понедельник, 4 октября 2010 г.

Программы софт-каталога ProtoPlex (2010-10-05 06:02:01)

Программы софт-каталога ProtoPlex (2010-10-05 06:02:01)

Всего программ в каталоге: 8058
Размер каталога: 138688.78 Мб
Бесплатных программ: 3420
Новинок: 3485

Recovery Mechanic 4.17.4 (shareware $39.95; 5701 Кб)
Recovery Mechanic Labs

Восстановление удаленных файлов и папок. Recovery Mechanic позволяет возвратить все типы файлов с нормальных, поврежденных и даже недоступных устройств, таких как жесткие диски, флешки, диски SSD, карты памяти, и цифровые камеры. Даже если диск будет отформатирован или недоступен, то Recovery Mechanic все еще будет в состоянии просмотреть его и возвратить Ваши файлы и папки! Поддерживая все версии Windows начиная с Windows 95 и заканчивая Vista, Windows 7 и Сервер 2008, Recovery Mechanic может возвратить файлы и папки, сохраненные на всех видах дисков, отформатированных под всеми версиями FAT или NTFS. Recovery Mechanic используя последние достижения в технологиях восстановления данных позволяет Вам осуществлять полностью управляемый пошаговый процесс восстановления. Мастер восстановления делает восстановление потерянной и удаленной информации не только возможной, но и легкой и быстрой. Только несколько щелчков мыши начнут полный просмотр всей Вашей системы, чтобы определить местонахождение и возвратить недостающие файлы и папки. Специальные алгоритмы сличают соответствия информации, прочитанной на жестком диске с обширной базой данных форматов файла, чтобы обнаружить начало и конец каждого восстанавливаемого файла. Документы, картинки, музыка, видео, архивы, электронная почта, и еще много типов файлов могут быть восстановлены с дисков, которые были ужасно повреждены, переформатированы, или просто недоступны. Даже если диск не обнаруживается как буква диска, Вы можете быть в состоянии возвратить важные файлы и с него тоже! Recovery Mechanic предоставляет полный предварительный просмотр всех восстанавливаемых файлов. Вы можете просматривать документы с объектами, электронную почту с приложениями, воспроизвести звуковые и видео файлы, и войти в сжатые архивы прежде, чем Recovery Mechanic попытается возвратить их. Живой предварительный просмотр работает в полной и в пробной версиях Recovery Mechanic.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8437.html ]

Falco Icon Studio 7.2 (freeware; 19825 Кб)
Falco Software Company

Графический редактор для создания иконок.
Ключевые возможности:

1. Загрузка DLL/EXE, BMP, GIF(Animated), PNG, JPG, ICO, CUR, ANI, TARGA, PSD(Photoshop), PCD(Kodak), TIFF, ICL files.
2. Сохранение в JPG, GIF(Animated), PNG, BMP, ICO, CUR, ANI, TARGA, TIFF, ICL formats.
3. Базлимитные UNDO/REDO.
4. Множественное копирование о многих окнах.
5. Вставка из разных редакторов.
6. Pencil, Line, Text, Spray, Rectangle, Ellipse, Filled Rectangle, Filled Ellipse, Fill Tool, Selection Tool, Color Selection Tool, Lasso Selection Tool, Ellipse Selection Tool, Hue Selection Tool, Smart Scissor Toolm Blur.
7. Добавка иконок в различных форматах.
8. Эффекты: Rotates, Flips, Shifts, Contrast, Brightness, Invert Colors, Blur, GrayScale, HLS Adjustment, Sharpen, Emboss. Masks & Borders.
9. Любой дразмер до 2048 x 2048.
10. Редатор палитры.
11. PNG & BMP 32 бит поддержка с прозрачностью.
12. Множественное открывание файлов.
13. Поддержка ВЭБ-Камеры и сканера.
14. Возможность селектировать как в Photoshop.
15. Поддержка Висты.
16. Превью загрузочных файлов.
17. Информация о файле.
18. Расширенная печать.
19. Vista PNG Packed Icons загрузка/сохранение.
20. Уменьшение шумов изображения.
21. ICL(Икон Библиотека) загрузка и сохранение обеспечены. Множественный импорт в ICL-библиотеки.
22. GIF баннер Визард.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9558.html ]

МедКарта 0.59f (freeware; 3746 Кб)
ДПБ №6

Программа МедКарта предназначена для сбора и обработки персонифицированной информации о пациентах в медицинских учреждениях различной специализации, а также создания единого информационного пространства по контингенту больных в структурных подразделениях. Разработку и сопровождение программы МедКарта, осуществляет ДПБ №6.

Основные возможности:

- Создание любых необходимых баз данных.
- Создание форм ввода данных с требуемым количеством полей.
- Использование шаблона заполнения формы ввода.
- Представление формы ввода в виде списка или бланка.
- Создание и использование различных справочников.
- Быстрый выбор значения по коду в справочниках (например МКБ10).
- Использование фильтров в справочниках.
- Представление записей в табличном виде с использованием разных стилей.
- Упорядочивание записей в журналах с запоминанием текущей записи и порядка.
- Подсчет записей по задаваемому условию.
- Копирование записи в другие базы данных.
- Извлечение требуемой информации с помощью конструктора запроса.
- Сохранение условия созданного запроса.
- Построение разреза по результату запроса для любого поля.
- Сортировка записей результата запроса по любым критериям.
- Сохранение критерия сортировки записей.
- Быстрый поиск пациента по всем выбранным базам данных.
- Использование сканера записей базы данных.
- Быстрое оформление любых справок в одном окне.
- Использование конструктора печати для формирования документов.
- Создание документов по шаблону Microsoft Word, OpenOffice.org Writer или МедКарта.
- Импорт и экспорт записей таблицы в другие форматы.
- Создание и подключение пользовательских модулей расширения.
- Использование процедур и функций МедКарта при создании модулей.
- Настраиваемые цветовые схемы в каждой базе данных.
- Выбор оптимальных шрифтов в формах ввода и журналах.
- Автоматический вход в программу без аутентификации.
- Использование сервисных функций для поддержки системы в рабочем состоянии.
- Разграничение доступа при модификации записей.
- Пересылка документов и профилей по каналам связи.
- Массовая рассылка извещений клиентам базы данных.
- Установка и работа программы в локальной сети.
- Создание переносимых профилей базы данных.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/4181.html ]

Memo Fora 4x4 «Свой бизнес» (shareware 1600 руб; 5496 Кб)
Генадий Ляшенко

Автоматизации процесса торговли любыми товарами и услугами. Полный комплект оперативных документов, раздельный учет товарных остатков по отделам (складам), учет номерных экземпляров товаров, ценообразование в трех валютах (рубли, USD, EURO), работа с заказами и комплектация составных изделий. Оперативная информация по долгам контрагентов, заказам, оплате накладных и обороте товаров и услуг.

