четверг, 20 мая 2010 г.

Программы софт-каталога ProtoPlex (2010-05-21 06:02:01)



Мы предлагаем Вам Партнерскую программу Уникальной в своем роде компании - WebShooter Multimedia. Мы предлагаем Вам Готовый Комплект Инструментов для организации Бизнеса через Интернет и Уникальную Партнерскую программу, которая позволяет Заработать абсолютно Каждому, Кто имеет Желание, Готов Учиться и Работать. Мы предлагаем Вам очень серьёзный бизнес.

Почему партнерскую программу, именно, этой компании?

  • Партнерская программа - наиболее легкий и простой способ заработка начинающим Интернет - предпринимателям и очень Выгодный Способ монетизировать свой Сайт, Блог, Форум, рассылку "продвинутым юзерам".
  • Выгодный продукт компании (фактический набор продуктов для ведения любого бизнеса в сети).
  • Простая система оплаты и очень удобный и доступный Каждому Способ получения Вознаграждения.
  • Получаете Доход от проделанной работы много раз, причем постоянный Доход - 5% от Усилий большого количества людей и более 60% от Собственных Усилий.
  • Эта Партнерская программа Только начинает Работу в Рунете и у нас "не паханое поле". Вы один из прервых кому стало об этом известно.
  • Готовые Инструменты для русскоязычных пользователей, без дополнительной платы.
  • Весь этот набор товаров Вы получаете Всего за 10,75 в Месяц. И кроме этого Вы сразу становитесь Партнером и имеете Возможность получать Доход до $1952 в месяц, даже если Вы НИКОГО не пригласили.

Полностью Готовая автоматизированная система и комплект Инструментов Сделают Ваш компьютер Источником Стабильного Дохода!

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Программы софт-каталога ProtoPlex
Программы софт-каталога ProtoPlex (2010-05-21 06:02:01)

Всего программ в каталоге: 7870
Размер каталога: 132843.32 Мб
Бесплатных программ: 3342
Новинок: 3165

Easy Disk Drive Safeguard 3.41 (shareware $39; 549 Кб)
Ixis Ltd

Easy Disk Drive Safeguard - защищенная паролем утилита, с помощью которой вы можете скрывать и блокировать ваши локальные, сетевые, flopy и USB диски. Когда Вы скрываете или блокируете ваши диски они становятся скрытыми или недоступными из любых windows программ типа Windows Explorer, Outlook Express, Microsoft Office и так далее. Программа так-же умеет отключать автозапуск, вы можете отключить Автозапуск определенных дисков или некоторых типов носителей, например, вы можете, отключить Автозапуск у всех USB дисков, или у всех CD/DVD, или для всех сменных дисков HDD. Вы можете применять защиту паролем к программе, чтобы предотвратить ваших пользователей от изменения назначений безопасности, которые вы предписываете. Это программное обеспечение может управляться только под акаунтом администратора, что означает, что ваши пользователи не смогут внести изменения или удалить программу.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/4842.html ]

ABC Backup 5.50 (shareware $29.95; 960 Кб)
A-B-C Backup Software

A-B-C Backup software позволяет автоматически по настраиваемому расписанию копировать данные с вашего компьютера на различные носители информации, сетевые диски и удаленные FTP серверы. Программа может создавать резервные копии, как в исходном виде, так и в виде архивного файла с настраиваемым именем файла или директории для копирования. Например, название архива может содержать дату архивации. Для упаковки поддерживается формат ZIP, совместимый с gzip. Встроенный планировщик задач позволит вам настроить порядок проведения архиваций и запустить любое внешнее приложение до и после копирования по расписанию. С помощью A-B-C Backup software вы можете создать неограниченное число заданий.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/2607.html ]

Easy Desktop Keeper 2.81 (shareware $39.00; 728 Кб)
Ixis Ltd

Easy Desktop Keeper - Программа дает вам возможность сохранять, восстанавливать, управлять и зафиксировать ваш рабочий стол, включая папки и файлы, иконки, заставки. Если вы зафиксируете ваш рабочий стол, то каждый раз при перегрузке PC, программа восстановит расположение ваших иконок, также, возвратит ваши старые обои и заставку. Вы можете создавать неограниченное количество рабочих столов для разных целей, таких как игры, работа, интернет-серфина.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/2027.html ]

XLS (Excel) to DBF 1.40 (shareware $29.95; 1347 Кб)
WhiteTown Software

DBF to XLS Конвертер дает вам возможность конвертировать ваши dbf файлы в xls (Excel) и xlsb (Excel 2007) формат.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9297.html ]

Easy Backup for Outlook Express 2.27 (shareware $34; 893 Кб)
Ixis Ltd

Easy Backup for Outlook Express - программа которая позволяет вам архивировать и восстановливать данные вашей почтовой программы Outlook Express: email сообщения, почтовые адреса, настройки аккаунтов, список блокированных отправителей, адресные книги, папку Избранные, адресную книгу Windows и папку Мои Документы. Программа производит зашифрованный архив, который вы можете хранить на жостком диске компьютера или записать на CD или DVD диск.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/2032.html ]

Corporate SMTP Server 5.16 (shareware $69; 14165 Кб)
Ixis Ltd

Corporate SMTP Server - Корпоративный SMTP сервер - это эффективная SMTP серверная программа, Вы можете использовать эту программу во многих средах в пределах от корпоративного почтового сервера до автономного SMTP сервера для вашего компьютера. Так же провайдерами интернет, где нужен ультрабыстрый сервер для отправки писем. Программа имеет множество функций защиты, в том числе и возможность фильтровать спам. Его можно использовать вместе с фактически любым отправителем почты или программами, включая Outlook Express, Eudora, Netscape или The Bat. Хотя, Corporate SMTP Server очень прост с первого взгляда, он очень мощный.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/4841.html ]

