Всего программ в каталоге: 9092 Размер каталога: 134841.78 Мб Бесплатных программ: 4046 Новинок: 1794 BD Audio Editor (freeware; 12323 Кб) BullDog Ftp Audio Editor can Edit you audio files(in most common formats), make effects, apply filters, Frequency analysis, and more options. With Audio Editor you can: 1)Open and edit many audio files such as: MP3, MP2, WAV, WMA,OGG, VOX, G726, RAW, DSS, CDA, MPC, PCM, GSM And much more. 2)Save to many audio formats such as: MP3, WAV, VOX, OGG, G726, WMA, and RAW. 3)Edit ID3 Tags of the following file types: WAV, MP3, WMA, and OGG. 4)Record from all available audio sources in your system like microphone, stereo mix, line in,... etc. 5)Mix audio files or insert recorded audio into the current file and save the output. 6)Offers various editing features. 7)A wide range of filters and effects. 8)View Frequency Analysis for your audio files. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9380.html ] BD Data Shredder (freeware; 5927 Кб) BullDog Ftp Data Shredder literally destroys files, free space and your Recycle Bin contents instead of only deleting them. That means your data contents once overwritten and destroyed It cant be recovered. The user therefore should be sure of the files, folders .etc. he/she wants to shred.There are many safeguards built into the Data Shredder program to warn the user.Windows allocates clusters for new files (and extending existing files) from one end of the disk and moving towards the other end. Accordingly, the user for example if deleting files near the end of the disk, it might be very long before those clusters get used again.Therefore, shredding a disks free space ensures that any deleted data stored in unallocated clusters will be completely shredded, and all the bits and pieces of left over data from deleted files will be destroyed.Generally speaking Windows stores files using two steps:A directory entry and A series of one or more clusters on a disk.When the user deletes a file using windows the files data doesnt actually get deleted from disk. Windows simply marks the files clusters as available for reuse, then marks that files directory entry as deleted (from the directories available) by replacing the first character of the files name with a special character. Now if those clusters dont get reused for another file, they are vulnerable and can be retrieved by those who know where and how to look for it.Adding one byte to the directory that was deleted will allow the retrieve of the entire file that has been deleted. This is used in most of the "Unerase" utilities functions. Data Shredder makes it virtually impossible to retrieve data from a file because it literally overwrites the files data clusters before deleting the file. A "quick" shred overwrites the file once, filling its data clusters with zeroes. A "Thorough" shred overwrites the file maximum 10 times, using varying bit patterns each time. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8935.html ] BD DVD Copier (freeware; 6200 Кб) BullDog Ftp DVD Copier is a program for Windows that allows you to grab data DVDs, HD DVDs, Video DVDs and Blu-ray disks (ISO) containing any type of files into a blank DVDV disc or to an Image file (like ISO format). It grabs any type of DVD. SPTI (SCSI Pass through Interface) and ASPI (Advanced SCSI Programming Interface) device access are supported which allows grabbing on all versions of Windows. DVD Copier can copy DVD directly to another blank DVD and copy DVD to an image file in your local drive. It burns DVD image file from your local hard drive to a blank DVD, erase Erasable DVD discs in Full and Quick modes and Fully ISO compliant data DVDs, HD DVDs and Blu-ray disks with Joliet extension. The System Requirements are: 1. Windows NT4/95/98/2000/Me/XP/2003/Vista, 2. Pentium with at least 16MB RAM (32MB for 2000/XP), 3. DVD-R or DVD -RW drive. To copy from DVD disc to DVD disc from the read drive combo, select the DVD-R drive which you will put the source DVD in. then put the DVD disc that you want to copy. From the write drive combo box, select the DVD-RW drive that you will burn the blank DVD disc with. Then insert a blank Recordable DVD (any type) to copy the source DVD into. To copy from DVD disc to image file From the read drive combo, select the DVD-R drive which you will put the source DVD in then put the DVD disc that you want to copy. You can ignore bad blocks while copying by checking the "Ignore bad blocks" check box. From the write drive combo box, select the "Image Writer". You can specify the output image file. To burn Image File to DVD disc from the read drive combo, select the "Image File" item. An "Input Image File Path" button will appear. Click the "Input Image File Path" button to specify the input image file that will be burned out. From the write drive combo box, select the DVD-RW drive that you will burn the blank DVD disc with. Then insert a blank Recordable DVD to copy the source DVD into. Click the "Copy" button to start the burn process. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8932.html ] BD Audio Editor (freeware; 12323 Кб) BullDog Ftp Audio Editor can Edit you audio files(in most common formats), make effects, apply filters, Frequency analysis, and more options. With Audio Editor you can: 1)Open and edit many audio files such as: MP3, MP2, WAV, WMA,OGG, VOX, G726, RAW, DSS, CDA, MPC, PCM, GSM And much more. 2)Save to many audio formats such as: MP3, WAV, VOX, OGG, G726, WMA, and RAW. 3)Edit ID3 Tags of the following file types: WAV, MP3, WMA, and OGG. 4)Record from all available audio sources in your system like microphone, stereo mix, line in,... etc. 5)Mix audio files or insert recorded audio into the current file and save the output. 6)Offers various editing features. 7)A wide range of filters and effects. 8)View Frequency Analysis for your audio files. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8929.html ] BD Audio Editor (freeware; 12323 Кб) BullDog Ftp Audio Editor can Edit you audio files(in most common formats), make effects, apply filters, Frequency analysis, and more options. With Audio Editor you can: 1)Open and edit many audio files such as: MP3, MP2, WAV, WMA,OGG, VOX, G726, RAW, DSS, CDA, MPC, PCM, GSM And much more. 2)Save to many audio formats such as: MP3, WAV, VOX, OGG, G726, WMA, and RAW. 3)Edit ID3 Tags of the following file types: WAV, MP3, WMA, and OGG. 4)Record from all available audio sources in your system like microphone, stereo mix, line in,... etc. 5)Mix audio files or insert recorded audio into the current file and save the output. 6)Offers various editing features. 7)A wide range of filters and effects. 8)View Frequency Analysis for your audio files. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/7798.html ] iPension ТАЦ 7.0 (freeware; 450 Кб) esona software Программа предназначена для импорта данных из агентских программ НПФ и подготовки электронного файла для перевода накопительной части пенсии из ПФР в НПФ. Программа позволяет подготовить XML файл и реестр для передачи в ПФР, а также распечатать комплект документов: договор по ОПС, анкету, заявление на правопреемников и другие документы. Предусмотрен экспорт и импорт данных, массовая печать договоров по ОПС и связь с комплексной системой автоматизации деятельности пенсионных фондов iPension (используется в большинстве НПФ) [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9913.html ] BD DVD Player (freeware; 15070 Кб) BullDog Ftp DVD Player is one of the most efficient and powerful tools ever used to play DVD movies. By using this player, you will be able to grab snapshot and save it as an image and grab snapshot and save it directly as wallpaper; you can also set how you want to set the wallpaper (Tile - Stretch - Center). Also you can grab snapshot and save it to the clipboard. Using this player is so easy. To play a DVD, just select the DVD drive you wish to use by pressing the DVDs button. Use the media buttons to have full control over the movie. You can use the menu buttons as well to use the DVDs menu. You can physically eject your DVD, alter the volume, switch to full screen mode, grab a snapshot or enter to the Options dialog. In the Options dialog you can choose one of the available languages. Also you can set how you want to save your snapshot. If youre experiencing poor video quality; you may use the hardware acceleration to improve it. You are allowed to disable screen saver to watch your movie without being interrupted. You may turn the Auto Play option on to add a command to the context menu for your DVD, as well as adding "DVD Player" to your Auto Play list. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9393.html ] BD DVD Player (freeware; 15070 Кб) BullDog Ftp DVD Player is one of the most efficient and powerful tools ever used to play DVD movies. By using this player, you will be able to grab snapshot and save it as an image and grab snapshot and save it directly as wallpaper; you can also set how you want to set the wallpaper (Tile - Stretch - Center). Also you can grab snapshot and save it to the clipboard. Using this player is so easy. To play a DVD, just select the DVD drive you wish to use by pressing the DVDs button. Use the media buttons to have full control over the movie. You can use the menu buttons as well to use the DVDs menu. You can physically eject your DVD, alter the volume, switch to full screen mode, grab a snapshot or enter to the Options dialog. In the Options dialog you can choose one of the available languages. Also you can set how you want to save your snapshot. If youre experiencing poor video quality; you may use the hardware acceleration to improve it. You are allowed to disable screen saver to watch your movie without being interrupted. You may turn the Auto Play option on to add a command to the context menu for your DVD, as well as adding "DVD Player" to your Auto Play list. