(Any Type), you can copy tracks from iPod to your local hard drive. With iPod Copier you can: 1- View all Audio/Video iPod Contents. 2- Play Audio/Video Tracks of the iPod. 3- View the properties of the Audio/Video tracks of the iPod. 4- Copy Audio/Video tracks from iPod to local hard drive. 5- Search in the tracks properties to easily find the desired track. 6- Support All iPod Types. The iPod must be configured for disk use IF you have iTunes installed in your system (You will find this option in the iPod options in the iTunes Application). Its recommended to connect the iPod to the computer before launching the iPod Copier. The transfer page contains the following 2 main Sections:- iPod Connection: This section will load iPod Contents (Audio/Video Files), So you can view and copy them:- Automatically detect the iPod: If you select this option, Then iPod Copier will automatically specify the iPod Drive, Manually Specify the iPod Drive: With this option you will specify the iPod Drive, In general selecting this option speeds up the loading process a little bit, and View and Copy iPod Contents: Click this button to go to the Copy Page to view and Copy iPod Contents. This button is hidden by default and will not appear unless the iPod DB is loaded successfully.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8207.html ]

iPod Copier (shareware $20.00; 4699 Кб)
Onestop Soft

iPod Copier is very easy to use tool to Copy your iPod Device(Any Type), you can copy tracks from iPod to your local hard drive. With iPod Copier you can: 1- View all Audio/Video iPod Contents. 2- Play Audio/Video Tracks of the iPod. 3- View the properties of the Audio/Video tracks of the iPod. 4- Copy Audio/Video tracks from iPod to local hard drive. 5- Search in the tracks properties to easily find the desired track. 6- Support All iPod Types. The iPod must be configured for disk use IF you have iTunes installed in your system (You will find this option in the iPod options in the iTunes Application). Its recommended to connect the iPod to the computer before launching the iPod Copier. The transfer page contains the following 2 main Sections:- iPod Connection: This section will load iPod Contents (Audio/Video Files), So you can view and copy them:- Automatically detect the iPod: If you select this option, Then iPod Copier will automatically specify the iPod Drive, Manually Specify the iPod Drive: With this option you will specify the iPod Drive, In general selecting this option speeds up the loading process a little bit, and View and Copy iPod Contents: Click this button to go to the Copy Page to view and Copy iPod Contents. This button is hidden by default and will not appear unless the iPod DB is loaded successfully.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8206.html ]

iPod Copier (shareware $20.00; 4699 Кб)
Onestop Soft

iPod Copier is very easy to use tool to Copy your iPod Device(Any Type), you can copy tracks from iPod to your local hard drive. With iPod Copier you can: 1- View all Audio/Video iPod Contents. 2- Play Audio/Video Tracks of the iPod. 3- View the properties of the Audio/Video tracks of the iPod. 4- Copy Audio/Video tracks from iPod to local hard drive. 5- Search in the tracks properties to easily find the desired track. 6- Support All iPod Types. The iPod must be configured for disk use IF you have iTunes installed in your system (You will find this option in the iPod options in the iTunes Application). Its recommended to connect the iPod to the computer before launching the iPod Copier. The transfer page contains the following 2 main Sections:- iPod Connection: This section will load iPod Contents (Audio/Video Files), So you can view and copy them:- Automatically detect the iPod: If you select this option, Then iPod Copier will automatically specify the iPod Drive, Manually Specify the iPod Drive: With this option you will specify the iPod Drive, In general selecting this option speeds up the loading process a little bit, and View and Copy iPod Contents: Click this button to go to the Copy Page to view and Copy iPod Contents. This button is hidden by default and will not appear unless the iPod DB is loaded successfully.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8205.html ]

iPod Copier (shareware $20.00; 4699 Кб)
Onestop Soft

iPod Copier is very easy to use tool to Copy your iPod Device(Any Type), you can copy tracks from iPod to your local hard drive. With iPod Copier you can: 1- View all Audio/Video iPod Contents. 2- Play Audio/Video Tracks of the iPod. 3- View the properties of the Audio/Video tracks of the iPod. 4- Copy Audio/Video tracks from iPod to local hard drive. 5- Search in the tracks properties to easily find the desired track. 6- Support All iPod Types. The iPod must be configured for disk use IF you have iTunes installed in your system (You will find this option in the iPod options in the iTunes Application). Its recommended to connect the iPod to the computer before launching the iPod Copier. The transfer page contains the following 2 main Sections:- iPod Connection: This section will load iPod Contents (Audio/Video Files), So you can view and copy them:- Automatically detect the iPod: If you select this option, Then iPod Copier will automatically specify the iPod Drive, Manually Specify the iPod Drive: With this option you will specify the iPod Drive, In general selecting this option speeds up the loading process a little bit, and View and Copy iPod Contents: Click this button to go to the Copy Page to view and Copy iPod Contents. This button is hidden by default and will not appear unless the iPod DB is loaded successfully.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8204.html ]