CD-DVD Lock 2.9 (shareware $35; 900 Кб)
Ixis Ltd

CD-DVD Lock - программа дает возможность запретить доступ на чтение или на запись съемных дисков - CD, DVD,USB, дискет, а также на определенные разделы жестких дисков.Вы можете ограничить доступ двумя путями: скрыть ваши устройства от возможности просмотра или закрыть к ним доступ. При этом данные не шифруются и не изменяются. Главное предназначение программы - ограничение возможности копирования данных между жесткими и съемными дисками и запрет на доступ к медиа-носителям. CD-DVD Lock поможет вам избежать проблем, связанных с несанкционированными установками программного обеспечения со съемных дисков.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/2028.html ]

Internet Speed Booster (freeware; 5103 Кб)
Audio Tools

Internet Speed Booster is the powerful easy way to speed up your internet connection. With Internet Speed Booster you can speed up you internet connection, utilize your memory, utilize your internet connection and change your windows settings. The main window consists of the following items: Speed Booster, Net Pinger, Ram Booster and System Settings. The Speed Booster contais the Wizard mode, Advanced mode, and Backup manager. The Net Pinger contains Pingr settings. The Ram Booster consists of the System status and Ram configuration. The System Settings contains Internet properties, System Settings, Modem Settings and Network Settings. To speed up your connection just choose one of the predefined connection settings and click Optimize Now. In Backup manager every time you change your settings the program will save your old settings. You can choose the backup file you want to restore or delete. The PING utility helps to keep you from getting your modem connection disconnected by your service provider. Most Internet Service Providers Disconnect users after a fixed period of modem activity. The option System Status in Ram Booster enables you to monitor your system resources. And you can optimize your memory with one click. You can adjust your ram booster settings from Ram Configuration form in Ram Booster. All the tools you need to be efficient on the Web!Boost and optimize the speed of your internet connection with this set of tools. Net Pinger prevents you from being disconnected from your ISP. Speed Booster optimizes the way your PC sends and receives data over the internet. RAM Booster allows you to free physical memory or RAM on your PC .
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9333.html ]

DVD Rip N Burn (freeware; 10141 Кб)
Audio Tools

Rip and burn DVDs - Copy DVD to AVI, DIVX, MPEG, VCD, SVCD, and more. Powerful and FREE DVD Ripper and Burner with multi-language support is an affordable way to backup your dvd movie library. The best and affordable way to backup your dvds to your hard drive or cds. you can rip your library to avi compressed pick divx or another codec to encode to. you can rip to vcd for burning a vcd to play in your home dvd player. you can also rip to svcd for burning to play in your home dvd player. You can Copy DVD movie into several video types, including VCD(MPEG-1 format), SVCD (MPEG-2 format), DivX AVI and other AVI (compressed by the selected codec, DivX codec perfered).

Copy DVD to VCD - Encoding to MPEG1 support
Copy DVD to SVCD - MPEG2 encoding & decoding support
Copy DVD to AVI - DivX and other standard AVI compression codec support
Convert DVD movies to DIVX format
Backup DVD copy
Powerful wizard will help you to complete conversion setting in several steps
DVD Decrypt and Backup DVD To Harddisk
Multi-Language Support
Best of all its FREE.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9332.html ]

Media Player Max (freeware; 16128 Кб)
Audio Tools

Media Player Max is an easy-to-use program with amazing interface to play almost all media files with an easy-to-use playlist, The player can also play DVD-Video discs and Video-CD discs. The program features are: 1) Supported Input Audio Formats: wav , wma , mka , m4a , mp3 , mp4 , ogg , aac , 3g2. 2) Supported Input Video Formats: .wmv , asf , avi , mpg , mp2 , mpe , mpeg , mp4 , m4v , ogm , mov , hdmov, 3gp , 3gpp , 3g2 , flv. 3) Supports Video DVDs . 4) Easy-to-use design. 5) Smart playlist with thumnails view. 6) Variety range of codecs. The file menu contains the basic menu items that enable you to open your media file you have many choices to open media file as follow: 1) Open Media File: To open supported media files. Like (wmv, asf, avi, flv, ogm, 3gp, etc. 2) Open DVD: Let you choose the DVD-Drive to play the inserted video DVD from it. 3) Recently played files: Open from the recent files that you played. The play Menu supports full playback control it contains many menu items as follows: 1. Play/Pause: Playing and pausing the media and you can do that by using the short key (Ctrl+P). 2. Stop: Stopping the video play and you can use (Ctrl+S) short key. 3. Play Mode: Change the playback mode between three states Normal, Continuous and Shuffle. 4. Repeat Mode: No Repeat: After the end of playlist or the end of the file the program stops playing, Single Repeat: the program repeats the current file only and Repeat All: Repeats all files. 5. Full Screen: Toggle full screen mode and you can use (Ctrl+F) short key. 6. Increase Speed:Doubles the playback speed and make the playing faster you can use (Ctrl+Up Arrow) shortkey. 7. Decrease Speed:Decreses the playback speed and make the playing slower, you can use (Ctrl+Down Arrow) shortkey. 8. Reset Speed: Normal playback speed. (Ctrl+R) short key. 9. After file Playing finished: Choose what you want after playback finishes. Do Nothing: after playing nothing to do. Exit Media player Max: Exit the program
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9331.html ]

10-Страйк: Инвентаризация Компьютеров 3.5 (shareware $133; 4581 Кб)
Dmitriy Stepanov