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8934.html ] Classic Roulette 1.0 (shareware $9.95; 1847 Кб) Stefan Jones When you download Classic Roulette you appear in absolutely new world. It is bright and full of risk, hazard and passion. This very moment you start thinking of the way to win much money. You see nothing and hear nothing around you, because you are completely absorbed with the game! The roulette fascinates the player at the spectacle of a boll circling. There is nothing more important in the world for you than the process of playing and winning money. This game affords pleasure and gives pungent feelings to every player, and if Fortune favors you with her smile, you will become a lucky with a winning. The game itself strikes you with the graphics and design. In our casino we offer you to listen to pleasant music and to take part in Classic Roulette to feel glorious victory! [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/2244.html ] Cushy Stock 2.3.5 (shareware $49.95; 6534 Кб) Alex Bakulin Cushy Stock - это программа которая поможет вам заработать на своих фотографиях! Она автоматизирует весь цикл работы с фотобанками (их еще нахывают фотостоками или микростоками). Вы сможете несколькими нажатиями кнопок подготовить фото и отправить его во все ведущие фотобанки! А потом можете просто сидеть и считать деньги. Хотя, скорее всего, вам захочется сделать еще больше фото! Смотрите, что программа может: # Каталогизация изображений # Привязка ключевых слов к разделам каталога # Создание собственных категорий каталога и добавление ключевых слов # Просмотр изображений для каждой из категорий каталога # Финансовая статистика по всем стокам # Предоставление информации по каждой фотографии для каждого стока # Поиск фотографий по ключевым словам # Просмотр уменьшенных копий изображений имеющихся на вашем компьютере # Возможность задания и обновления статуса для каждого изображения и каждого стока # Возможность задания названия, копирайта и описания изображения # Добавление, удаление и редактирование ключевых слов для изображения # Добавление ключевых слов из категорий, к которым привязано изображение # Синхронизация ключевых слов для различных изображений # Просмотр EXIF и IPTC тэгов изображения # Просмотр информации по каждому стоку # Показ фото сгруппированных по статусам # Файловые операции - копирование, перемещение, удаление, переименование # Работа с Model release # Автоматическая загрузка фотографий на фотостоки по протоколу FTP # Автоматическое отслеживание истории фотографии при ее переименовании или перемещении # Поддержка векторного EPS формата # Поддержка RAW формата # Полноэкранный просмотр # Установка программы на переносные устройства, например USB Flash Drive # Конвертирование EPS в JPEG # Поддержка ZIP архивирования # и многое другое... [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/5848.html ] NetWrix USB Blocker 3.7.40 (freeware; 6453 Кб) Netwrix USB Blocker NetWrix USB Blocker обеспечивает централизованный контроль доступа, предотвращая несанкционированное использование сменных носителей, подключаемых к USB-портам компьютера (карты памяти, внешние жесткие диски, устройства iPod и др.). Независимо от возможностей антивируса и межсетевого экрана, контроль доступа через USB-порты — важный аспект защиты компьютеров сети. Блокировка USB-устройств защищает сеть от вредоносного ПО, предотвращает кражу секретной корпоративной информации. Решение основывается на встроенных механизмах групповых политик и легко интегрируется в существующую среду. Одним из преимуществ программы является ее простота в установке и настройке. Для малых сетей (до 50 компьютеров) - как для корпоративного, так и для личного использования - программа предлагается бесплатно. Разработана коммерческая версия программы с расширенной функциональностью и без ограничений по размеру сети. Преимущества: 1.) Предотвращение несанкционированного применения сменных носителей. 2.) Усиление безопасности компьютеров. 3.) Обеспечение соответствия требованиям информационной безопасности, включая SOX, GLBA и HIPAA. 4.) Бесплатное ПО для малых предприятий! Особенности: 1.) Беспроблемная интеграция с Active Directory. 2.) Простота разворачивания по принципу point-and-click. 3.) Полностью централизованное управление. 4.) Исключительная простота в работе: без чудовищных инструментов и длительного обучения. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11232.html ] SannySoft Perl Editor 3.1 (shareware $44.95; 2373 Кб) Alexander Romanov SannySoft Perl Editor 3.1 is a feature-packed Integrated Development Environment for Perl programmers. Why do Perl coders need it? Here is an analogy - you probably have both Notepad and MS Word on your PC. Both are text-editors or word processors. Which tool do you think professional writers prefer? MS Word, of course, because it has far more features for writers than Notepad. With MS Words features like spell-checking and auto-formatting, a writer can do the same job better and faster than with Notepad. Its exactly the same story with Perl Editor. With customizable highlighting, option to edit multiple scripts simultaneously and CGI Wizard that generates scripts automatically (no coding), any Perl programmer can cut time he or she spends on writing new code by at least 20%. Another great feature Perl Editor offers is auto-formatting. With this feature active, a coder does not need to spend waste any time doing routine. Since the program was created by an experienced team of Perl programmers, Perl Editor has every feature Perl coder could possible need and does not have any extraneous options that would make the program complicated, hard to learn or difficult to use. SannySoft Perl Editor is really stuffed with handy features, like auto-completing, bookmarks, POD viewer, easy searching, automatic code replacing, syntax check, event logging, loaded module list and others. While, it cant entirely replace the coder, it surely takes on a hefty chunk of work off the programmers shoulders. SannySoft Perl Editor 3.1 comes in two different versions. They are pretty close, except for the fact that Perl Editor Lite does not have Code Explorer, FTP uploader, Windows/Unix/Mac line endings support and some other functions. For detailed comparison, please refer to http://www.sannysoft.com/products/perleditor/versions.html [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/2684.html ] BD Icon Maker (freeware; 6475 Кб) BullDog Ftp Icon Maker can edit and creat icons, cursors and animated cursors - using the common editing tools and effects, Import icons from images and files, and export icons in a custom size and color depth. Icon Maker can Create or Edit an Icon or Cursor in various color depths ( 2, 16, 256 and true color), Create an Icon with a preset sizes (16, 24, 32, 48, 64) include the ability to set custom size, Use a dynamic transparent color for icons, Create a Cursor with free Hotspots, Create and/or View Animated Cursors, Extract an icon from any file or folder, Paste any image from the clipboard, Select Regions for Import from .bmp, .jpg, .gif, or .wmf image files greater than 64X64 pixels, Drag and Drop any files to the Program for open, Associate ICO files with the program, Store the most recent 5 files opened before, Unlimited undo and redo steps, Support Multi Language interface and Implement the most editing tools and effects. Free Icon Editor works like a Swiss Army Knife of icon, cursor manipulation. Features find, manage icons on your system, image-editing features such as effects, filters, rotation, cropping, as well as a huge color palette, easy-to-use editor that has all the functions for creating/editing ICO, ANI, CUR, GIF, JPEG, WMF, EMF, TGA, and WBMP files, image filters, including Blurring, Sharpening, Embossing, and Color Balance, image effects...etc. Icon Maker can Create and edit icons in either standard or custom sizes, in color depths up to 16 million colors. Standard icon sizes are 16x16, 32x32, 48x48 including Linear Gradient, Radial Gradient, Rectangular Gradient, WAV, 3D Shadow, 3D Button, Text Gradient Effects, Noise, and Arbitrary Rotation, create icons with a preset sizes, use dynamic transparent colors, create cursors with free hotspots, create, view animated cursors, extract icon from any file or folder, paste images from clipboard, select Regions for Import from .bmp, .jpg, .gif, or .wmf images, Drag and Drop files for editing. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9399.html ] BD Clean N Optimize (freeware; 6640 Кб) BullDog Ftp Clean N Optimize has highly customizable cleaning options and supports the most common web browsers and chat applications. It has a built in Shredder, so the cleaned files/folders can not be recovered again and separate shredder to manually shred files, folders, drives empty space, and recycle bin with the most famous and secure shredding algorithms. It is a powerful optimizer for Internet connection, System like optimizing hard drive, Windows Explorer like disable save settings at shutdown and Privacy like locking some hard drive partitions. Also it has Startup Manager to modify the applications that launch at windows startup and Uninstall Manager to modify or uninstall the user-installed applications. With Clean N Optimize you can clean your system with One Click. It has easy to use interface. The main window is just the start guide for you to use Clean N Optimize in efficient and easy way. Read the instructions and follow the links to start using the program. The Clean Settings Window consists from 3 main sections: 1)Internet items includes the following, categories Browsers: in the browsers tabs, you can check items that will be cleaned in each installed browser and Chat: in the chat tabs, you can check the items that will be cleaned in each installed chat program. 2)System Items consists of the windows category which consists from History Cleaner: check the history items that you want to clean which are related to windows system and Recent Files Cleaner: check the recent files that you want to clean which are related to windows built-in, the hard drive cleaner will free up the hard drive space by deleting the temporary and unnecessary files, you can include files with specific Extensions to be deleted. 3)Registry Items: the Broken registry items means the leftover registry keys that should be deleted from the system registry. With shredder you can shred 3 categories:1)Shred Files/Folders, 2)Shred Empty Space, 3)Shred Recycle Bin. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9390.html ] PC to Kiosk Software 7.6 (shareware $69; 9446 Кб) Vitaly Gritsenko PC to Koisk - превратите ваш персональный компьютер в интернет-киоск или рабочую станцию с общим доступом. Программа запрещает доступ к важным файлам компьютера и позволяет запускать только необходимые приложения, включая браузер Internet Explorer, или установить временные интервалы работы системы. Закройте доступ к рабочему столу используя имя пользователя и пароль, или разрешите пользователям получать доступ к PC только в определенное время или комбинация обоих. Программа идеально подходит для публичных библиотек, информационных терминалов или для домашних PC, чтобы ограничить доступ детям. К примеру можно запретить доступ к интернету заблокировав запуск приложений которые им управляют, или ещё к чему либо. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9243.html ] BD Startup Repair for Windows (freeware; 6499 Кб) BullDog Ftp The Startup Repair for Windows is the best utility for modifying startup settings in the Microsoft Windows operating systems. Startup Repair for Windows is much more than a Windows startup configuration tool! When Windows starts, it checks for registry entries that allow the system to execute processes together with it automatically, it also allows you to add entries that you want to be started automatically with the system, and most importantly allows you to identify which startup processes are harmful programs like spyware, virus, dialers, ..etc, and gives you the ability to remove them from your system startup and make your system healthier. Startup Repair for Windows helps you monitoring the startup behavior of your Windows system. Our product has a huge database, containing data on lots of startup programs, that will give you more information on most of your startup items. It can also detect harmful programs, such as spywares, viruses, worms, hijacks, ...etc, in your startup system, so you can easily identify them and safely remove them. You can reverse any kind of changes by using the Profiles method, or by using the Rollback method - as long as you didnt close Startup Repair for Windows. You can choose to add a new startup entry. You can access our program settings by just clicking the Settings Bar and then you can change any of the program settings available Controll messageboxes, Add to Windows startup, ... and more. The program provides an Easy-to-use interface, Allows you to Remove harmful programs like spyware, virus, dialers,...etc, and make your system healthier, Add new startup entries, Very low system resources required, and Lets you to make profiles, to be loaded whenever needed. You can run the live update to check if you have the latest startup database. You can keep the history of removed items so you can restore them whenever you want. This manual will help you navigate Startup Repair for Windows. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8951.html ] BD Icon Maker (freeware; 6475 Кб) BullDog Ftp Icon Maker can edit and creat icons, cursors and animated cursors - using the common editing tools and effects, Import icons from images and files, and export icons in a custom size and color depth. Icon Maker can Create or Edit an Icon or Cursor in various color depths ( 2, 16, 256 and true color), Create an Icon with a preset sizes (16, 24, 32, 48, 64) include the ability to set custom size, Use a dynamic transparent color for icons, Create a Cursor with free Hotspots, Create and/or View Animated Cursors, Extract an icon from any file or folder, Paste any image from the clipboard, Select Regions for Import from .bmp, .jpg, .gif, or .wmf image files greater than 64X64 pixels, Drag and Drop any files to the Program for open, Associate ICO files with the program, Store the most recent 5 files opened before, Unlimited undo and redo steps, Support Multi Language interface and Implement the most editing tools and effects. Free Icon Editor works like a Swiss Army Knife of icon, cursor manipulation. Features find, manage icons on your system, image-editing features such as effects, filters, rotation, cropping, as well as a huge color palette, easy-to-use editor that has all the functions for creating/editing ICO, ANI, CUR, GIF, JPEG, WMF, EMF, TGA, and WBMP files, image filters, including Blurring, Sharpening, Embossing, and Color Balance, image effects...etc. Icon Maker can Create and edit icons in either standard or custom sizes, in color depths up to 16 million colors. Standard icon sizes are 16x16, 32x32, 48x48 including Linear Gradient, Radial Gradient, Rectangular Gradient, WAV, 3D Shadow, 3D Button, Text Gradient Effects, Noise, and Arbitrary Rotation, create icons with a preset sizes, use dynamic transparent colors, create cursors with free hotspots, create, view animated cursors, extract icon from any file or folder, paste images from clipboard, select Regions for Import from .bmp, .jpg, .gif, or .wmf images, Drag and Drop files for editing. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8941.html ] BD Clean N Optimize (freeware; 6640 Кб) BullDog Ftp Clean N Optimize has highly customizable cleaning options and supports the most common web browsers and chat applications. It has a built in Shredder, so the cleaned files/folders can not be recovered again and separate shredder to manually shred files, folders, drives empty space, and recycle bin with the most famous and secure shredding algorithms. It is a powerful optimizer for Internet connection, System like optimizing hard drive, Windows Explorer like disable save settings at shutdown and Privacy like locking some hard drive partitions. Also it has Startup Manager to modify the applications that launch at windows startup and Uninstall Manager to modify or uninstall the user-installed applications. With Clean N Optimize you can clean your system with One Click. It has easy to use interface. The main window is just the start guide for you to use Clean N Optimize in efficient and easy way. Read the instructions and follow the links to start using the program. The Clean Settings Window consists from 3 main sections: 1)Internet items includes the following, categories Browsers: in the browsers tabs, you can check items that will be cleaned in each installed browser and Chat: in the chat tabs, you can check the items that will be cleaned in each installed chat program. 2)System Items consists of the windows category which consists from History Cleaner: check the history items that you want to clean which are related to windows system and Recent Files Cleaner: check the recent files that you want to clean which are related to windows built-in, the hard drive cleaner will free up the hard drive space by deleting the temporary and unnecessary files, you can include files with specific Extensions to be deleted. 3)Registry Items: the Broken registry items means the leftover registry keys that should be deleted from the system registry. With shredder you can shred 3 categories:1)Shred Files/Folders, 2)Shred Empty Space, 3)Shred Recycle Bin. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8931.html ] BD Clean N Optimize (freeware; 6640 Кб) BullDog Ftp Clean N Optimize has highly customizable cleaning options and supports the most common web browsers and chat applications. It has a built in Shredder, so the cleaned files/folders can not be recovered again and separate shredder to manually shred files, folders, drives empty space, and recycle bin with the most famous and secure shredding algorithms. It is a powerful optimizer for Internet connection, System like optimizing hard drive, Windows Explorer like disable save settings at shutdown and Privacy like locking some hard drive partitions. Also it has Startup Manager to modify the applications that launch at windows startup and Uninstall Manager to modify or uninstall the user-installed applications. With Clean N Optimize you can clean your system with One Click. It has easy to use interface. The main window is just the start guide for you to use Clean N Optimize in efficient and easy way. Read the instructions and follow the links to start using the program. The Clean Settings Window consists from 3 main sections: 1)Internet items includes the following, categories Browsers: in the browsers tabs, you can check items that will be cleaned in each installed browser and Chat: in the chat tabs, you can check the items that will be cleaned in each installed chat program. 