Ведение списков аналогов и замен товаров. Поддержка национальных валют стран СНГ (Таджикистан, Украина, Казахстан, Молдавия, Узбекистан).

Поддержка работы со сканером штрих - кодов, выписка сканером товаров и экземпляров по серийным номерам, настройка и разделение прав пользователей на доступ к информации. Полная информация о товарах и контрагентах.

Более 100 отчетов, в т.ч. и с экспортом в MS Excel, возможность подключения внешних заказных отчетов и операций. Программа доступна в 2-х вариантах: Standart и для работы с БД Pervasive.SQL
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/3392.html ]

10-Strike LANState Pro 5.3r (shareware 3990 руб; 5476 Кб)
Dmitriy Stepanov

Программа для администраторов и простых пользователей сетей Microsoft Windows. Позволяет отображать текущее состояние сети в виде графической карты, осуществляет мониторинг сети с помощью периодического опроса компьютеров.
- Мониторинг сети и наглядный просмотр состояния компьютеров (работает, не работает);
- Оповещения при включении/выключении серверов, компьютеров, сетевого оборудования;
- Получение различной информации о компьютерах (IP-адрес, текущий пользователь, принадлежность к домену, установленная ОС, текущая дата/время, MAC-адрес, сетевые ресурсы);
- Моделирование сети в графическом виде с возможностью сохранения карт и их быстрого переключения;
- Отслеживание подключений к сетевым ресурсам с использованием "черного" списка;
- Просмотр загрузки сетевой карты (трафик);
- Получение имени компьютера по IP-адресу;
- Отправка обычных и анонимных popup-сообщений любому или нескольким компьютерам сети;
- Выключение и перезагрузка удаленных компьютеров (при наличии соответствующих прав);
- Включение компьютера по сети (wake-on-lan);
- Пинг хостов;
- Трассировка маршрутов;
- И другие...
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/3670.html ]

Free YouTube to iPod Converter (freeware; 12722 Кб)
DVDVideoSoft Ltd

Встречалось ли Вам когда-либо такое видео на YouTube, которым Вы хотели бы поделиться с Вашими друзьями и родными? Да, да и еще раз да!!! Там тысячи отличных видеороликов, но, к сожалению, почти незозможно достать их оттуда. Бесплатный конвертер youtube-видео для ipod делает это так просто, как 1-2-3. Все, что от Вас требуется, лишь задать программе ссылку на YouTube-видео, канал или плейлист и нажать на кнопку Конвертировать в правом нижнем углу интерфейса программы. И все. Через несколько минут у вас будет видео в формате MP4, готовое для загрузки в Ваш iPod, iPhone, PSP, BlackBerry и другие портативные плееры и мобильные телефоны. Теперь это так просто с бесплатным конвертером youtube-видео для ipod. Free YouTube to iPod Converter не содержит шпионских программ и рекламы. Он абсолютно бесплатный и безопасный в использовании.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8389.html ]

Регистрация заявок LAN 2.7.1 (shareware 1700 руб; 18000 Кб)

Система Help Desk для учета и отслеживания заявок и вопросов от пользователей в локальной сети.

Предположим, что у пользователя возникла какая-либо проблема или вопрос, который он хочет направить IT-персоналу или администратору. С помощью программы-клиента он создает заявку, которая поступает на сервер и обрабатывается программой-сервером.
Главный администратор (диспетчер) получает уведомление о поступившей заявке и обрабатывает её. Он может назначить исполнителя и перенаравить заявку ему. Исполнитель в свою очередь получает об этом уведомление.
Пользователь, который подал заявку, имеет возможность просматривать изменение её статуса, в котором может быть указан скрок выполнения заявки или ответ на вопрос.

Основной набор функций:
- Регистрация и отслеживание заявок от пользователей в локальной сети TCP/IP (поддержка удаленных соединений).
- Уведомления о заявках в программе и по e-mail.
- 3 уровня описания заявок: общее название, уточнение и подробное описание.
- Редактируемая база знаний.
- Клиент-Серверная технология (3 программных модуля).
- Авторизация.
- 4 типа пользователей программы.
- Возможность формирования отчетов на основании полученных заявок.
- Возможность отправлять файлы.
- Задачи и напоминания.
- Календарь.
- Обновления модулей.
- Дополнительные функции.
- Поддержка многоязычности. В программе доступны 2 языка: русский и английский.

Программа обладает простым интерфейсом, который будет понятен любому пользователю и не требует специального обучения. Исполнителям предоставляется удобный механизм контроля поступивших заявок, а каждому пользователю - возможность мониторить состояния его заявки.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8258.html ]

Recover Deleted Digital Photos (shareware $69; 1495 Кб)
Best Data Recovery Software

Formatted digital images restoration software provides easy repair or safe recovery process to all accidentally deleted, corrupted, disk error, formatted, self generated errors and improper use of your any removable media. Digital picture restorer tool is capable to restore several important photo files formats like GIF, BMP, JPG etc. Lost pictures recovery utility undelete photographs from extreme digital card, XD card, SD card, compact flash memory card, smart media. Photo recovery tool provides valid image recovery process to all windows based operating system like 98, ME, 2000, NT, XP, windows Vista. Photograph rescue application undelete damaged photographs when message displayed like MEDIA IS NOT FORMATTED WOULD YOU LIKE TO FORMAT NOW. Photo uneraser software can also handle cases like memory card being pulled out while camera is in running state or condition like turning the camera off during the write process. Digital picture rescue tool includes inbuilt user help manual, which provides a better guidance for technical as well as non technical users. Corrupt photo rescue tool restores deleted images even when the message comes up with a file and an exclamation mark on it has prompted by the system. Digital pictures recovery software has an intuitive graphic interface that helps you organize your whole data recovery without any problems.
Digital photo recovery software features:
* Digital image recovery utility can efficiently recover missing or deleted photos from various memory cards.
* Pictures recovery software can handle all possible conditions of data loss.
* Software can also restore photo lost due to card being pulled out while camera was on.
* Photo recovery software is fully reliable to retrieve your important files and folders having pictures, snapshots and digital images.
* Kodak picture recovery software recover deleted digital pictures and provides thumbnail previews of recovered pictures and facilitates to store at safe location.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9148.html ]