10-Страйк: Инвентаризация Компьютеров - это программа для инвентаризации компьютеров в локальных сетях, позволяет администраторам сетей вести базу данных учёта компьютеров. Программа предоставляет гибкие средства для обнаружения компьютеров в сети и добавления их в базу. При наличии прав администратора вы сможете по сети просмотреть конфигурации аппаратного и программного обеспечения удалённых компьютеров. Например, узнать типы установленных процессоров, количество оперативной памяти, типы и объемы жёстких дисков, информацию о разделах дисков, CD/DVD-приводах, видеокартах, принтерах, установленной ОС, программах в автозагрузке и так далее. Программа устанавливается только на компьютер администратора и не требует установки дополнительного ПО на компьютерах пользователей. 10-Strike Network Inventory Explorer содержит мощный генератор отчётов, позволяющий создавать отчёты в различных форматах (Ms Word, Ms Excel, HTML, текстовый файл) как по отдельным компьютерам, так и по нескольким сразу. Группы данных, включаемые в отчёт, настраиваются.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9321.html ]

DVD Ripper to iPod (freeware; 9463 Кб)
Audio Tools

DVD To iPod is the powerful easy to use DVD Ripper tool for Video DVD devices into iPod Supported formats. With DVD To iPod you can do the following: 1- Rip from most Video DVDs [PAL/NTSCwith different encryptions to MP4 iPod supported format. 2- Rip from most Video DVDs [PAL/NTSCwith different encryptions to one of the following video output types: AVI, MPEG, MPG, ASF, WMV, MPE, MOV (QuickTime), MP4, MPEG-2 (ES, PS, TS). 3- Convert to any other format from one of the supported video codec. 4- Adjust the settings of the output video file (i.e. the size, bit rate...etc "Video Settings and Audio Settings Pages "). 5- Preview movie while ripping. With output audio settings window you can: Change common options for audio (Codec, Bit rate, Channels, Sample Rate). With output video settings window you can: Change common options for video (Codec, Bit rate, Scale, Encapsulation method). With output General settings window you can: Disable user request when output movie file already exist in the output directory, Shutdown PC when ripping complete, Open output directory when ripping complete, Lock DVD drive while ripping and Eject DVD when ripping complete. You can rip your DVD movie both PAL and NTSC systems, with the following output formats which are Container formats: ASF, AVI, MOV (QuickTime), MP4, MPEG-2 (PS,TS), OGG, MPG1. Video codecs: DivX, H.263, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, MJPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV, Xvid. Subtitles: DVD, SVCD, DVB, OGM, Matroska, MPEG-4 Timed Text, Text files, Vobsub. Audio codecs: AAC, AC3, MP3, Speex, Vorbis, MPA, MP2A.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9329.html ]

Internet spy software (shareware $49; 2805 Кб)
USB Data Recovery

Windows keystroke recorder software will let you monitor what people do when you share your computer with them. Tool secretly records all the pressed keys information and monitors what programs opened and when like chat conversations, and other keyboard typing activities. Invisible key logger adapts the hidden way to keep an eye to prevent your employees, children, others people from unofficial access of internet, and private data of your system. Remote keyboard monitoring software perform its operation in stealth mode, completely hides itself from start menu, task manager list, add-remove programs trace secret information and records keyboard activities in a password protected log file which is encrypted and can be protected with a password. Computer activity monitoring software provide feature to send log file secretly with the help of email to a specified user. Internet spy software is the simple method to record what your child, spouse or employee does on the computer behind your back. Advance Key logger with screenshots tool is fully undetectable, so that any current or future anti-spyware/virus scanners can detect them. Application is also capable to store all the running application screenshot at regular interval of time. Our advance Key logger software does not just monitor keystrokes, it is capable of recording language specific characters (ex. umlauts), date and time certain window was initiated as well as the caption of that window etc.
* Windows key logger software runs in hidden mode to record keystrokes in log file.
* Keystroke monitoring software can capture screenshots of accessed activity.
*Utility runs in background, so cannot be detected by any spyware or antivirus.
*Tool provides interactive graphical user interface with having support to all windows based operating system.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9320.html ]

Total video converter Tool 2.3.2 (shareware $26.95; 10043 Кб)
tunny Inc.

Total Video Converter is an all-in-one and fast video and audio conversion tool, extremely easy to use.Total Video Converter can convert video files between almost all popular video formats including AVI, MPEG-1,2,4, WMV, MP4, MPG, DivX, 3GP, 3G2, MOV, FLV, VOB, Xvid, MKV, TS, M4V, ASF, MJPEG etc.It can be used like iPhone video converter, 3GP video converter, PSP video converter, iPod video converter, and Zune video converter to convert all popular video formats to your mobile phone, Sony PSP, Apple iPod/iPhone, Zune video player and other portable video devices.Additionally, Video Converter provides an easy way to convert video/audio files to popular audio formats, such as MP3, WMA, AC3, M4A, OGG, AAC etc. Key Features:1.Support converting video files from one format to another 2.Support converting audio files between various audio formats 3.Support extracting audio tracks from video file 4.Support batch conversion with a task list 5.Support the latest popular video formats - MKV, TS, h.264, DVR-MS, VC-16.Windows Vista Supported7.Unmatchable converting speed, wonderful output quality 8.You can select video size, bit rate, NTSC/PAL, frame rate, audio codec, sample rate etc 9.So easy to modify the name and path of output files 10.When converting files, you can pause, stop and continue at any moment 11.With the user- friendly interface, Total Video Converter is suited for both veterans and beginners. You can complete your conversion as easy as 1-2-3 12.All decoders and encoders are built in. Once you download and install Total Video Converter, all supported formats can be converted without downloading any more codec 13. Safe to install and viruses-free. We respect your privacy. So there are no spyware and adware in Total Video Converter
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9317.html ]

Free Audio Mixer Indepth (freeware; 5366 Кб)
Sound Indepth

Audio Mixer InDepth is a MP3 and WAVE file mixing software. This versatile tool gives you everything you need for live and in-studio mixing/remixing, complete with automatic beat synchronization, one-touch looping, solid track music search, interactive graphic waveform displays, smooth CrossFades and AutoFade at the click of a button. The automatic seamless loop engine and the synchronized sampler will let you perform astounding remixes on the fly. Features: Record WAV or MP3 file mixes, drag-and-drop functionality, simulated turntables, pitch control, punch-in, boost buttons, playlist, visual beat representation, Spot-on beat matching with one click, tempo-precise loops, cue points on the fly, mix recording, superb EQs, scratch presets, fast-seek mode, skinnable interface, show samples, effects, save output mixed audio to WAV or MP3 format, Explorer-style interface for loading music, song structure visualizations, lets anyone produce polished MP3 and WAVE mixes and makes even the most inexperienced user feel like a real DJ.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9311.html ]