2)System Items consists of the windows category which consists from History Cleaner: check the history items that you want to clean which are related to windows system and Recent Files Cleaner: check the recent files that you want to clean which are related to windows built-in, the hard drive cleaner will free up the hard drive space by deleting the temporary and unnecessary files, you can include files with specific Extensions to be deleted. 3)Registry Items: the Broken registry items means the leftover registry keys that should be deleted from the system registry. With shredder you can shred 3 categories:1)Shred Files/Folders, 2)Shred Empty Space, 3)Shred Recycle Bin. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/7662.html ] Internet Kiosk Pro 7.7 (shareware $69; 9461 Кб) email arms Internet Kiosk Pro turns your PC into an Internet kiosk public access workstation. Completely disable access to files and software installed on your PC and give full access to all necessary applications user should use. Create a workstation for a public place and give strangers free access to it in such a way that they could use it without damaging system files and applications or cluttering HDD with garbage. Selectively allow users any programs installed on your PC such as web browser, email client, office applications and other tools in a secure manner. Internet Kiosk Pro is a complete complex solution for Internet cafes, public libraries, information terminals and stand-alone kiosks as well as for limiting activities of children on home PCs. Internet Kiosk Pro supports several security modes such as username and password authentication, time-locked code to allow users to access workstation for a given period of time only and a combination of both. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/6844.html ] NetWrix Event Log Manager 3.0.154 (freeware; 2509 Кб) Event Log Archiving Consolidation Данные журнала событий — уникальный источник информации для обеспечения безопасности, аудита, соответствия нормативным документам и решения проблем. У механизмов регистрации событий, предусмотренных в Windows-системах, отсутствуют встроенные функции объединения, архивирования, составления отчетов, без которых невозможна эффективная работа с данными событий. Многочисленные журналы событий в исходном формате слишком велики; каждый день из-за перезаписи журналов множество записей утрачивается, что создает реальные проблемы для безопасности и соответствия требованиям информационной безопасности. NetWrix Event Log Manager — инструмент для объединения журналов событий, оповещения и архивирования, поддерживающий сбор журналов событий с многочисленных компьютеров сети, предупреждающий о критических событиях и централизованно сохраняющий все события в сжатом формате для удобства анализа архивных данных журналов. Бесплатная версия поддерживает до 10 серверов. Коммерческая версия продукта не ограничивает количество серверов, обеспечивает хранение архивов в течение длительного срока и распределенный сбор данных для оптимальной эффективности. Долгосрочное архивирование журналов событий — требование нормативных документов. Так, для SOX и HIPAA этот срок составляет 7 лет, для PCI — 1 год. Основные функции: 1.) архивирование журналов событий; 2.) объединение журналов событий; 3.) оповещения в режиме реального времени; 4.) веб-отчеты; готовые отчеты по соответствию требованиям информационной безопасности и нормативным документам. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11245.html ] Advanced Folders Watch 2.1 (freeware; 1615 Кб) ООО "Мапилаб" Advanced Folders Watch (AFW) - это мощный, гибкий и удобный инструмент для менеджеров, аналитиков, обозревателей, сотрудников служб технической поддержки - для всех тех, кому необходимо обрабатывать значительный объем электронной корреспонденции и, в первую очередь, вести поиск определенных данных в большом объеме информации. AFW представляет собой систему мониторинга папок Microsoft Outlook и общих папок на сервере Microsoft Exchange, которая не только сокращает затраты рабочего времени, но и позволяет перестроить систему работу с потенциальными и действительными клиентами на более качественный уровень. AFW наблюдает за заданными группами папок и указывает пользователю на новые сообщения, соответствующие заданным критериям отбора (фильтрам). Оповещение пользователя может быть пассивным или активным. В первом случае AFW создает в указанной папке записки, содержащие ссылки на найденные сообщения и текст найденного сообщения. Эти ссылки позволяют открыть сообщения, или содержащую их папку, одним щелчком. Во втором случае найденные сообщения показываются во всплывающем окне, обладающем дополнительными функциональными возможностями: вы сможете просмотреть новый документ, открыть, удалить, скопировать его. Оба метода оповещения можно сочетать. Группа настроек, состоящая из списка папок, фильтров и выбора способа оповещения формирует правило - основной логический элемент программы. Число правил, с которыми работает AFW неограниченно. Правила формируются при помощи мастера, а в режиме редактирования свойств созданного правила можно задать любую необходимую логику фильтров для отбора сообщений. В режиме редактирования свойств также доступно тестирование правила - например, вы можете запустить проверку срабатывания правила по сообщениям, полученным в прошлый месяц или за прошлые полгода. Полностью совместим с Microsoft Exchange Server и поддерживает работу с общими папками на сервере. Домашняя страница продукта: http://www.mapilab.com/ru/outlook/foldersatch/ [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/3626.html ] Family Email Service 1.1 (freeware; 265 Кб) Мы предлагаем создать уникальный почтовый адрес, содержащий только ваше имя и фамилию, например, ТвоеИмя@ТвояФамилия.ruru Фамильная почта - это доступно, ярко, удобно, престижно. Ваша фамилия - это то, чем стоит гордиться, пусть ее видят люди, с которыми вы переписываетесь. Преимущества фамильной почты: - Престижно - Бесплатно - "В один клик" - Просто запомнить - Интерфейсы GMAIL - Доступно всем - Оригинальный подарок - Блог в придачу Всегда более престижно считалось иметь электронный адрес на коммерческом домене, чем на бесплатном почтовом сервере. Некоторые сервисы даже требуют, что бы пользователь не регистрировал адреса электронной почты созданные на бесплатных почтовых серверах. Теперь вы будете обладателем почтового ящика не просто на коммерческом домене, а на домене, совпадающим с вашей фамилией! Вы можете получить доступ к вашему почтовому ящику как через web-интерфейс, так и с помощью вашей почтовой программы, по защищенным протоколам. В качестве Почтового Провайдера мы используем лидера на данный момент в почтовых сервисах - почтовую службу GMAIL от Google Inc. Вместе с фамильным email´ом Вы сможете создать и блог на фамильном домене! Ваш онлайновый дневник будет доступен по адресу <ВашеИмя>.<ВашаФамилия>.ru (или любая другая выбранная Вами зона). [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8282.html ] Encrypt Easy 3.5 (shareware $29.00; 1254 Кб) Tomas Rutkauskas Простенькая, но очень эффективная утилита позволит легко и просто предотвратить утечку важных файлов. Программа интегрируется в проводник Windows и в контекстном меню появляются два пункта: зашифровать и расшифровать. Вводим пароль, выбираем один из 39 доступных методов шифрования, один из 28 способов расчета хеша и жмем ОК. При желании можно установить компрессию данных и создать самораспаковывающийся конечный файл. Поддержка передачи параметров через командную строку позволяет автоматизировать процесс сокрытия данных с помощью скриптов. Одной из полезных функций является гарантированное удаление файлов или папок с помощью алгоритма DOD 5220.22-M с семью проходами. Кроме того, функция Wipe Out позволяет быстро очищать временные папки, историю и кэш IE, список последних открытых документов и cookies, что позволяет замести следы после работы на компьютере. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8270.html ] InPrint ж.