Web Video To iPod (freeware; 10756 Кб)
Robust Robust

WebVideo To iPod is an easy to use program to download Video files from the web sites Youtube.com ,Google.com ,Angryalien.com ,ZippyVideos.com and Break.com and also by WebVideo To iPod you can convert them to to iPod video format (MP4). The download tab is the default tab when launching the program. The download list contains the video URLs that are currently downloading, each item consists of the item ID ,the video URL you want to download ,the Local File Name ,the Download Status and the expected file size to be downloaded. By Download Options you can Monitor Video URLs,this will monitor the supported video URLs in the clipboard and automatically add them to the download list and also start download them, all you have to do after selecting this option is minimize the program to tray and then navigate the video web sites and just copy the links you need and the program will do the rest for you. Also you can enabling the option Add Complete downloads and this will automatically add the finished downloads to the conversion list excluding the iPod video format (MP4). In the convert window you can browse to the target output directory or leave the default one as it is ,Add video file(s) to be converted to iPod compatible format (mp4) ,select all items in the list so you can clear the conversion list ,Remove the selected items and import the complete downloaded files from the download list. To uninstall the program open Start Menu>> Settings >> Control Panel >> Add/Remove Programs Dialog box, you will find the Robust WebVideo To iPod entry, choose to remove it, and then follow the uninstalling instructions that will appear. You can also open Start >> Programs>> Robust.ws>> WebVideo To iPod>> Uninstall WebVideo To iPod.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9146.html ]

Video Decompiler (freeware; 12558 Кб)
Robust Robust

Video Decompiler is one of the greatest tools ever used for capturing snapshots from your video files.We support three tools for capturing snapshots: 1. Single snapshot: Captures a single snapshot from the video. 2. Continuous snapshots: Allows you to capture a portion of the video as a sequence of images. 3. Timed snapshots: Allows you to capture snapshots every certain amount of milliseconds.The main window is composed of three main parts which are Media Actions, Media Tools and the Main Menu Bar.There is also a frame at the bottom of the window which lets you change where you save your snapshots quickly without entering the Options window.In the part of Media Actions you will see a collection of buttons which includes the main media commands which are: rewind, play, pause, stop and fast forward.Also in the right side, you will find a button for mute/sound and a slider for setting the desired volume level. There a bar also which shows the progress of the movie.In the part of Media Tools you will find the functionality we provided for you to capture snapshots: By clicking the first button, you will capture a single snapshot. You can use the shortcut key Ctrl + F1.By clicking the second button, you will start to capture a sequence of images until you click it again. You can use the shortcut key Ctrl + F2.By clicking the third button, you might be asked to enter a number in terms of milliseconds (depends on how you set your options), you may check the checkbox shown in this dialog to use the number you specified as the default without showing the dialog again. Video Decompiler will then capture a snapshot automatically and will use that number as the interval of time to be waited after each snapshot.You can use the shortcut key Ctrl + F3.Theree two buttons that you can use for speeding up and down the video.The Main Menu Bar consists of the File Menu: In this menu you can either open an existing video or exit, Edit Menu,Tools and help.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9142.html ]

Video Converter Max (freeware; 5413 Кб)
Robust Robust

Video Converter Max is an easy to use tool to convert your video files to various video formats. The program features are: 1)Easy-to-use design. 2)Support the most popular video formats. 3)Preview the input video files before converting. 4)Automatic generation for output file names. 5)Variety range of encoders and decoders. 6)Supported Input Video Formats: Any video File that encoded with any of the following codecs: 4X Video , American Laser Games Video , AMV , Apple Animation , Apple Graphics , Apple MJPEG-B , Apple QuickDraw , Apple Video , Asus v1 , Asus v2 , ATI VCR1 , ATI VCR2 , Autodesk RLE , AVID DNxHD , AVS video , Bethsoft VID , C93 video , CamStudio , Cin video , Cirrus Logic AccuPak , Creative YUV , Duck TrueMotion v1 , Duck TrueMotion v2 , DV , DXA Video , Electronic Arts CMV , Electronic Arts TGV , Electronic Arts TGQ , FFmpeg Video 1 , Flash Screen Video , FLIC video , FLV , Sorenson H.263 used in Flash , Fraps FPS1 , H.261 , H.263(+) RealVideo 1.0 , H.264 , HuffYUV , IBM Ultimotion , id Cinematic video , id RoQ , Intel Indeo 3 , Interplay Video , KMVC , LOCO , Microsoft RLE , Microsoft Video-1 , Mimic , Miro VideoXL , Motion Pixels Video , MPEG-1 , MPEG-2 , MPEG-4 , MSMPEG4 V1 , MSMPEG4 V2 , MSMPEG4 V3 , MSZH , On2 VP3 , On2 VP5 , On2 VP6 , planar RGB , QPEG , RealVideo 1.0 , RealVideo 2.0 , RealVideo 3.0 , RealVideo 4.0 , Renderware TXD , RTjpeg , Smacker video , Snow , Sony PlayStation MDEC , Sorenson Video 1 , Sorenson Video 3 , Sunplus MJPEG , TechSmith Camtasia , Theora , THP , Tiertex Seq video , VC-1 , VMD Video , Used in Sierra VMD files. , VMware Video , Westwood VQA , Winnov WNV1 , WMV7 , WMV8 , WMV9 , Xan/WC3 , ZLIB , ZMBV. 7)Supported Output Video Formats: AVI, ASF,WMV,MOV, FLV, MPG, MPEG,MP4, RM,YUV with the following video codecs: ASUS V1, ASUS V2, VC3/DNxHD, DV (Digital Video), FFmpeg codec #1, Huffyuv FFmpeg variant, Flash Screen Video, Flash Video, H.261, H.263, H.263+ / H.263 version 2, Huffyuv / HuffYUV, libdirac Dirac 2.2.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9141.html ]

Uninstaller Max (freeware; 3422 Кб)
Robust Ws

Uninstaller Max is a powerful tool to help you to uninstall your programs, manage your startup programs, clean your hard drive, and erase your internet traces...The program features are: 1) Easy to use and fully detailed uninstaller. 2) Remove unnecessary startup programs. 3) Create new startup programs. 4) Disable without really removing programs. 5) Find out spywares, some spyware hide itself from Windows MSConfig utility. 6) Scan whole system for junk files. 7) Very fast speed scanning system. 8) Scans More than 50 junk file types. 9) Remove cache files. 10) Remove Cookies. 11) Remove History files. 12) Remove Typed URLs.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9140.html ]