DVD-Video Image Extractor (freeware; 12128 Кб)
Sound Indepth

Free DVD Image Extractor is an easy tool which enables you to play DVD-Videos and capture snapshots . It supports three tools for capturing snapshots which are Single snapshot , Continuous snapshots and Timed snapshots . By Single snapshot you can capture a single snapshot from the video and continuous snapshots allows you to capture a portion of the video as a sequence of images. Timed snapshots allows you to capture snapshots every certain amount of milliseconds.The main window is composed of three main parts: Media Actions, Media Tools and the Main Menu Bar. In Media Actions you will see a collection of buttons which includes the main media commands which are: rewind, play, pause, stop and fast forward. Also in the right side, you will find a button for turning audio on/off and a slider for setting the desired volume level. You should also notice the bar above edia Actionswhich shows the progress of the movie.In the Media Tools part, you will find the functionality we provided for you to capture snapshots: By clicking the first button, you will capture a single snapshot. You can use the shortcut key Ctrl + F1. By clicking the second button, you will start to capture a sequence of images until you click it again. You can use the shortcut key Ctrl + F2. By clicking the third button, you might be asked to enter a number in terms of milliseconds (depends on how you set your options), you may check the checkbox shown in this dialog to use the number you specified as the default without showing the dialog again. DVD-Video Image Extractor will then capture a snapshot automatically and will use that number as the interval of time to be waited after each snapshot. You can use the shortcut key Ctrl + F3. The last button is used for activating the full screen display. The Main Menu Bar consists of the File Menu: In this menu you can either open one of the available DVD discs or exit, Edit Menu: You find a list of the media tools command described earlier.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9310.html ]

SID iPod Copier (freeware; 1746 Кб)
Sound Indepth

IPod Copier is an easy to use tool to copy your iPod contents to your computer backup library DB, and restore it again. You can Copy selected play lists to PC, Copy selected tracks, View track information, Backup and restore Library DB. Your system must have iTunes 4.7 or later installed, The iPod must be configured for disk use and automatic updating (You will find these options in the iPod options in the iTunes Applications), Its recommended to connect the iPod to the computer before launching the iPodManager, iPodManager will automatically search for the connected iPod and load all its contents and also loads the library contents. If the iPod is not connected or the connection is still in progress it will notify you. iPod Play Lists: You can do the following with the iPod contents : Copy selected play lists to PC: This will copy all the selected play lists to your PC; you will be prompted to select the path to copy the contents to. iPodCopier will create a folder with each play list name and copy all its contents to this created folder, Copy selected tracks: This will copy all the selected tracks to the PC; you will be prompted to select the path to copy the contents to, View track info: this will show you the track info (You can get the track info also by double clicking the track or right click on the iPod list). Library Play Lists: You can do the following with the library contents:- View track info: this will show you the track information (You can get the track info also by double clicking the track or right click on the library list)
, Backup Library DB: This will backup the library DB files so you can restore them in case of system crash or the library has damaged, Restore Library DB: This will restore the previously backed-up library DB files this can help you in case of system crash or the library has damaged.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9309.html ]

SID iPod Cleaner (freeware; 1814 Кб)
Sound Indepth

IPod Cleaner is an easy to use tool to to cleane up your itunes library contents. You can remove duplicates using duplicate filter and delete dead tracks from the library.You can also view any track information by double click on the track.Your system must have iTunes 4.7 or later installed. iPodCleaner will automatically search for the iTunes application and load its library contents. Library Play Lists: You can do the following with the library contents: View track info: this will show you the track information (You can get the track info also by double clicking the track or right click on the library list). Remove Duplicates: This will remove the duplicates from the library, A duplicate filter will appear like the following:- If iPodClener detects more than one track which share the same selected filter items, it will keep one and remove all the others. Restore Library DB: This will restore the previously backed-up library DB files this can help you in case of system crash or the library has damaged.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9308.html ]

SID iPod Manager (freeware; 1814 Кб)
Sound Indepth

IPod Manager is an easy to use tool to manage your iPod,it can copy files iPod to PC and vice versa, remove files from liberary, delete dead tracks, synchoranize your iPod with your library, creat new playlists delete files from library and hard disk, Your system must have iTunes 4.7 or later installed, The iPod must be configured for disk use and automatic updating (You will find these options in the iPod options in the iTunes Applications), Its recommended to connect the iPod to the computer before launching the iPodManager, iPodManager will automatically search for the connected iPod and load all its contents and also loads the library contents. If the iPod is not connected or the connection is still in progress it will notify you. iPod Play Lists: You can do the following with the iPod contents : Copy selected play lists to PC: This will copy all the selected play lists to your PC; you will be prompted to select the path to copy the contents to. iPodManager will create a folder with each play list name and copy all its contents to this created folder. Copy selected tracks: This will copy all the selected tracks to the PC; you will be prompted to select the path to copy the contents to. View track info: this will show you the track info (You can get the track info also by double clicking the track or right click on the iPod list). Refresh the iPod contents: this will refresh the iPod contents from the connected iPod. Library Play Lists: You can do the following with the library contents : Add file to library, Add folder to library, Delete selected play lists, Delete selected tracks, Permanent delete selected tracks, Delete dead tracks, Remove Duplicates, Update library info, View track info, Refresh the Library contents, Backup Library DB, Restore Library DB.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9307.html ]