Recover Deleted Memory Stick Files (shareware $69; 2242 Кб)
Data Recovery Download Directories

Memory stick files retrieval utility is specially developed using advanced techniques and data recovery algorithms to restore deleted, damaged or inaccessible documents even error messages like rive Not Formattedor rive Not Detectedare displayed on your computer screen. Memory card data undelete tool effectively regains lost audios, video clips, animated pictures, photo albums, text, word and other general documents with all file formats including mp3, mp4, mpeg, mpg, jpeg, jpg, avi, txt, xls, doc, ppt, dll, zip, exe and html. Read-only memory stick file backup application examines corrupted or inaccessible data cards and save retrieved information in actual formats at desired location. Compact Flash card rescue program is compatible with all famous memory card manufacturer brands such as Sony, Samsun, Kodak, Nikon, Casio, Canon, Toshiba, Transcend, Kingston, SanDisk and Konica. SD card backup utility supports all major versions of Windows operating system including Windows Vista. MMC card data regain application provides an easily understandable wizard based graphical user interface which make this software easy-to-use.
* Memory stick data retrieval program recovers all file format documents such as jpeg, jpg, gif, mpeg, mpg, mp3, mp4, avi, doc, xls, dll and html.
* Memory card data undelete application easily restores deleted, damaged or infected pictures, photos, songs and video files.
*MMC card data recovery software is read-only or non destructive.
* Memory stick files rescue utility facilitates users to install and uninstall this application as per their requirement.
* Compact files backup tool supports all advanced versions of Windows OS.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8201.html ]

Parental Control keylogger (shareware $45; 1372 Кб)
Data Retrieval

Parental control keylogger is best surveillance tool to monitor computer keyboard in absence by recording each keystroke. Keyboard recorder software records emails, online chat details and passwords. Keyboard monitoring tool automatically starts with Windows login and records each character till system shutdown. Invisible keylogger software generates reports in .txt or .html format so that any previously typed data can be easily retrieved. Hidden keylogger program allows parents to keep check on internet use as software records web page links that are surfed, URLs visited, downloads and any data accessed through internet. Keyboard activity controlling tool stores all typed data in encrypted log file which can be send to any specified email id when needed. Keyboard keystroke recorder will not appear on desktop, start up menu, control panel, add/remove programs and even in installation path folders. Keylogger application guard system secretly as tool is password protected and no one can change its settings except administrator. Keyboard keystroke retrieval program is available with complete interactive help file section which makes software use easy for either technical or non technical user. Invisible keylogger program provides context help and menu support including explorer style user interface so that anyone can install software without any technical guidance.
* Parental control keylogger act as PC surveillance tool and records each character typed on keyboard.
* Keylogger utility works with all Windows operating system such as 98, 2000, 2003, XP, NT and Vista etc.
* Computer keyboard analyzer does not require any technical knowledge to install software.
* Hidden keylogger tool generates reports in .txt or .html format as per user choice.
* Keylogger application does not slow down system during working on computer.

[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8198.html ]

Bps Clean N Optimize (shareware $29.99; 4047 Кб)
BulletProof Soft

Clean N Optimize has highly customizable cleaning options and supports the most common web browsers and chat applications. It has a built in Shredder, so the cleaned files/folders can not be recovered again and separate shredder to manually shred files, folders, drives empty space, and recycle bin with the most famous and secure shredding algorithms. It is a powerful optimizer for Internet connection, System like optimizing hard drive, Windows Explorer like disable save settings at shutdown and Privacy like locking some hard drive partitions. Also it has Startup Manager to modify the applications that launch at windows startup and Uninstall Manager to modify or uninstall the user-installed applications. With Clean N Optimize you can clean your system with One Click. It has easy to use interface. The main window is just the start guide for you to use Clean N Optimize in efficient and easy way. Read the instructions and follow the links to start using the program. The Clean Settings Window consists from 3 main sections: 1)Internet items includes the following, categories Browsers: in the browsers tabs, you can check items that will be cleaned in each installed browser and Chat: in the chat tabs, you can check the items that will be cleaned in each installed chat program. 2)System Items consists of the windows category which consists from History Cleaner: check the history items that you want to clean which are related to windows system and Recent Files Cleaner: check the recent files that you want to clean which are related to windows built-in, the hard drive cleaner will free up the hard drive space by deleting the temporary and unnecessary files, you can include files with specific Extensions to be deleted. 3)Registry Items: the Broken registry items means the leftover registry keys that should be deleted from the system registry. With shredder you can shred 3 categories:1)Shred Files/Folders, 2)Shred Empty Space, 3)Shred Recycle Bin.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8183.html ]