Media Player Max (freeware; 16128 Кб)
Robust ws

Media Player Max is an easy-to-use program with amazing interface to play almost all media files with an easy-to-use playlist, The player can also play DVD-Video discs and Video-CD discs. The program features are: 1) Supported Input Audio Formats: wav , wma , mka , m4a , mp3 , mp4 , ogg , aac , 3g2. 2) Supported Input Video Formats: .wmv , asf , avi , mpg , mp2 , mpe , mpeg , mp4 , m4v , ogm , mov , hdmov, 3gp , 3gpp , 3g2 , flv. 3) Supports Video DVDs . 4) Easy-to-use design. 5) Smart playlist with thumnails view. 6) Variety range of codecs. The file menu contains the basic menu items that enable you to open your media file you have many choices to open media file as follow: 1) Open Media File: To open supported media files. Like (wmv, asf, avi, flv, ogm, 3gp, etc. 2) Open DVD: Let you choose the DVD-Drive to play the inserted video DVD from it. 3) Recently played files: Open from the recent files that you played. The play Menu supports full playback control it contains many menu items as follows: 1. Play/Pause: Playing and pausing the media and you can do that by using the short key (Ctrl+P). 2. Stop: Stopping the video play and you can use (Ctrl+S) short key. 3. Play Mode: Change the playback mode between three states Normal, Continuous and Shuffle. 4. Repeat Mode: No Repeat: After the end of playlist or the end of the file the program stops playing, Single Repeat: the program repeats the current file only and Repeat All: Repeats all files. 5. Full Screen: Toggle full screen mode and you can use (Ctrl+F) short key. 6. Increase Speed:Doubles the playback speed and make the playing faster you can use (Ctrl+Up Arrow) shortkey. 7. Decrease Speed:Decreses the playback speed and make the playing slower, you can use (Ctrl+Down Arrow) shortkey. 8. Reset Speed: Normal playback speed. (Ctrl+R) short key. 9. After file Playing finished: Choose what you want after playback finishes. Do Nothing: after playing nothing to do. Exit Media player Max: Exit the program
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9133.html ]

Image Viewer (freeware; 4346 Кб)
Robust Robust

Image Viewer is the powerful, compact and easy-to-use image viewer you can use. With Image Viewer you can do the following:- 1- Open a lot of image file formats like JPG,BMP,GIF,TIFF,PNG,PSD,PCX,TGA,WMF,EMF,WBMP,ICO,DIB. 2- Open images also from URL and save them to your disk. 3- Save to several image formats like JPG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, PNGtc. 4- View images in full screen mode and slideshow mode. 5- View and browse images in Thumbnails view. 5- View and browse images in Thumbnails view. 6- Copy, Cut and Paste images and portions of images. 7- Do some powerful effects like Crop, Resize, Flip, Rotate, Skew, Brightness and Contrast. From the general settings tab you can adjust the following options: 1- Background color of the viewer, click on the color button and choose the desired color and press ok. 2- Specify if the viewer loops around image files while browsing if reaching the end or begin of files. 3- Fit image during browsing. In the Full Screen Settings tab you can set the options of the full screen mode as follow: 1- Current image name display: sets the image name display options. 2- Display the image name in the full screen mode or not, by changing this check (Display in full screen mode). 3- Display the image name in the slide show mode or not, by changing this check (Display in slide show mode). You can adjust the Slideshow mode settings from the Slideshow Settings tab, these settings as follow: 1- Skip damaged and unsupported images during Slideshow: doesn show the bad images in the slide show to prevent annoying the user while the Slideshow. 2- Hide mouse pointer during the slide show. 3- Set the delay between each image, enter the value in Milliseconds (Note: 1000 = 1 Second). From the Association Settings tab you can set which files can be associated with the Image Viewer to be viewed with it, you can easily check or uncheck the file or you can select all or deselect all files.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9132.html ]

iPod Copier (freeware; 4699 Кб)
Robust Robust

iPod Copier is very easy to use tool to Copy your iPod Device(Any Type), you can copy tracks from iPod to your local hard drive. With iPod Copier you can: 1- View all Audio/Video iPod Contents. 2- Play Audio/Video Tracks of the iPod. 3- View the properties of the Audio/Video tracks of the iPod. 4- Copy Audio/Video tracks from iPod to local hard drive. 5- Search in the tracks properties to easily find the desired track. 6- Support All iPod Types. The iPod must be configured for disk use IF you have iTunes installed in your system (You will find this option in the iPod options in the iTunes Application). Its recommended to connect the iPod to the computer before launching the iPod Copier. The transfer page contains the following 2 main Sections:- iPod Connection: This section will load iPod Contents (Audio/Video Files), So you can view and copy them:- Automatically detect the iPod: If you select this option, Then iPod Copier will automatically specify the iPod Drive, Manually Specify the iPod Drive: With this option you will specify the iPod Drive, In general selecting this option speeds up the loading process a little bit, and View and Copy iPod Contents: Click this button to go to the Copy Page to view and Copy iPod Contents. This button is hidden by default and will not appear unless the iPod DB is loaded successfully.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9126.html ]

DVD Player (freeware; 13556 Кб)
Robust Robust

DVD Player is one of the most efficient and powerful tools ever used to play DVD movies. By using this player, you will be able to grab snapshot and save it as an image and grab snapshot and save it directly as wallpaper; you can also set how you want to set the wallpaper (Tile - Stretch - Center). Also you can grab snapshot and save it to the clipboard. Using this player is so easy. To play a DVD, just select the DVD drive you wish to use by pressing the DVDs button. Use the media buttons to have full control over the movie. You can use the menu buttons as well to use the DVDs menu. You can physically eject your DVD, alter the volume, switch to full screen mode, grab a snapshot or enter to the Options dialog. In the Options dialog you can choose one of the available languages. Also you can set how you want to save your snapshot. If youre experiencing poor video quality; you may use the hardware acceleration to improve it. You are allowed to disable screen saver to watch your movie without being interrupted. You may turn the Auto Play option on to add a command to the context menu for your DVD, as well as adding "DVD Player" to your Auto Play list.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9123.html ]

Audio Editor (freeware; 10158 Кб)
Robust Robust

The powerful easy-to-use digital audio editing program you can use. With Audio Editor you can: 1-Open a lot of audio files like MP3,MP2,WAV,WMA,OGG,VOX,G726,RAW,DSS,CDA,MPC,PCM,GSMtc. 2-Save to several audio formats: MP3, WAV, VOX, OGG, G726, WMA, and RAW 3-Edit ID3 Tags of the following file types: WAV, MP3, WMA, and OGG. 4-Record from all available audio sources in your system like microphone, Stereo mix, Line in. etc. you can mix or insert the recorded audio into the current audio or record in a new window. 5-Copy, Cut, Paste, and other editing operations on the opened audio files. 6-Apply a lot of effects on the opened audio files. 7-Apply a lot of filters on the opened audio files. 8- View Frequency Analysis of the opened audio files. 9-Mix audio files and save the output. Some menu items will not activate until you open a file like ctionmenu items, Trim, Insert silence.All ffectsmenu items, All iltersmenu items, Some ditmenu items will not activate until you select a portion of the waveform. Watch the selection information at the bottom. You can change the record device depending on source that you will record from, it may be "Microphone" to record from a microphone or "Stereo Mix" to record directly from your sound card that means you can play a song in the background and record from it. You can choose from other listed devices. In the same way you can change the output device [Play Device You can Change the temporary directory that will be used as a swap space for Audio Editor operations. You should select a directory in a sufficient free space partition. The Frequency Analysis shows you how much a frequency occurs in the audio file, you can move the cursor to the graph and watch the cursor value in the cursor frame If you see nothing,try changing the FFT size and FFT window. Tag Information is information related to the media files,you can get it in Windows XP by getting the properties of the file and then edit the summary tab.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9117.html ]