Free Image InDepth (freeware; 5141 Кб)
Sound Indepth

SID Image In Depth consumer-level photo editor is the professional standard in digital imaging, with an endless selection of drawing tools, filters, and color-adjustment capabilities for manipulating items in almost any way. Offers unique features designed specifically for amateur photographers, hobbyists, and business users who want a simple-to-use yet powerful digital-imaging solution. Flexible processing, filtering, and versatile delivery features enable you to prepare images for print, e-mail, or posting on the Web. Create eye-catching typography within shapes, perform shadow and highlight correction, explore expanded color-matching features, parlay efficient layer comps. You can use this program to edit photos for graphic and Web design, photography, and video. From simply lightening dark photos to improving color and contrast to adding objects or people that werent originally in the picture. Image In Depth innovative features meet any professional need.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9306.html ]

Free Icon InDepth (freeware; 2214 Кб)
Sound Indepth

Icon In Depth works like a Swiss Army Knife of icon & cursor manipulation. Features find & manage icons on your system, image-editing features such as effects, filters, rotation, cropping, as well as a huge color palette, easy-to-use editor that has all the functions for creating/editing ICO, ANI, CUR, GIF, JPEG, WMF, EMF, TGA, and WBMP files, image filters, including Blurring, Sharpening, Embossing, Diffusing, and Color Balance, image effects, including Linear Gradient, Radial Gradient, Rectangular Gradient, WAV, 3D Shadow, 3D Button, Text Gradient Effects, Noise, and Arbitrary Rotation, create icons with a preset sizes, use dynamic transparent colors, create cursors with free hotspots, create & view animated cursors, extract icon from any file or folder, paste images from clipboard, select Regions for Import from .bmp, .jpg, .gif, or .wmf images, Drag and Drop files for editing, unlimited undo and redo steps, support multi-language interface.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9305.html ]

FLV Player (freeware; 2666 Кб)
Sound Indepth

FLV Player allows you to play flash video file . The play Icon will play and pause the currently playing flash video file . The Sound Icon will change the volume or mute . Double Click on the player will Toggle on/off the full screen mode . Clicking this item Open File will show the standard open dialog to open the flash video file that you want to play ,if you double click a flv file in the windows explorer, it will be play with SC flv player. Use this option if your flv file extension is associated with another program or does not associated at all. Clicking the item Replay will replay the current file from the beginning . Clicking the item Full Screen will toggle the player to full screen and vice versa .
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9304.html ]

DVD Ripper InDepth (freeware; 108 Кб)
Software Club

With DVD Ripper InDepth you can rip from most Video DVDs [PAL/NTSCwith different encryptions to one of the following video output types: AVI,MPEG,MPG,ASF,WMV,MPE, MOV (QuickTime), MP4, MPEG-2 (ES,PS,TS) and convert to any other format from one of the supported video codec DivX, H.263, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, MJPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV, Xvid. Also you can You can adjust the settings of the output video file (i.e. the size, bit rate...etc) and Preview movie while ripping. With output audio settings window you can: Change common options for audio (Codec, Bit rate, Channels, Sample Rate).With output video settings window you can: Change common options for video (Codec, Bit rate, Scale, Encapsulation method).With output General settings window you can: Disable user request when output movie file already exist in the output directory. Shutdown PC when ripping complete. Open output directory when ripping complete. Lock DVD drive while ripping. Eject DVD when ripping complete. You can rip your DVD movie both PAL and NTSC systems, with the following output formats: Container formats ASF, AVI, MOV (QuickTime), MP4, MPEG-2 (PS,TS), OGG, MPG1 and Video codecs
DivX, H.263, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, MJPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV, Xvid and Subtitles
DVD, SVCD, DVB, OGM, Matroska, MPEG-4 Timed Text, Text files, Vobsub and Audio codecs
AAC, AC3, MP3, Speex, Vorbis, MPA, MP2A. DVD Ripper InDepth is a powerful easy to use DVD Ripper tool for Video DVD devices .
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9303.html ]

DVD Player (freeware; 13556 Кб)
Sound Indepth

DVD Player is one of the most efficient and powerful tools ever used to play DVD movies. By using this player, you will be able to grab snapshot and save it as an image and grab snapshot and save it directly as wallpaper; you can also set how you want to set the wallpaper (Tile - Stretch - Center). Also you can grab snapshot and save it to the clipboard. Using this player is so easy. To play a DVD, just select the DVD drive you wish to use by pressing the DVDs button. Use the media buttons to have full control over the movie. You can use the menu buttons as well to use the DVDs menu. You can physically eject your DVD, alter the volume, switch to full screen mode, grab a snapshot or enter to the Options dialog. In the Options dialog you can choose one of the available languages. Also you can set how you want to save your snapshot. If youre experiencing poor video quality; you may use the hardware acceleration to improve it. You are allowed to disable screen saver to watch your movie without being interrupted. You may turn the Auto Play option on to add a command to the context menu for your DVD, as well as adding "DVD Player" to your Auto Play list.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9302.html ]

CD-DVD Indepth (freeware; 11854 Кб)
sound indepth

CD-DVD InDepth for CD & DVD burning & ripping. Data Burner - create & burn traditional data CDs, DVDs, ISO-images, multi-session & bootable. Audio Burner - create & burn audio CDs easily from WAV, MP3, WMA, OGG & more. Create DVDs, Perfect Audio CDs or Data Discs that can be read with any PC. Supports most IDE, USB, IEEE1384, SCSI DVD+R/RW, CD recorders, Records DVD+R/RW & CD discs On-the-Fly, erases re-writable discs. Supports Buffer Protection systems, Burn Proof & others error free recording types, Create fully compatible ISO9660 Level 1, 2 & Joliet data CDs & DVDs, Imports multi-session CDs & DVDs & merges new files with an existing session, Detects drives types, prevents you from trying to record a DVD on a CD-RW recorder, Allows fast ripping from audio CDs to WAV, MP3, WMA or OGG formats directly without intermediate WAV files using your own codec presets, Gets CDDB information for audio CDs, Supports jitter-correction ripping modes to restore damaged tracks from scratched CDs. ASPI is not required for NT/2000/XP.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9299.html ]