Sony Memory Stick Undelete (shareware $69; 2242 Кб)
Free Recovery

Sony memory stick undelete software provides easy and quick data recovery solutions to recover all pictures, images, audio video files and folders from your corrupted memory card storage media. Memory card deleted files retrieval utility supports all types of memory card including Compact Flash card, Multimedia card(MMC), Secure Digital card(mini SD, SDHC, micro SD, SDHC Plus), xD-Picture card, Memory stick( MS, MS pro, Micro M2, MS pro DUO) and many more. Memory card data restoration tool recover data even if drive not formatted message is displayed by Windows OS while accessing memory card in your computer. Memory card data restoration tool supports easy recovery of all digital media files including jpg, jpeg, gif, bmp, midi, mov, mpeg, mp3, mp4, etc. Memory card data recovery software supports all major brands of memory card including Kingston, Transcend, Sony, Kodak, Olympus, SanDisk, Umax, BenQ etc in various storage capacities i.e. 64 MB, 128 MB, 256 MB, 1GB, 2GB, 4GB and even higher capacity memory cards. Memory card data recovery application easily runs on all Windows based operating system including Windows 98, 2000, 2003, NT, ME, XP and Vista.
* Sony memory stick data rescue software recovers deleted pictures, images, audio and video files from formatted or damaged memory card storage media.
* Memory card deleted files retrieval utility recovers data even when memory card is being pulled out while camera is on.
* Memory card data retrieval utility support all major memory card storage drives including 128 MB, 256 MB, 512 MB, 1GB, 2GB, 4GB and even higher capacities.
* Memory card data restoration utility is an easy to use application and does not require any technical skills to work with the software.

[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8173.html ]

Flash Decompiler Mac 4.0 (shareware $79.95; 15648 Кб)
Flash Decompiler Software

SWF Decompiler экспортирует Adobe Flash SWF файлы обратно во FLA формат одним кликом. Извлекает все объекты Flash из SWF файла и сохраняет их во FLA файл, который можно редактировать в родной Flash среде. Кроме того, SWF Decompiler сохраняет все объекты (изображения, звуки, текст, видео, морф-объекты, ActionScripts и т.д.), используемые в SWF файлах, в различные форматы файлов. Начиная с версии 4.0 поддерживает конвертацию SWF файлов, созданных во Flex среде в исходный код.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8154.html ]

Rescue Photo (shareware $69; 2129 Кб)
Data Recovery Software

Rescue photo is a digital photo recovery software that undelete all your digital pictures, wedding photographs, still images, party snapshots etc from your digital image storage media. Digital image recovery software is capable of retrieving digital photo gallery lost due to human mistake, power fault, virus attack, hardware failure, accidental deletion etc. Digital image restore program has an easy to use graphical user interface that can be easily operated by non technical people without any special training. Photo rescue tool provides thumbnail view of the digital pictures before actual recovery process starts and gives the capability of saving the recovered image at user specified location. Digital picture rescue tool supports all major digital camera brands such as Canon, Konica, Transcend, Kingston, Nikon, Sony etc available in different capacities. Digital photo recovery tool works on all Windows operating systems such as Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows ME, Windows 98 etc.
* Powerful and easy to use read only digital photo recovery tool restores all types of digital images like jpg, jpeg, gif etc.
* Support recovery from hard disks, removable media like pen drive, thumb drive etc and many more.
* Capability of saving the recovered digital image at user specified location.
* Enhanced with an interactive and user friendly graphical user interface.
* Digital picture rescue tool has the capability of showing preview of images that can be recovered before actual recovery process starts.
* Support all major brands such as Nikon, Canon, Sony, Kodak etc.
*Works on all Windows platforms such as Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, 2003, NT, ME, 98 etc.
[ http://soft.protoplex.ru/soft_show/8148.html ]

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