AllMyNotes Organizer FREE Edition 2.22 (freeware; 4044 Кб)
Volodymyr Frytskyy

AllMyNotes Organizer - просто создавайте заметки и держите их всегда под рукой. Все заметки хранятся в едином, защищенном файле и их можно группировать по разнообразным признакам в структуру дерева. Создавать и записывать заметки, идеи и просто вести дневник - с данной программой все это становится так просто!
Идеален для: хранения случайной информации, ведения дневника, записывания идей, планов, цитат, адресов, телефонов, информации о путешествиях (расписания поездов, самолетов, информация об отелях, и т.д.), финансофой информации (информация о счетах, семейном бюджете, пароли доступа, акции), сохранения паролей, шоппинг-списков, идей подарков, интересных новостей, каталогизации дисков, дискографии, построения генеологического дервеа.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9099.html ]

Xilisoft HD Video Converter Pro (shareware $39.95; 16117 Кб)
zhang guangye

Xilisoft HD Video Converter является профессиональным инструментом HDTV Конвертор предназначен для преобразования видео в различные видео высокой четкости форматов, таких как HD видео ASF, AVI видео HD, HD видео H.264, HD Quick Time видео, HD MPEG4 видео и т.д. Программа может конвертировать TS с WMV HD, AVI для TS HD, WMV HD в TS HD и так далее. Xilisoft HD Video Converter может также конвертировать аудио аудио-, видео-аудио и фотографий, а также создать видео из изображений. HD Video Converter также поддерживает формат H.264 видео, предлагая намного большей эффективностью, чем MPEG2 стандарт, используемый в DVD видео. Основные характеристики 1.It полном поддерживает преобразование TS в WMV HD, AVI для TS HD, WMV HD в TS HD и т.д. 2.Support высокой четкости (HD) видео кодирования / декодирования и APE / CUE декодирование. 3.The HD Video Converter мастер был разработан и добавил для начинающих, руководящие конверсии.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9097.html ]

Система регистрации изменений в ООО 1.0 (shareware $80; 1893 Кб)
Максим Корниенко

Программа предназначена для учета всех изменений учредительных документов в ООО и ведение списка учредителей. За ведение данного учета по новому законодательству, вступившему в силу с 01 июля 2009 г., несет ответственность руководитель. Предоставляется возможность подготовки отчета на любую дату для предоставления актуальной и достоверной информации учредителям и контролирующим органам. Также в программе содержатся нормативно-правовые документы и бланки форм, которые необходимы по новому законодательству. Программа предназначена директорам компаний, а также бухгалтерам и юристам.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9091.html ]

iPhone Ringtone Maker Tool 2.0.2 (shareware $14.95; 15141 Кб)
tunny Inc.

iPhone Ringtone Maker превращает Вашу мечту сделать свой собственный рингтон iPhone с любили музыку в реальность на пути преобразования почти всех основных видео и аудио форматов, включая AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/AVC, MKV, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, MP3, WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, и т.д. Для M4R iPhone рингтон, а также передачи преобразованных M4R рингтон для iPhone сразу после преобразования, если хотите. Xilisoft iPhone Ringtone Maker поможет вам любой музыкальный клип сегмента видео аудио файле и превратить его в iPhone ringtone.Key особенностями: 1. Поддержка 3GS iPhone (iPhone OS 3.0) .2. После внесения iPhone рингтон, этот производитель программного обеспечения iPhone рингтон можно добавить преобразовать мелодию в вашем iPhone напрямую, таким образом, вы можете услышать мелодию признакам, когда ваши друзья называют you.3. Если вы просто любите клип в музыкальных файлов, Xilisoft iPhone Ringtone Maker позволяет установить точное время начала и время окончания сегмента и превратить его в iPhone ringtone.4. Встроенный музыкальный проигрыватель, вам доступны для предварительного просмотра видео источников / аудио файла перед converting.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9085.html ]

iPhone Ringtone Maker Tool 2.0.2 (shareware $14.95; 15141 Кб)
tunny Inc.

iPhone Ringtone Maker превращает Вашу мечту сделать свой собственный рингтон iPhone с любили музыку в реальность на пути преобразования почти всех основных видео и аудио форматов, включая AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/AVC, MKV, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, MP3, WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, и т.д. Для M4R iPhone рингтон, а также передачи преобразованных M4R рингтон для iPhone сразу после преобразования, если хотите. Xilisoft iPhone Ringtone Maker поможет вам любой музыкальный клип сегмента видео аудио файле и превратить его в iPhone ringtone.Key особенностями: 1. Поддержка 3GS iPhone (iPhone OS 3.0) .2. После внесения iPhone рингтон, этот производитель программного обеспечения iPhone рингтон можно добавить преобразовать мелодию в вашем iPhone напрямую, таким образом, вы можете услышать мелодию признакам, когда ваши друзья называют you.3. Если вы просто любите клип в музыкальных файлов, Xilisoft iPhone Ringtone Maker позволяет установить точное время начала и время окончания сегмента и превратить его в iPhone ringtone.4. Встроенный музыкальный проигрыватель, вам доступны для предварительного просмотра видео источников / аудио файла перед converting.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9084.html ]

Recover Corrupted USB Drive (shareware $45; 1658 Кб)
Data Recovery Software

Memory stick data recovery utility recovers files, folders, music songs, pictures, video, digital images, photos etc which is lost due to improper usage of drive, virus/worm attack, accidental corruption etc. Pen drive data retrieval software restore all bmp, mov, jpeg, tiff, mpeg, wav and all other files created by different application. USB drive data rescue software provides easy recovery of files even when common system generated error message rive not formatteddisplayed while accessing pen drive in y Computerdrive and easily works with all major capacity drives including 512MB, 1GB, 2GB and 4GB and even higher capacity disk drives. USB drive data recovery software performs in-depth disk scanning and search lost files when file record is also deleted and revives the lost data in same format it was lost and also provides the option for user to preview the file and folders before actual recovery and save it to the user specified location that can be reused in future. Digital photo recovery tool is low priced and one of the most suitable product for Windows 7.0, VISTA, XP, 2000, 2003, 98, NT, ME etc. and easily compatible with all renowned USB drive brands like Kingston, Transcend, Sony, Samsung, Super Talent, Super Flash, SanDisk, Jet flash, Lexar, Memorex, PQI, SimpleTech, Imation, Verbatim etc. USB data restoration software has windows based user friendly GUI interface all you have to do is simply follow the steps which are guided by the wizard.
* Recover all important files and folders including text files, pictures, music, mp3 songs, snapshots, video, still images and other data from USB storage media.
* Easiest, effective and versatile program for regaining the entire lost or deleted data from USB media mass storage drives.
* Support recovery of all major file formats including jpg, jpeg, gif, mpeg, txt, doc, riff, tiff etc.
* Support recovery from all 64MB, 128MB, 256MB, 512MB, 1GB, 2GB, 4GB, 8GB and even higher capacities usb drives.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9083.html ]