DBF Tools for Windows 1.55 (shareware $39.95; 2240 Кб)
Sergey Chehuta

CDBF для Windows с графическим интерфейсом пользователя (GUI) - это мощный вьюер и редактор баз данных, который дает возможность работать с базами данных не прибегая к программированию, а посредством знакомого Windows интерфейса. Эта небольшая и удобная утилита предлагает практически все, что вам нужно для работы с .dbf файлами. Программа дает возможность просматривать и редактировать мемо поля в форматах dBase III, dBase IV, FoxPro, Visual FoxPro и dBase Level 7.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9291.html ]

WebcamMax 7 (shareware $19.95; 23550 Кб)
Rupert Song

Use WebcamMax to add thousands of cool effects or doodling to webcam video for your live video chats and live streaming. You can download limitless effects at webcammax.com.

It enables you to record fantastic videos with our cool effects and directly upload to broadcast on YouTube or WebcamMax site, and snap the picture of video box and upload to share the photos on WebcamMax site. Its really easy to share!

Virtual Webcam is also enabled. You can share movies, video clips or your desktop screen with your family and friends through Instant Messengers even without a real webcam.

Besides, you can paint on the video box freely and directly to make interesting doodling. You can also save your current effects as Effect Template for quick use.

In addition, the Picture in Picture feature enables you to broadcast different sources at the same time.

WebcamMax works for almost all webcam programs such as Windows Live Messenger, Skype, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ, Paltalk, Camfrog, YouTube, Ustream, JustinTV, and much more.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9288.html ]

Flash to Video Converter 4.0 (shareware $39.95; 10786 Кб)
SWFKit Software

Конвертирует форматы Adobe Flash в такие популярные форматы как AVI, GIF, JPG, BMP, Projector EXE, SCR. С Flash to Video Converter Вы легко преобразуете SWF и FLV Flash файлы в самый удобный видео формат AVI. Это позволит просматривать Ваш Flash ролик на любом видео плеере или CD проигрывателе. Вы можете кастомизировать параметры конечного видео файла. Набор библиотек Flash to Video Converter позволяет получить AVI файл из SWF или FLV без потери качества. Также Вы можете сделать презентацию своей Flash игры в видео формате, так как Flash to Video конвертер качественно захватывает интерактивные Flash файлы.
Проигрывать Flash файлы без установки Flash плеера позволит конвертация в Projector EXE. А конвертация в Advanced Projector EXE дает возможность добавить элементы управления, уникальную иконку, а также позволит ограничить период работы EXE приложения.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9286.html ]

Business Analysis Tool Desktop 1.90 (shareware $149; 29792 Кб)
Ihor Bobak

"Инструмент для бизнес-анализа" - это приложение для аналитической отчетности и визуализации данных. Вы можете быстро строить сводные таблицы, графики, тримапы и динамические скеттер-диаграммы, делать фильтрацию, поиск, сортировку и подсветку нужной Вам информации.

Возможности продукта:
- отчеты строятся быстро на больших объемах данных;
- Вы можете создавать отчеты самостоятельно без привлечения IT-специалистов;
- мощные аналитические возможности;
- интеграция с Microsoft Office и Open Office.

Возможности анализа информации:
- сводные таблицы с множеством видов графиков;
- тримапы и скеттер диаграммы;
- удобная навигация по данных с любого места отчета (например, вы можете нажать правую кнопку мыши по столбику графика и показать по нем детали);
- произвольная выборка данных с помощью поиска (в т.ч. по маске);
- работа с KPI;
- создание собственных формул и вычисляемых элементов на иерархиях;
- подсветка с помощью правил градиента и исключительных ситуаций;
- фильтрование данных и сортировка (есть возможность использовать функции типа "N наибольших", "наибольшие елементы, чья сумма дает N% от суммы всех" и пр.)
- печать отчетов с установкой масштаба, цветная печать и нумерация страниц;
- експорт данных в Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc, PDF, RTF, PNG;
- работа с локальными .cub файлами;
- просмотр источника данных.

у продукта есть мощная подсистема мониторинга проблем: если возникает непредвиденная ситуация, Вы можете загрузить информацию о ней на наш сайт, и мы разрешим Вашу проблему в кратчайшие сроки.

Более детальную информацию Вы можете найти на сайте компании BIT Impulse.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9285.html ]

Cucusoft iPhone Ringtone Maker pro 3.5 (shareware $19.95; 1102 Кб)
zhang guangye

Cucusoft iPhone Ringtone Maker является простой в использовании инструмент, который поможет вам обрезки аудио или клип из ваших любимых аудио-или видео-файлы, а затем преобразовать его в формат iPhone Ringtone. С помощью этой программы, вы можете сделать ваш собственный iPhone рингтон из любого музыку вы любите. Поддерживаемых входных форматов исходных файлов:. Mp3,. M4A,. WAV,. WMA,. AVI,. FLV (YouTube формат),. MP4 (IPOD видео формат),. WMV, MPEG, H.264/AVC, AVCHD, . MKV,. RM,. RA,. MOV, DivX, XviD, 3GP и т.д. Особенности: * Поддержка пакетного преобразования. * Принимают практически любой аудио-или видео-файл в качестве вклада, в том числе. Mp3,. M4A,. WAV,. WMA,. AVI,. FLV (YouTube Format),. MP4 (IPOD Video Format),. WMV, MPEG, H.264 / AVC, AVCHD,. MKV,. RM,. RA,. MOV, DivX, XviD, 3GP и т.д. * Поддерживаемые аудио эффектов: Fade In и Fade Out. * Обрезать или клипа аудио и видео бесплатно. * SWorks в нескольких Языков. * Вы можете изменить шкуры. * Работает с iPhone, iPhone 3G или iPhone 3GS. * Работает с iPhone OS версии 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 и выше.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9284.html ]