д. v3.17.00.18 (shareware $30; 590 Кб) Анатолий Мосунов Вашему вниманию предлагается программа InPrint pro для заполнения железнодорожных накладных. В программе в настоящее время присутствуют шаблоны для заполнения следующих форм накладных: Россия - ГУ-27, ГУ-27б, ГУ-27в, ГУ-27е, ГУ-27сп, ГУ-28, ГУ-29а, ГУ-29к, ГУ-29-О, ГУ-31, ГУ-32, СМГС/SMGS, SNTL и др. (ГУ-12) Украина - ГУ-29-Б, ГУ-29-0, ГУ-29-К Беларусь - ГУ-29-О , других железнодорожных документов. Поставляемые шаблоны настроены для печати на матричных принтерах Epson. Поскольку принтер, с которым будет работать программа, может иметь отличия физические и программные, в программе реализована удобная подстройка впечатывания под другие модели принтеров. Кроме функции точной печати, InPrint pro предоставляет другие удобства для пользователя. В программе имеется свой специализированный текстовый редактор, написанный под задачу впечатывания. Пользователь на экране видит накладную с окнами для заполнения. При работе в окнах доступны следующие функции: работа с блоком строк, поиск, откат, автоматический перенос слов, выравнивание по левому краю и середине, другие функции. Следующее удобство программы - база данных уже подготовленных накладных. Это даёт возможность хранить накладные на разные грузы и на разных получателей, а при необходимости корректировать их перед печатью. База данных используется программой InPrint pro для динамического заполнения окон. Если Вы начинаете заполнять окно, то содержимое окна заменяется на фрагмент из базы данных, начинающийся так же. Эта функция резко сокращает время создания накладной. Программа поставляется с заполненными базами данных, поэтому функция помогает сразу. Кроме того, поставляемые базы данных позволяют ознакомиться с конкретными примерами заполнения накладных. Программа может использоваться из других программ в качестве компоненты для печати на бланках. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/3039.html ] Usability Studio 3.1.4527.34050 (shareware $69.95; 18731 Кб) Rylstim Software Программа для проведения недорого юзабилити тестирования при помощи камеры. С помощью Usability Studio можно тестировать web-сайты и программные продукты. Usabuility Studio идеально подходит как для частного использования, так и для работы в небольших web-студиях. Менеджер проектов позволяет хранить большое количество проектов, каждый из которых может состоять из нескольких тестов, следовательно, все ваши тесты будут находиться в одном месте и их легко будет найти. При создании тестов, в Usability Studio предусмотрена возможность давать задания для тестируемого, а по окончанию тестирования вам будет доступны данные о времени, которое потратил тестируемый на каждое задание. Usability Studio имеет помимо встроенного проигрывателя результатов тестов, так же имеет возможность экспортировать ваши тесты в обычное видео, само собой, сохраняя формат картинка в картинке. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10037.html ] SearchInform Free 4.4.1 (freeware; 3002 Кб) Alex Akimov SearchInform - система полнотекстового поиска и обработки информации, содержащейся в текстовых файлах на компьютере пользователя и в локальной сети предприятия, базах данных и информационных системах. Она включает в себя все инструменты, необходимые для структуризации разрозненной информации в рамках предприятия и предоставляет собой эффективное решение любых проблем поиска и консолидации информации. Быстрое индексирование (15-30 Гб/час) любых текстовых форматов документов (txt, doc, rtf, pdf, htm, html), сообщений почтовых клиентов и баз данных. Уникальная функция поиска документов, похожих по содержанию на текст запроса. Система SearchInform легко интегрируется в информационную структуру предприятия, подключая различные источники данных, и имеет архитектуру клиент-сервер. Внедрение SearchInform не требует изменения существующих бизнес-процессов и позволяет максимально сохранить инвестиции компании, вложенные в существующую информационную инфраструктуру. В тоже время система позволяет объединить разрозненные корпоративные приложения и данные в единую информационную систему, что приводит к более эффективному решению бизнес-задач. SearchInform это возможность действовать, когда остальные только ищут.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/3201.html ] Sharing Max (freeware; 1773 Кб) Software Mile Sharing Max is an easy to use tool to manage and download files from the most popular sharing websites like Rapidshare, Megaupload, Hotfile...etc, Also video sites like Youtube is supported. Enjoy this unique tool.. Features: 1) Automatic download from sharing web sites. 2) Integration into popular browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Flock. 3) Supported Sharing Web Sites: RapidShare,Youtube, Megaupload, 4Shared, Depositefiles, Hotfile, FileFactory, Other sites are coming soon... 4) Shutdown after downloads complete option. 5) Automatically get the proper download file name. 6) Can work in background, catch links, and start download without interaction for smooth web navigation. 7) Easy-to-use design. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9908.html ] BD DVD Copier (freeware; 3512 Кб) BullDog Ftp DVD Copier is a program for Windows that allows you to grab data DVDs, HD DVDs, Video DVDs and Blu-ray disks (ISO) containing any type of files into a blank DVDV disc or to an Image file (like ISO format). It grabs any type of DVD. SPTI (SCSI Pass through Interface) and ASPI (Advanced SCSI Programming Interface) device access are supported which allows grabbing on all versions of Windows. DVD Copier can copy DVD directly to another blank DVD and copy DVD to an image file in your local drive. It burns DVD image file from your local hard drive to a blank DVD, erase Erasable DVD discs in Full and Quick modes and Fully ISO compliant data DVDs, HD DVDs and Blu-ray disks with Joliet extension. The System Requirements are: 1. Windows NT4/95/98/2000/Me/XP/2003/Vista, 2. Pentium with at least 16MB RAM (32MB for 2000/XP), 3. DVD-R or DVD -RW drive. To copy from DVD disc to DVD disc from the read drive combo, select the DVD-R drive which you will put the source DVD in. then put the DVD disc that you want to copy. From the write drive combo box, select the DVD-RW drive that you will burn the blank DVD disc with. Then insert a blank Recordable DVD (any type) to copy the source DVD into. To copy from DVD disc to image file From the read drive combo, select the DVD-R drive which you will put the source DVD in then put the DVD disc that you want to copy. You can ignore bad blocks while copying by checking the "Ignore bad blocks" check box. From the write drive combo box, select the "Image Writer". You can specify the output image file. To burn Image File to DVD disc from the read drive combo, select the "Image File" item. An "Input Image File Path" button will appear. Click the "Input Image File Path" button to specify the input image file that will be burned out. From the write drive combo box, select the DVD-RW drive that you will burn the blank DVD disc with. Then insert a blank Recordable DVD to copy the source DVD into. Click the "Copy" button to start the burn process. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9900.html ] BD Clean N Optimize (freeware; 3852 Кб) BullDog Ftp Clean N Optimize has highly customizable cleaning options and supports the most common web browsers and chat applications. It has a built in Shredder, so the cleaned files/folders can not be recovered again and separate shredder to manually shred files, folders, drives empty space, and recycle bin with the most famous and secure shredding algorithms. It is a powerful optimizer for Internet connection, System like optimizing hard drive, Windows Explorer like disable save settings at shutdown and Privacy like locking some hard drive partitions. Also it has Startup Manager to modify the applications that launch at windows startup and Uninstall Manager to modify or uninstall the user-installed applications. With Clean N Optimize you can clean your system with One Click. It has easy to use interface. The main window is just the start guide for you to use Clean N Optimize in efficient and easy way. Read the instructions and follow the links to start using the program. The Clean Settings Window consists from 3 main sections: 1)Internet items includes the following, categories Browsers: in the browsers tabs, you can check items that will be cleaned in each installed browser and Chat: in the chat tabs, you can check the items that will be cleaned in each installed chat program. 2)System Items consists of the windows category which consists from History Cleaner: check the history items that you want to clean which are related to windows system and Recent Files Cleaner: check the recent files that you want to clean which are related to windows built-in, the hard drive cleaner will free up the hard drive space by deleting the temporary and unnecessary files, you can include files with specific Extensions to be deleted. 3)Registry Items: the Broken registry items means the leftover registry keys that should be deleted from the system registry. With shredder you can shred 3 categories:1)Shred Files/Folders, 2)Shred Empty Space, 3)Shred Recycle Bin. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9896.html ] BD Audio Editor (freeware; 9527 Кб) BullDog Ftp Audio Editor can Edit you audio files(in most common formats), make effects, apply filters, Frequency analysis, and more options. With Audio Editor you can: 1)Open and edit many audio files such as: MP3, MP2, WAV, WMA,OGG, VOX, G726, RAW, DSS, CDA, MPC, PCM, GSM And much more. 2)Save to many audio formats such as: MP3, WAV, VOX, OGG, G726, WMA, and RAW. 3)Edit ID3 Tags of the following file types: WAV, MP3, WMA, and OGG. 4)Record from all available audio sources in your system like microphone, stereo mix, line in,... etc. 5)Mix audio files or insert recorded audio into the current file and save the output. 6)Offers various editing features. 7)A wide range of filters and effects. 8)View Frequency Analysis for your audio files. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9895.html ] Enemy Killer 1.0.2 (shareware $2; 586 Кб) Valery R. Характеристики: Убивает врагов которые появляются в порту. Так же помогает проходить альфу бету гамму и дельту (захватывать цель с минимумом ущерба) протегиты, кристаллины, зибелониты. Использование: Для получения опыта и чести. К примеру если вы стоите на пвп с группой своих, то с помощью бота все фраги будут ваши! Просто запустите бота и наведите мышку на порт. Программа работает в окне космоса. Также подходит для автозахвата невидов в Seafight [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9780.html ] DVD Video Image Extractor (freeware; 12535 Кб) Flash Depo DVD Video Image Extractor is an easy-to-use application to easily and effectively extract or capture images from your favorite DVD-Video discs. You can extract one image while playing your favorite movie and also you can extract a portion of the DVD-Video. It supports three tools for capturing snapshots which are Single snapshot, Continuous snapshots and Timed snapshots. By Single snapshot you can capture a single snapshot from the video and continuous snapshots allows you to capture a portion of the video as a sequence of images. Timed snapshots allows you to capture snapshots every certain amount of milliseconds.The main window is composed of three main parts: Media Actions, Media Tools and the Main Menu Bar. In Media Actions you will see a collection of buttons which includes the main media commands which are: rewind, play, pause, stop and fast forward. Also in the right side, you will find a button for turning audio on/off and a slider for setting the desired volume level. You should also notice the bar above edia Actionswhich shows the progress of the movie.In the Media Tools part, you will find the functionality we provided for you to capture snapshots: By clicking the first button, you will capture a single snapshot. You can use the shortcut key Ctrl + F1. By clicking the second button, you will start to capture a sequence of images until you click it again. You can use the shortcut key Ctrl + F2. By clicking the third button, you might be asked to enter a number in terms of milliseconds (depends on how you set your options), you may check the checkbox shown in this dialog to use the number you specified as the default without showing the dialog again. DVD Video Image Extractor will then capture a snapshot automatically and will use that number as the interval of time to be waited after each snapshot. You can use the shortcut key Ctrl + F3. The last button is used for activating the full screen display. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9539.html ] Web Video To iPod (freeware; 9670 Кб) ES FTP Web Video 2 iPod has the option of either monitoring Windows clipboard for video links to the above (12) sites and once a video link is detected, the video or movie will be automatically downloaded. Or you can simply copy and paste the web page URL (Or link URI) that contains the video from the (12) supported sites to the download page. Then you can start downloading the list. The program Features are: 1- Download using grab and keep flash movies or videos and you can there after burn them to CD and DVD for offline viewing from the following twelve (12) Sites : "You tube, Google Video, Daily Motion, iFilm.com, Myspace.com, Angryalien.com,ThatvideoSite.com, ZippyVideoes.com, Blip.TV, Break.com, Putfile.com and Bolt.com. (Other video social Sites will be added in future versions.). 2-Web video 2 iPod has the capability of batch downloading multiple video streams from multiple video sharing sites and also batch conversion. 3-The Web video 2 iPod is an easy to use program to download video files from Google, Youtube,iFilm,DailyMotion and 8 other popular video sharing sites. (Other sites will be added in the future version.) and convert them to iPod video format. Thus, the user can obtain the downloaded RAW video file and also the converted file which are located on the users hard drive (H.D) and in his folder of choice. After the user grabs and keeps the flash movies or videos ,he can burn them to CD and DVD for offline viewing. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9516.html ] Youtube Video Grabber (freeware; 3421 Кб) ES FTP Youtube Video Grabber has the option of either monitoring Windows clipboard for video links to the above (12) sites and once a video link is detected, the video or movie will be automatically downloaded. Or you can simply copy and paste the web page URL (Or link URI) that contains the video from the (12) supported sites to the download page. Then you can start downloading the list. The program Features are : 1- Download using grab and keep flash movies or videos and you can there after burn them to CD and DVD for offline viewing from the following twelve (12) Sites : "You tube, Google Video, Daily Motion, iFilm.com, Myspace.com, Angryalien.com,ThatvideoSite.com, ZippyVideoes.com, Blip.TV, Break.com, Putfile.com and Bolt.com. (Other video social Sites will be added in future versions). 2-Web video grabber has the capability of batch downloading multiple video streams from multiple video sharing sites. 3-The Web video grabber is an easy to use program to download video files from Google, Youtube,iFilm,DailyMotion and 8 other popular video sharing sites. (Other sites will be added in the future version.) Thus, the user can obtain the downloaded RAW video file whichis located on the users hard drive (H.D) and in his folder of choice. After the user grabs and keeps the flash movies or videos ,he can burn them to CD and DVD for offline viewing. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9514.html ] Uninstaller Max (freeware; 3422 Кб) ES FTP Uninstaller Max is a powerful tool to help you to uninstall your programs, manage your startup programs, clean your hard drive, and erase your internet traces...The program features are: 1) Easy to use and fully detailed uninstaller. 2) Remove unnecessary startup programs. 3) Create new startup programs. 4) Disable without really removing programs. 5) Find out spywares, some spyware hide itself from Windows MSConfig utility. 6) Scan whole system for junk files. 7) Very fast speed scanning system. 8) Scans More than 50 junk file types. 9) Remove cache files. 10) Remove Cookies. 11) Remove History files. 12) Remove Typed URLs. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9509.html ] Spy Message (freeware; 2878 Кб) ES FTP The SpyMessage is easy-to-use, reliable and powerful tool for protecting important information that you dont want others to see.With SpyMessage you can encrypt and hide your text message into image without any changes in its resolution or size.You can view the modified image with any conventional image viewer program, xchange messages with your friends without any fear from others spying on you, No one can know if your image contain messages or not, You can type direct messages or load the file that holds the message, SpyMessage uses two powerful encryption algorithms to protect your data, No plain temporary files are ever created, No password saved within your file and it gives you the privilege to set a special Password to retrieve your encrypted data.SpyMessage enables you sending and receives your private data securely hidden in images of various types. You can use your birthday photo or landscape picture to send some important message to your friend or colegue securely - our application will also use strong encrypting algorithm to make communications really safe. Data is sent and received encrypted, but also nobody even knows that you send or receive any information. Other people only see nice photos; you see important text message. The requirements for running SpyMessage are very modest: Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4.0, 2000 or XP. Any computer that runs one of the above operating systems at a reasonable speed, with a mouse or other compatible pointing device (required). Any computer that runs one of the above operating systems at a reasonable speed, with a mouse or other compatible pointing device (required). 5 MB of free hard disk space (an additional 10 MB is needed during installation only to accommodate the initial setup files). Microsoft Internet Explorer v. 4.01 or higher. For optimum performance you should have at least 64MB RAM installed on Windows 9x-based systems. Memory recommendations for Windows 2000 and XP are higher. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9506.html ] Internet Speed Booster (freeware; 5103 Кб) ES FTP Internet Speed Booster is the powerful easy way to speed up your internet connection. With Internet Speed Booster you can speed up you internet connection, utilize your memory, utilize your internet connection and change your windows settings. The main window consists of the following items: Speed Booster, Net Pinger, Ram Booster and System Settings. The Speed Booster contais the Wizard mode, Advanced mode, and Backup manager. The Net Pinger contains Pingr settings. The Ram Booster consists of the System status and Ram configuration. The System Settings contains Internet properties, System Settings, Modem Settings and Network Settings. To speed up your connection just choose one of the predefined connection settings and click Optimize Now. In Backup manager every time you change your settings the program will save your old settings. You can choose the backup file you want to restore or delete. The PING utility helps to keep you from getting your modem connection disconnected by your service provider. Most Internet Service Providers Disconnect users after a fixed period of modem activity. The option System Status in Ram Booster enables you to monitor your system resources. And you can optimize your memory with one click. You can adjust your ram booster settings from Ram Configuration form in Ram Booster. All the tools you need to be efficient on the Web!Boost and optimize the speed of your internet connection with this set of tools. Net Pinger prevents you from being disconnected from your ISP. Speed Booster optimizes the way your PC sends and receives data over the internet. RAM Booster allows you to free physical memory or RAM on your PC . [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9505.html ] Uninstaller Max (freeware; 3422 Кб) Download Upload Uninstaller MAX is a powerful tool to help you to uninstall your programs, manage your startup programs, clean your hard drive, and erase your internet traces...The program features are: 1) Easy to use and fully detailed uninstaller. 2) Remove unnecessary startup programs. 3) Create new startup programs. 4) Disable without really removing programs. 5) Find out spywares, some spyware hide itself from Windows MSConfig utility. 6) Scan whole system for junk files. 7) Very fast speed scanning system. 8) Scans More than 50 junk file types. 9) Remove cache files. 10) Remove Cookies. 11) Remove History files. 12) Remove Typed URLs. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9477.html ] DVD Ripper To iPod (freeware; 9122 Кб) BullDog Ftp DVD Ripper To iPod is the powerful easy to use tool to rip your DVD-Video Discs to iPod video format file that can easily loaded into your iPod. With DVD Ripper To iPod you can do the following: 1- Rip from most Video DVDs [PAL/NTSCwith different encryptions to MP4 iPod supported format. 2- Rip from most Video DVDs [PAL/NTSCwith different encryptions to one of the following video output types: AVI, MPEG, MPG, ASF, WMV, MPE, MOV (QuickTime), MP4, MPEG-2 (ES, PS, TS). 3- Convert to any other format from one of the supported video codec. 4- Adjust the settings of the output video file (i.e. the size, bit rate...etc "Video Settings and Audio Settings Pages "). 5- Preview movie while ripping. With output audio settings window you can: Change common options for audio (Codec, Bit rate, Channels, Sample Rate). With output video settings window you can: Change common options for video (Codec, Bit rate, Scale, Encapsulation method). With output General settings window you can: Disable user request when output movie file already exist in the output directory, Shutdown PC when ripping complete, Open output directory when ripping complete, Lock DVD drive while ripping and Eject DVD when ripping complete. You can rip your DVD movie both PAL and NTSC systems, with the following output formats which are Container formats: ASF, AVI, MOV (QuickTime), MP4, MPEG-2 (PS,TS), OGG, MPG1. Video codecs: DivX, H.263, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, MJPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV, Xvid. Subtitles: DVD, SVCD, DVB, OGM, Matroska, MPEG-4 Timed Text, Text files, Vobsub. Audio codecs: AAC, AC3, MP3, Speex, Vorbis, MPA, MP2A. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9392.html ] DVD Ripper To iPod (freeware; 9122 Кб) BullDog Ftp DVD Ripper To iPod is the powerful easy to use tool to rip your DVD-Video Discs to iPod video format file that can easily loaded into your iPod. With DVD Ripper To iPod you can do the following: 1- Rip from most Video DVDs [PAL/NTSCwith different encryptions to MP4 iPod supported format. 2- Rip from most Video DVDs [PAL/NTSCwith different encryptions to one of the following video output types: AVI, MPEG, MPG, ASF, WMV, MPE, MOV (QuickTime), MP4, MPEG-2 (ES, PS, TS). 3- Convert to any other format from one of the supported video codec. 4- Adjust the settings of the output video file (i.e. the size, bit rate...etc "Video Settings and Audio Settings Pages "). 5- Preview movie while ripping. With output audio settings window you can: Change common options for audio (Codec, Bit rate, Channels, Sample Rate). With output video settings window you can: Change common options for video (Codec, Bit rate, Scale, Encapsulation method). With output General settings window you can: Disable user request when output movie file already exist in the output directory, Shutdown PC when ripping complete, Open output directory when ripping complete, Lock DVD drive while ripping and Eject DVD when ripping complete. You can rip your DVD movie both PAL and NTSC systems, with the following output formats which are Container formats: ASF, AVI, MOV (QuickTime), MP4, MPEG-2 (PS,TS), OGG, MPG1. Video codecs: DivX, H.263, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, MJPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV, Xvid. Subtitles: DVD, SVCD, DVB, OGM, Matroska, MPEG-4 Timed Text, Text files, Vobsub. Audio codecs: AAC, AC3, MP3, Speex, Vorbis, MPA, MP2A. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9386.html ] Image InDepth (freeware; 6479 Кб) Sound Indepth Is a professional Image-editing application that lets you Edit existing photos or Create new images. You can edit images from a variety of formats; it contains an extremely user-friendly interface enabling you to work intuitively. Along with the usual assortment of file operations such as Copy, Move, Delete, and Rename; adjust colors in photos and apply many filters. The software is a consumer-level photo editor with an endless selection of drawing tools, filters, and color-adjustment capabilities for manipulating items in almost any way. The program Offers unique features designed specifically for amateur photographers, hobbyists, and business users who want a simple-to-use yet powerful digital-imaging solution. It can Create eye-catching typography within shapes, perform shadow and highlight correction, explore expanded color-matching features, parlay efficient layer comps. It has Flexible processing, filtering, and versatile delivery features enable you to prepare images for print, e-mail, or posting on the Web. The programs innovative features meet any professional need. You can use this program to edit photos for graphic and Web design, photography, and video. From simply lightening dark photos to improving color and contrast to adding objects or people that werent originally in the picture. Download for free now...... [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9306.html ] Uninstaller Max (freeware; 3422 Кб) Download Upload Uninstaller MAX is a powerful tool to help you to uninstall your programs, manage your startup programs, clean your hard drive, and erase your internet traces...The program features are: 1) Easy to use and fully detailed uninstaller. 2) Remove unnecessary startup programs. 3) Create new startup programs. 4) Disable without really removing programs. 5) Find out spywares, some spyware hide itself from Windows MSConfig utility. 6) Scan whole system for junk files. 7) Very fast speed scanning system. 8) Scans More than 50 junk file types. 9) Remove cache files. 10) Remove Cookies. 11) Remove History files. 12) Remove Typed URLs. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9007.html ] Uninstaller Max (freeware; 3422 Кб) MyiPod Center Uninstaller Max is a powerful tool to help you to uninstall your programs, manage your startup programs, clean your hard drive, and erase your internet traces...The program features are: 1) Easy to use and fully detailed uninstaller. 2) Remove unnecessary startup programs. 3) Create new startup programs. 4) Disable without really removing programs. 5) Find out spywares, some spyware hide itself from Windows MSConfig utility. 6) Scan whole system for junk files. 7) Very fast speed scanning system. 8) Scans More than 50 junk file types. 9) Remove cache files. 10) Remove Cookies. 11) Remove History files. 12) Remove Typed URLs. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8977.html ] Web Video To iPod (freeware; 9670 Кб) BullDog Ftp Web Video 2 iPod has the option of either monitoring Windows clipboard for video links to the above (12) sites and once a video link is detected, the video or movie will be automatically downloaded. Or you can simply copy and paste the web page URL (Or link URI) that contains the video from the (12) supported sites to the download page. Then you can start downloading the list. The program Features are: 1- Download using grab and keep flash movies or videos and you can there after burn them to CD and DVD for offline viewing from the following twelve (12) Sites : "You tube, Google Video, Daily Motion, iFilm.com, Myspace.com, Angryalien.com,ThatvideoSite.com, ZippyVideoes.com, Blip.TV, Break.com, Putfile.com and Bolt.com. (Other video social Sites will be added in future versions.). 2-Web video 2 iPod has the capability of batch downloading multiple video streams from multiple video sharing sites and also batch conversion. 