Convert MDB Files (shareware $45; 2222 Кб)
Digital Camera Data Recovery

Professional MS Access to MySQL database migration utility convert table structures, attributes, null values relationships with all properties parameter. Microsoft Access database to MySQL server migrating software import selected data tables of large database files and convert into MySQL server data in table format quickly. MS Access to MySQL database migration tool is high speed database conversion software converts large database records quickly and efficiently. MS Access database transformation application converts entire or selected database record according to your choice. MS Access DB to MySQL server migration program effectively converts database into table, rows and column and does not affect the functionality of any database application. MS Access to MySQL database conversion software is cost effective database conversion tool supports all major data types, attributes, databases, primary key constraints. MS Access to MySQL database conversion tool efficiently runs under Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 2003 Server, Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows VISTA operating system.
* Microsoft Access to MySQL database migration application accurately transfers MS Access record.
* Professional MS Access database conversion software supports entire database migration into MySQL server with primary key, unique key, null, default value.
* MS Access DB record utility accurately converts password protected MDB files into MySQL.
* MS Access database to MySQL server converter tool efficiently migrate Access database records and merges converted database record into existing MySQL database.
* MS Access to MySQL database conversion program has user friendly GUI interface.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9076.html ]

Audio Converter Extractor Max (freeware; 3358 Кб)

Audio Converter Extractor Max is an easy to use tool to convert audio files to various audio formats and extract audio from video files to various audio formats. The program can also rip audio CD tracks to the supported formats. Features:
1) Supported Input Audio Formats: cda,wav,wma,mp1,mp2,mp3,mp4,ogg,aac,alac,flac,ac3,spx,mpc,tta, ape,ofr,midi,adx,mod,mo3.
2) Supported Input Video Formats: .wmv,asf,avi,mpg,mp2,mpeg,mp4,mov,dat
3) Supported Output Audio Formats: wav,wma,mp3,ogg.
4) Supports Ripping Audio CD Track using fast and direct method for ripping.
5) Easy-to-use design.
6) Support the most popular audio formats.
7) Supports multiple CD-R/RW drives for Ripping.
8) Play back toolbar for listening to files before converting.
9) Automatic generation for track names.
10) Variety range of encoders.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9073.html ]

Audio Converter Extractor Max (freeware; 3358 Кб)

Audio Converter Extractor Max is an easy to use tool to convert audio files to various audio formats and extract audio from video files to various audio formats. The program can also rip audio CD tracks to the supported formats. Features:
1) Supported Input Audio Formats: cda,wav,wma,mp1,mp2,mp3,mp4,ogg,aac,alac,flac,ac3,spx,mpc,tta, ape,ofr,midi,adx,mod,mo3.
2) Supported Input Video Formats: .wmv,asf,avi,mpg,mp2,mpeg,mp4,mov,dat
3) Supported Output Audio Formats: wav,wma,mp3,ogg.
4) Supports Ripping Audio CD Track using fast and direct method for ripping.
5) Easy-to-use design.
6) Support the most popular audio formats.
7) Supports multiple CD-R/RW drives for Ripping.
8) Play back toolbar for listening to files before converting.
9) Automatic generation for track names.
10) Variety range of encoders.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9069.html ]

Zune Video Converter tool Suite 2.6.3 (shareware $39.95; 6729 Кб)
tunny Inc.

Zune Video Converter Suite is an all-in-one Zune video Conversion software. This suite includes "Zune Video Converter" and "DVD to Zune Converter". So with this Zune Video Converter suite, you can convert both DVD and video files to your Zune video. You can enjoy your favorite DVD and video movies on your Zune as a portable DVD Player. Now you can get this Zune Converter Suite at a very competitive price!

We support convert DVD to Zune directly. Some other softwares need two steps: 1. convert DVD to avi; 2. convert output avi to Zune. That solution wastes lots of your time. We need only one step, direct convert video DVD to Zune. So our conversion speed is far faster than others.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9063.html ]

Zune Movie/Video Converter Tool 2.0.3 (shareware $29.95; 5439 Кб)
tunny Inc.

Zune Movie/Video Converter is the easiest to use video converter software available. It can convert almost any video format to play on Microsoft Zune Video Player, e.g. DivX, XviD, MOV, RM, rmvb, MPEG, WMV, AVI to Zune Movie / Zune Video format. It is a powerful Zune Video converter with fast conversion speed. The output also supports full screen viewing. You can enjoy your favorite movies on your Zune as a portable DVD Player. Now you can get this Zune Video Converter at a very competitive price!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9062.html ]

YouTube Mate tool 2.7.2 (shareware $24.95; 8504 Кб)
tunny Inc.

YouTube Mate - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

YouTube Mate helps you download, convert, play and manage your favorite YouTube videos... and its very easy to use. If youre a YouTube fan, youll love YouTube Mate!

YouTube Mate easily:

* downloads YouTube videos
* supports unlimited simultaneous downloads (a real time saver!)
* automatically names the downloaded video the same as the YouTube title
* converts YouTube videos to various video formats, including avi, DivX, XviD, rm, rmvb, MOV, MPEG, and WMV

With YouTube Mate you can also convert downloaded YouTube videos to a format compatible with your favorite portable device; including iPod Video, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone, Zune, PSP, as well as video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket PC.

And finally... YouTube Mates embedded player will allow you to watch all your favorite YouTube videos off-line. So now you can enjoy any .flv and .swf videos anytime!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9061.html ]

video to vcd dvd svcd converter Tool 2.3.3 (shareware $29.95; 4153 Кб)
tunny Inc.

"Mpeg/Mov/RMVB/DivX/AVI to DVD/VCD/SVCD/MPEG converter Lite" is an easy-to-use video converter and powerful for experts as well. It enables you to convert any video file directly to VCD, DVD, SVCD, MPEG1 and MPEG2 format. It has advanced settings for experts, so you can customize your own DVD/VCD/SVCD/MPEG format. And this program has been optimized for 64-bit CPU including Intel EM64T and AMD64. The video conversion speed is faster than most of our competitors. Now you can get this All-in-One video converter at a very competitive price!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9060.html ]

Ultimate Video Converter Tool 2.0.3 (shareware $45.95; 6319 Кб)
tunny Inc.