Free Audio CD Ripper (freeware; 143 Кб)
Soft depo

Advanced audio cd rippe Convert tracks from audio CDs to WAV PCM,OGG Vorbis,MP3 (MPEG Layer-3),WMA (Windows Media Audio) ,on-the-fly and more with this powerful CD Ripper. Features Fast direct conversion with fast encoding engine, jitter correction, multiple/variable bitrate support, file verification, multi-drive reading, ID3V2 Tag Editor Improved freedb online CD database support - These features makes the process of conversion SAFER and FASTER. CD Ripper is a fast and easy to use program for recording digital audio tracks directly from compact discs without going through your sound card (this process is known as "ripping"). This digital recording process enables you to make high-quality copies of the original music. The CD Rippers easy interface allows you to convert tracks of your audio-CDs to your most favorite digital audio format with almost one click. CD Ripper can make direct digital copies from audio CDs and saves them as files on your hard disk to the most popular compressed audio formats such as cd to WAV PCM, cd to MP3 , cd to WMA (Windows Media Audio),cd to Ogg Vorbis
files with settings (from 8000 to 48000Hz, up to 192kbps). CD Ripper also supports more than one CD-ROM drive per computer.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9280.html ]

Free FLV Player (freeware; 2666 Кб)
Soft Depo

FLV Player allows you to play flash video file . The play Icon will play and pause the currently playing flash video file . The Sound Icon will change the volume or mute . Double Click on the player will Toggle on/off the full screen mode . Clicking this item Open File will show the standard open dialog to open the flash video file that you want to play ,if you double click a flv file in the windows explorer, it will be play with SC flv player. Use this option if your flv file extension is associated with another program or does not associated at all. Clicking the item Replay will replay the current file from the beginning . Clicking the item Full Screen will toggle the player to full screen and vice versa .
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9279.html ]

Free FLV Player (freeware; 2666 Кб)
Soft Depo

FLV Player allows you to play flash video file . The play Icon will play and pause the currently playing flash video file . The Sound Icon will change the volume or mute . Double Click on the player will Toggle on/off the full screen mode . Clicking this item Open File will show the standard open dialog to open the flash video file that you want to play ,if you double click a flv file in the windows explorer, it will be play with SC flv player. Use this option if your flv file extension is associated with another program or does not associated at all. Clicking the item Replay will replay the current file from the beginning . Clicking the item Full Screen will toggle the player to full screen and vice versa .
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9278.html ]

Free DVD Image Extractor (freeware; 9621 Кб)
Shareware Depo

Free DVD Image Extractor is an easy tool which enables you to play DVD-Videos and capture snapshots . It supports three tools for capturing snapshots which are Single snapshot , Continuous snapshots and Timed snapshots . By Single snapshot you can capture a single snapshot from the video and continuous snapshots allows you to capture a portion of the video as a sequence of images. Timed snapshots allows you to capture snapshots every certain amount of milliseconds.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9276.html ]

Free DVD Image Extractor (freeware; 9621 Кб)
Shareware Depo

Free DVD Image Extractor is an easy tool which enables you to play DVD-Videos and capture snapshots . It supports three tools for capturing snapshots which are Single snapshot , Continuous snapshots and Timed snapshots . By Single snapshot you can capture a single snapshot from the video and continuous snapshots allows you to capture a portion of the video as a sequence of images. Timed snapshots allows you to capture snapshots every certain amount of milliseconds.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9275.html ]

Free DVD Image Extractor (freeware; 9621 Кб)
Shareware Depo

Free DVD Image Extractor is an easy tool which enables you to play DVD-Videos and capture snapshots . It supports three tools for capturing snapshots which are Single snapshot , Continuous snapshots and Timed snapshots . By Single snapshot you can capture a single snapshot from the video and continuous snapshots allows you to capture a portion of the video as a sequence of images. Timed snapshots allows you to capture snapshots every certain amount of milliseconds.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9274.html ]

Free DVD Image Extractor (freeware; 9621 Кб)
Shareware Depo

Free DVD Image Extractor is an easy tool which enables you to play DVD-Videos and capture snapshots . It supports three tools for capturing snapshots which are Single snapshot , Continuous snapshots and Timed snapshots . By Single snapshot you can capture a single snapshot from the video and continuous snapshots allows you to capture a portion of the video as a sequence of images. Timed snapshots allows you to capture snapshots every certain amount of milliseconds.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9273.html ]

Free DVD Image Extractor (freeware; 9621 Кб)
Shareware Depo

Free DVD Image Extractor is an easy tool which enables you to play DVD-Videos and capture snapshots . It supports three tools for capturing snapshots which are Single snapshot , Continuous snapshots and Timed snapshots . By Single snapshot you can capture a single snapshot from the video and continuous snapshots allows you to capture a portion of the video as a sequence of images. Timed snapshots allows you to capture snapshots every certain amount of milliseconds.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9272.html ]

Free DVD Image Extractor (freeware; 9621 Кб)
Shareware Depo

Free DVD Image Extractor is an easy tool which enables you to play DVD-Videos and capture snapshots . It supports three tools for capturing snapshots which are Single snapshot , Continuous snapshots and Timed snapshots . By Single snapshot you can capture a single snapshot from the video and continuous snapshots allows you to capture a portion of the video as a sequence of images. Timed snapshots allows you to capture snapshots every certain amount of milliseconds.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9271.html ]

Free DVD Image Extractor (freeware; 9621 Кб)
Shareware Depo

Free DVD Image Extractor is an easy tool which enables you to play DVD-Videos and capture snapshots . It supports three tools for capturing snapshots which are Single snapshot , Continuous snapshots and Timed snapshots . By Single snapshot you can capture a single snapshot from the video and continuous snapshots allows you to capture a portion of the video as a sequence of images. Timed snapshots allows you to capture snapshots every certain amount of milliseconds.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9270.html ]