3-The Web video 2 iPod is an easy to use program to download video files from Google, Youtube,iFilm,DailyMotion and 8 other popular video sharing sites. (Other sites will be added in the future version.) and convert them to iPod video format. Thus, the user can obtain the downloaded RAW video file and also the converted file which are located on the users hard drive (H.D) and in his folder of choice. After the user grabs and keeps the flash movies or videos ,he can burn them to CD and DVD for offline viewing. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8957.html ] BD Video Converter Max (freeware; 8137 Кб) BullDog Ftp Video Converter Max is an easy to use tool to convert your video files to various video formats. The program features are: 1)Easy-to-use design. 2)Support the most popular video formats. 3)Preview the input video files before converting. 4)Automatic generation for output file names. 5)Variety range of encoders and decoders. 6)Supported Input Video Formats: Any video File that encoded with any of the following codecs: 4X Video , American Laser Games Video , AMV , Apple Animation , Apple Graphics , Apple MJPEG-B , Apple QuickDraw , Apple Video , Asus v1 , Asus v2 , ATI VCR1 , ATI VCR2 , Autodesk RLE , AVID DNxHD , AVS video , Bethsoft VID , C93 video , CamStudio , Cin video , Cirrus Logic AccuPak , Creative YUV , Duck TrueMotion v1 , Duck TrueMotion v2 , DV , DXA Video , Electronic Arts CMV , Electronic Arts TGV , Electronic Arts TGQ , FFmpeg Video 1 , Flash Screen Video , FLIC video , FLV , Sorenson H.263 used in Flash , Fraps FPS1 , H.261 , H.263(+) RealVideo 1.0 , H.264 , HuffYUV , IBM Ultimotion , id Cinematic video , id RoQ , Intel Indeo 3 , Interplay Video , KMVC , LOCO , Microsoft RLE , Microsoft Video-1 , Mimic , Miro VideoXL , Motion Pixels Video , MPEG-1 , MPEG-2 , MPEG-4 , MSMPEG4 V1 , MSMPEG4 V2 , MSMPEG4 V3 , MSZH , On2 VP3 , On2 VP5 , On2 VP6 , planar RGB , QPEG , RealVideo 1.0 , RealVideo 2.0 , RealVideo 3.0 , RealVideo 4.0 , Renderware TXD , RTjpeg , Smacker video , Snow , Sony PlayStation MDEC , Sorenson Video 1 , Sorenson Video 3 , Sunplus MJPEG , TechSmith Camtasia , Theora , THP , Tiertex Seq video , VC-1 , VMD Video , Used in Sierra VMD files. , VMware Video , Westwood VQA , Winnov WNV1 , WMV7 , WMV8 , WMV9 , Xan/WC3 , ZLIB , ZMBV. 7)Supported Output Video Formats: AVI, ASF,WMV,MOV, FLV, MPG, MPEG,MP4, RM,YUV with the following video codecs: ASUS V1, ASUS V2, VC3/DNxHD, DV (Digital Video), FFmpeg codec #1, Huffyuv FFmpeg variant, Flash Screen Video, Flash Video, H.261, H.263, H.263+ / H.263 version 2, Huffyuv / HuffYUV, libdirac Dirac 2.2. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8954.html ] Spy Message (freeware; 2878 Кб) BullDog Ftp The SpyMessage is easy-to-use, reliable and powerful tool for protecting important information that you dont want others to see.With SpyMessage you can encrypt and hide your text message into image without any changes in its resolution or size.You can view the modified image with any conventional image viewer program, xchange messages with your friends without any fear from others spying on you, No one can know if your image contain messages or not, You can type direct messages or load the file that holds the message, SpyMessage uses two powerful encryption algorithms to protect your data, No plain temporary files are ever created, No password saved within your file and it gives you the privilege to set a special Password to retrieve your encrypted data.SpyMessage enables you sending and receives your private data securely hidden in images of various types. You can use your birthday photo or landscape picture to send some important message to your friend or colegue securely - our application will also use strong encrypting algorithm to make communications really safe. Data is sent and received encrypted, but also nobody even knows that you send or receive any information. Other people only see nice photos; you see important text message. The requirements for running SpyMessage are very modest: Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4.0, 2000 or XP. Any computer that runs one of the above operating systems at a reasonable speed, with a mouse or other compatible pointing device (required). Any computer that runs one of the above operating systems at a reasonable speed, with a mouse or other compatible pointing device (required). 5 MB of free hard disk space (an additional 10 MB is needed during installation only to accommodate the initial setup files). Microsoft Internet Explorer v. 4.01 or higher. For optimum performance you should have at least 64MB RAM installed on Windows 9x-based systems. Memory recommendations for Windows 2000 and XP are higher. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8950.html ] DVD Ripper To iPod (freeware; 9122 Кб) BullDog Ftp DVD Ripper To iPod is the powerful easy to use tool to rip your DVD-Video Discs to iPod video format file that can easily loaded into your iPod. With DVD Ripper To iPod you can do the following: 1- Rip from most Video DVDs [PAL/NTSCwith different encryptions to MP4 iPod supported format. 2- Rip from most Video DVDs [PAL/NTSCwith different encryptions to one of the following video output types: AVI, MPEG, MPG, ASF, WMV, MPE, MOV (QuickTime), MP4, MPEG-2 (ES, PS, TS). 3- Convert to any other format from one of the supported video codec. 4- Adjust the settings of the output video file (i.e. the size, bit rate...etc "Video Settings and Audio Settings Pages "). 5- Preview movie while ripping. With output audio settings window you can: Change common options for audio (Codec, Bit rate, Channels, Sample Rate). With output video settings window you can: Change common options for video (Codec, Bit rate, Scale, Encapsulation method). With output General settings window you can: Disable user request when output movie file already exist in the output directory, Shutdown PC when ripping complete, Open output directory when ripping complete, Lock DVD drive while ripping and Eject DVD when ripping complete. You can rip your DVD movie both PAL and NTSC systems, with the following output formats which are Container formats: ASF, AVI, MOV (QuickTime), MP4, MPEG-2 (PS,TS), OGG, MPG1. Video codecs: DivX, H.263, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, MJPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV, Xvid. Subtitles: DVD, SVCD, DVB, OGM, Matroska, MPEG-4 Timed Text, Text files, Vobsub. Audio codecs: AAC, AC3, MP3, Speex, Vorbis, MPA, MP2A. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8933.html ] Web Video To iPod (freeware; 9670 Кб) Flash Pile Web Video 2 iPod has the option of either monitoring Windows clipboard for video links to the above (12) sites and once a video link is detected, the video or movie will be automatically downloaded. Or you can simply copy and paste the web page URL (Or link URI) that contains the video from the (12) supported sites to the download page. Then you can start downloading the list. The program Features are: 1- Download using grab and keep flash movies or videos and you can there after burn them to CD and DVD for offline viewing from the following twelve (12) Sites : "You tube, Google Video, Daily Motion, iFilm.com, Myspace.com, Angryalien.com,ThatvideoSite.com, ZippyVideoes.com, Blip.TV, Break.com, Putfile.com and Bolt.com. (Other video social Sites will be added in future versions.). 2-Web video 2 iPod has the capability of batch downloading multiple video streams from multiple video sharing sites and also batch conversion. 3-The Web video 2 iPod is an easy to use program to download video files from Google, Youtube,iFilm,DailyMotion and 8 other popular video sharing sites. (Other sites will be added in the future version.) and convert them to iPod video format. Thus, the user can obtain the downloaded RAW video file and also the converted file which are located on the users hard drive (H.D) and in his folder of choice. After the user grabs and keeps the flash movies or videos ,he can burn them to CD and DVD for offline viewing. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8805.html ] Youtube Video Grabber (freeware; 3421 Кб) Flash Pile Youtube Video Grabber has the option of either monitoring Windows clipboard for video links to the above (12) sites and once a video link is detected, the video or movie will be automatically downloaded. Or you can simply copy and paste the web page URL (Or link URI) that contains the video from the (12) supported sites to the download page. Then you can start downloading the list. The program Features are : 1- Download using grab and keep flash movies or videos and you can there after burn them to CD and DVD for offline viewing from the following twelve (12) Sites : "You tube, Google Video, Daily Motion, iFilm.com, Myspace.com, Angryalien.com,ThatvideoSite.com, ZippyVideoes.com, Blip.TV, Break.com, Putfile.com and Bolt.com. (Other video social Sites will be added in future versions). 2-Web video grabber has the capability of batch downloading multiple video streams from multiple video sharing sites. 3-The Web video grabber is an easy to use program to download video files from Google, Youtube,iFilm,DailyMotion and 8 other popular video sharing sites. (Other sites will be added in the future version.) Thus, the user can obtain the downloaded RAW video file whichis located on the users hard drive (H.D) and in his folder of choice. After the user grabs and keeps the flash movies or videos ,he can burn them to CD and DVD for offline viewing. [ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8803.html ]
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