Ultimate Video Coverter converts videos to play on almost any portable device including iPod, iPhone, Zune, PSP, video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket P.C., etc. Meanwhile, it can also support output almost any audio/video format including Video format(H264, MP4, WMV, AVI, MOV, RM, 3GP, flv, SWF, mpeg-1, mpeg-2, VideoCD, SuperVideoCD, DVD, etc.) and Audio format(AC3, AAC, MP2, MP3, MP4, RA, WMA, etc.). Its the most powerful all in one video file converter on the planet.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9059.html ]

Ultimate DVD Video Converter tool Suite 2.4.5 (shareware $59.95; 5439 Кб)
tunny Inc.

Ultimate DVD + Video Converter Suite converts DVDs and videos to play on almost any portable device including iPod, iPhone, Zune, PSP, video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket P.C., etc. Meanwhile, it can also support output almost any audio/video format including Video format(H264, MP4, WMV, AVI, MOV, RM, 3GP, flv, SWF, mpeg-1, mpeg-2, VideoCD, SuperVideoCD, DVD, etc.) and Audio format(AC3, AAC, MP2, MP3, MP4, RA, WMA, etc.). You can enjoy your Audio/Video life with this all in one Ultimate DVD + Video Converter Suite from now on.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9058.html ]

Ultimate DVD Converter tool 2.2.3 (shareware $45.95; 5439 Кб)
tunny Inc.

Ultimate DVD Converter converts DVDs to play on almost any portable device including iPod, iPhone, Zune, PSP, video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, Pocket P.C., and so on. Meanwhile, it can also support output almost any audio/video format including Video format(H264, MP4, WMV, AVI, MOV, RM, 3GP, flv, SWF, mpeg-1, mpeg-2, VideoCD, SuperVideoCD, DVD, etc) and Audio format(AC3, AAC, MP2, MP3, MP4, RA, WMA, etc.). With this all-in-one DVD Converter, you can make any your own video from your DVDs.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9057.html ]

PSP Video Converter Suite Tool 2.0.3 (shareware $39.95; 6319 Кб)
tunny Inc.

PSP Video Converter Suite is an all-in-one PSP video Conversion solution. This suite includes " PSP Video Converter" and " DVD to PSP Converter". So with this PSP Video Converter suite, you can convert both DVD media and video file media to PSP video/PSP movie. You can enjoy your favorite DVD and video clip on your PSP as a portable DVD Player. Now you can get this DVD to PSP Converter at a very competitive price!We support convert DVD to PSP directly. Some other softwares need two steps: 1. convert DVD to avi; 2. convert output avi to PSP. That solution wastes lots of your time. We need only one step, direct convert video DVD to PSP. So our conversion speed is far faster than others.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9056.html ]

PSP Movie/Video Converter Tool 2.0.3 (shareware $29.95; 4550 Кб)
tunny Inc.

PSP Movie/Video Converter is the easiest-to-use video converter software for Apple PSP Movie and PSP Video. It can convert almost all video format, e.g. DivX, XviD, MOV, RM, rmvb, MPEG, VOB, DVD, WMV, AVI to PSP Movie / PSP Video format. It is also a powerful PSP movie/video converter with fast conversion speed. And the output iPos movie/video supports PSP screen, you can enjoy your favorite movie on your PSP as a MPEG-4 Player. Now you can get this PSP video converter at a very competitive price!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9055.html ]

MPEG/AVI to DVD/VCD/SVCD Converter tool 2.4.3 (shareware $29.95; 4934 Кб)
tunny Inc.

"Mpeg/Mov/RMVB/DivX/AVI to DVD/VCD/SVCD Converter Pro" is easy to use and powerful for experts as well. It enables you to convert and burn any video file directly to VCD, DVD, SVCD, MPEG1 and MPEG2 format. Pro version included all the features of the lite version. In addition, it has embedded "DVD Author Express" and "DVD/VCD/SVCD Burner Engine". So it becomes an all-in-one VCD/SVCD/DVD Creator. And this program has been optimized for 64-bit CPU including Intel EM64T and AMD64. The video conversion speed is faster than most of our competitors. Now you can get this All-in-One video converter at a very competitive price!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9054.html ]

iPod Video Converter Tool Suite 2.5.3 (shareware $39.95; 6729 Кб)
tunny Inc.

iPod Video Converter Suite is an all-in-one iPod video Conversion solution. This suite includes "iPod Video Converter" and "DVD to iPod Converter". So with this iPod Video Converter suite, you can convert both DVD media and video file media to iPod video/iPod movie. You can enjoy your favorite DVD and video clip on your iPod as a portable DVD Player. Now you can get this DVD to iPod Converter at a very competitive price! We support convert DVD to iPod directly. Some other softwares need two steps: 1. convert DVD to avi; 2. convert output avi to iPod. That solution wastes lots of your time. We need only one step, direct convert video DVD to iPod. So our conversion speed is far faster than others.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9053.html ]

iPod Transfer Tool 2.0.3 (shareware $19.95; 3639 Кб)
tunny Inc.

iPod to PC Transfer is an ultimate application for transferring music from ipod to computer.iPod to PC Transfer is a sound of blessing for frustrated Apples iTune users who cant copy music files from iPod to pc desktop or laptop since iTune blocks iPod-to-computer song transfer. Now the things are different! With iPod to PC Transfer, iPod users can transfer iPod Songs to PC easily. iPod to PC Transfer utilizes iPods internal database to display your iPods contents instantly. iPod to PC Transfer is fully compatible with all existing iPods including iPod, iPod Photo, iPod mini, iPod shuffle, iPod nano and iPod video
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9052.html ]

iPod Transfer Photo Tool 2.0.3 (shareware $19.95; 855 Кб)
tunny Inc.

iPod transfer photo is the ultimate backup, recovery and sharing tool for your iPod Photos. Recover your souvenirs in just a few clicks and share them on others computers. iPod transfer photo lets you backup copy, download and transfer you iPod photos on any computer. iPod Transfer Photo is a sound of blessing for frustrated Apples iTune users who cant copy photos from iPod to pc desktop or laptop since iTune blocks iPod-to-computer photos transfer. Apple had integrated all your photos into an .ithmb file which user can not access the content, iPod Transfer Photo utilizes iPods internal database to display your iPods photos instantly. With iPod Transfer Photo, iPod users can transfer iPod photos to PC easily. iPod Transfer Photo had many special settings for your personal iPod photo backup, you can customize browser style, backup file format(such as .BMP or .JPEG) and so on. We had also realize iPod auto detection feature, whenever you plug your iPod to the computer, iPod Transfer Photo could display all the iPod photos instantly. From now on, you can backup all your iPod photos to any computer. Try it, you will find more! iPod Transfer is fully compatible with all existing iPods including iPod, iPod Photo, iPod mini, iPod shuffle, iPod nano and iPod video
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9051.html ]

iPod Transfer Forever 1.3 (shareware $29.95; 3535 Кб)
tunny Inc.