Free DVD Image Extractor (freeware; 9621 Кб)
Shareware Depo

Free DVD Image Extractor is an easy tool which enables you to play DVD-Videos and capture snapshots . It supports three tools for capturing snapshots which are Single snapshot , Continuous snapshots and Timed snapshots . By Single snapshot you can capture a single snapshot from the video and continuous snapshots allows you to capture a portion of the video as a sequence of images. Timed snapshots allows you to capture snapshots every certain amount of milliseconds.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9269.html ]

Free DVD Image Extractor (freeware; 9621 Кб)
Shareware Depo

Free DVD Image Extractor is an easy tool which enables you to play DVD-Videos and capture snapshots . It supports three tools for capturing snapshots which are Single snapshot , Continuous snapshots and Timed snapshots . By Single snapshot you can capture a single snapshot from the video and continuous snapshots allows you to capture a portion of the video as a sequence of images. Timed snapshots allows you to capture snapshots every certain amount of milliseconds.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9268.html ]

Free DVD Image Extractor (freeware; 9621 Кб)
Shareware Depo

Free DVD Image Extractor is an easy tool which enables you to play DVD-Videos and capture snapshots . It supports three tools for capturing snapshots which are Single snapshot , Continuous snapshots and Timed snapshots . By Single snapshot you can capture a single snapshot from the video and continuous snapshots allows you to capture a portion of the video as a sequence of images. Timed snapshots allows you to capture snapshots every certain amount of milliseconds.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9266.html ]

Free DVD Image Extractor (freeware; 9621 Кб)
Shareware Depo

Free DVD Image Extractor is an easy tool which enables you to play DVD-Videos and capture snapshots . It supports three tools for capturing snapshots which are Single snapshot , Continuous snapshots and Timed snapshots . By Single snapshot you can capture a single snapshot from the video and continuous snapshots allows you to capture a portion of the video as a sequence of images. Timed snapshots allows you to capture snapshots every certain amount of milliseconds.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9265.html ]

Free DVD Image Extractor (freeware; 9621 Кб)
Shareware Depo

Free DVD Image Extractor is an easy tool which enables you to play DVD-Videos and capture snapshots . It supports three tools for capturing snapshots which are Single snapshot , Continuous snapshots and Timed snapshots . By Single snapshot you can capture a single snapshot from the video and continuous snapshots allows you to capture a portion of the video as a sequence of images. Timed snapshots allows you to capture snapshots every certain amount of milliseconds.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9264.html ]

Free DVD Image Extractor (freeware; 9621 Кб)
Shareware Depo

Free DVD Image Extractor is an easy tool which enables you to play DVD-Videos and capture snapshots . It supports three tools for capturing snapshots which are Single snapshot , Continuous snapshots and Timed snapshots . By Single snapshot you can capture a single snapshot from the video and continuous snapshots allows you to capture a portion of the video as a sequence of images. Timed snapshots allows you to capture snapshots every certain amount of milliseconds.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9263.html ]

Free DVD Image Extractor (freeware; 9621 Кб)
Shareware Depo

Free DVD Image Extractor is an easy tool which enables you to play DVD-Videos and capture snapshots . It supports three tools for capturing snapshots which are Single snapshot , Continuous snapshots and Timed snapshots . By Single snapshot you can capture a single snapshot from the video and continuous snapshots allows you to capture a portion of the video as a sequence of images. Timed snapshots allows you to capture snapshots every certain amount of milliseconds.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9261.html ]

Free DVD Image Extractor (freeware; 9621 Кб)
Shareware Depo

Free DVD Image Extractor is an easy tool which enables you to play DVD-Videos and capture snapshots . It supports three tools for capturing snapshots which are Single snapshot , Continuous snapshots and Timed snapshots . By Single snapshot you can capture a single snapshot from the video and continuous snapshots allows you to capture a portion of the video as a sequence of images. Timed snapshots allows you to capture snapshots every certain amount of milliseconds.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9260.html ]

Free DVD Image Extractor (freeware; 9621 Кб)
Shareware Depo

Free DVD Image Extractor is an easy tool which enables you to play DVD-Videos and capture snapshots . It supports three tools for capturing snapshots which are Single snapshot , Continuous snapshots and Timed snapshots . By Single snapshot you can capture a single snapshot from the video and continuous snapshots allows you to capture a portion of the video as a sequence of images. Timed snapshots allows you to capture snapshots every certain amount of milliseconds.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9259.html ]

Best Invisible Keylogger (shareware $49; 2293 Кб)
Photo Recovery

Advanced keylogger software allows you to secretly capture all key press activities of computer users and automatically deliver the logs to specified email address. Download keystrokes surveillance utility is windows compatible and record all the keyboard activities used for various windows application (word, excel, notepad and many more) and capture typed visited website URLs in password protected log file with date, time and session. If you need to track PC activities of your child, spouse and employees in your absence! You can detect everything that is typed on keyboard with the help of keylogger tool. Stealth keystroke recorder tool records all key press activity like visited website URLs, search engine keywords, user name, password, emails, forms, document printed, text and images sent to the clipboard, accessed application, voice chat records, every keystrokes with special keys in password protected log file and save this log file for future use. Untraceable key logger utility does not show in start menu list, control panel, add or remove programs, task manager and other application. GUI supported keylogger program does not require any technical skills to operate and provides an option to mail the password protected log file at pre-defined email ID or upload using FTP server settings. Cost effective and easy to install application easily runs on Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, 2003, XP and Windows Vista operating system.
* Invisible keystrokes logger program easily captures windows screen shots and record typed information with date, time and session.
* Windows compatible keyboard surveillance software maintains encrypted log files of pressed keys for future reference.
* Application works in hidden mode and is password protected.
* Secure and safe to keylogger software cannot be traced by external computer users because it runs invisible at desktop background.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9257.html ]

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