iPod Transfer Forever transfers all of your critical iPod content back onto your PC and into iTunes. Whether your computer crashed, broke, or was stolen - or if you simply bought a new computer, or want to share your iPod content with a friend - iPod Transfer Forever can help. iPod Transfer Forever is an easy to use iPod transfer utility designed to help you get your iPod contents off of any iPod and back into iTunes. And, unlike many other competing products, we can help you put content from your computer back onto any iPod. This allows you to share your iPod music, photos, videos. iPod Transfer Forever is the quickest and easiest way to copy all of your music, videos, photos, podcasts, and more from your iPod to PC.We all love our iPods, and with you will love yours even more! - Its your iPods best friend!* Copy iPod: Quickly and easily copy your music and video from any iPod back onto any Windows computer. You can also copy tunes and movies from your PC onto any iPod. * Transfer iPod: Move your music and video seamlessly between computers and iPods. Transfer music and video from your old PC to your new PC, from your old iPod to your new iPod, or from your old iPod to your new PC. Transfer all of your content from your iPod back into iTunes.* Play iPod: No need to copy music back to your PC to play it. Search for songs and play music directly from your iPod without iTunes. Even create and edit playlists right from within MediaWidget.* Share iPod: Easily share music and movies with your friends. Move music or video off of your PC onto your friends iPod, or transfer songs or movies from your friends iPod to your computer. * One iPod - Multiple PCs: Ever wanted to use your iPod with more than one computer? Maybe you have music at work and at home, or you have a laptop computer and a desktop computer. With MediaWidget, use your iPod with as many PCs as you like, without any problems. * iPod Backup/Restore: Backup all of your iPod content to your PC, including musi
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9050.html ]

iPod Movie Video Converter tool 2.4 (shareware $29.95; 5440 Кб)
tunny Inc.

iPod Movie/Video Converter is the easiest-to-use video converter software for Apple iPod Movie and iPod Video. It can convert almost all video format, e.g. DivX, XviD, MOV, RM, rmvb, MPEG, VOB, DVD, WMV, AVI to iPod Movie / iPod Video format. It is also a powerful iPod movie/video converter with fast conversion speed. And the output iPos movie/video supports iPod screen, you can enjoy your favorite movie on your iPod as a MPEG-4 Player. Now you can get this iPod video converter at a very competitive price!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9049.html ]

iPod Copy Pack Tool 2.0.3 (shareware $19.95; 1889 Кб)
tunny Inc.

iPod Copy Pack - Copy songs/videos/photos from iPod to computer. iPod Copy Pack is a life saver when - Sending your iPod for repair - Backup songs/videos/photos to a new PC - Moving to a new iPod - Computer crashed - Share your iPod songs/videos/photos with friends - Copy all songs/videos/photos to a new iPod iPod Copy Pack is an all-in-one iPod copy solution. This Pack includes 2 software -- " iPod Transfer $19.95" and " iPod Transfer Photo $19.95". Now you can get this iPod Copy Pack at a very competitive price $29.95! Save $10! iPod Copy Pack is the ultimate backup tool for your iPod. It enables to easily copy your iPods songs/videos/photos to your PC. Whether you need to send your iPod for repair, retrieve your songs/videos/photos because of a computer / hard drive crash, or just to backup to a different drive, iPod Copy Pack will create an iPod copy effortlessly.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9048.html ]

iPhone Video Converter Tool 2.0.3 (shareware $29.95; 5439 Кб)
tunny Inc.

iPhone Video Converter is a powerful and easy-to-use iPhone Video conversion software which provides a completed solution to convert iPhone video from all popular video formats, including dvr-ms, MPEG, DivX, XviD, MOV, rm, rmvb, WMV, AVI, ect. you can enjoy your favorite videos and movies on your iPhone as a portable DVD Player. Now you can get this iPhone video converter at a very competitive price!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9047.html ]

iPhone Transfer Tool 2.1.3 (shareware $19.95; 855 Кб)
tunny Inc.

When use iPhone Transfer copy iPhone songs out? - Backup songs in iPhone to PC. - Copy iPhone songs to new computer or notebook. - Computer crashed. - Share your iPhone songs with friends. - Copy all songs to a new iPhone. iPhone Transfer is a sound of blessing for frustrated Apples iTunes users who cant copy music files from iPhone to pc desktop or laptop since iTunes blocks iPhone-to-computer song transfer. Now provide you a full iPhone solution. With iPhone Transfer, iPhone users can transfer song from iPhone to computer easily. iPhone Transfer utilizes iPhones internal database to display your iPhones files instantly
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9046.html ]

iPhone Transfer SMS Tool 2.1.3 (shareware $19.95; 855 Кб)
tunny Inc.

iPhone Transfer SMS Transfer SMS from iPhone to computer. iPhone Transfer SMS can provide you: Backup SMS in iPhone to computer before iPhone reject receiving new SMS. View and Manage old iPhone SMS in your computer. View SMS in Text file format (.txt file) or ANTS file format (.ants file) on PC. Password protection support (ANTS file only). All iPhone users cant backup the SMS to anywhere until the SMS box is full, then you have to delete all of them to prevent iPhone rejecting new SMS receiving. With iPhone Transfer, you can transfer the iPhone SMS to computer as a txt file or a ANTS file before the event above happens. Before the transfer, you can choose to transfer from all contacts or a single contact, further more, you can choose transfer the SMS to a TXT file or a ANTS file. In ANTS file condition, you can protect the file with a password to keep your privacy. No more words, please watch how to backup iPhone SMS to computer, a step by step guide or process the order With secure Tunny online store, you can process your order safely. We accept Credit Card, PayPal, Bank/Wire Transfer, Check/Money Order, Invoice... You can immediately get the keycode after purchase automatically. Tunny products can run on almost all the windows operating systems: Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003,Windows Vista. Quick Email Support! has established two support teams for building a fast response to customs. Any questions, email to support Team 1 or support Team 2, we will answer your e-mail within 24 hours all year round! Upgrade Free! Tunnys product will upgrade with iPhone synchronizing, prepare for the next generation iPhone! Just one time fee, you can copy SMS in next generation iPhone. You can only copy the first 100 items for each contact under unregistered version, purchase full featured version and enjoy copying for just $19.95
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9045.html ]

iPhone Transfer Photo Tool 2.1.3 (shareware $19.95; 855 Кб)
tunny Inc.

When use iPhone Transfer Photo copy iPhone photos out? - Backup or copy photos in iPhone to PC. - Copy iPhone photos to new computer or notebook. - Computer crashed. - Share your iPhone photos with friends. - Copy all photos to a new iPhone.iPhone Transfer Photo is an easy to use backup software that lets you copy photos from your iPhone to a Windows based PC with the least effort. Apple had integrated all your photos into an ithmb file which user can not access the content directly, iPhone Transfer Photo utilizes iPhones internal database to display and transfer your iPhones photos instantly. With iPhone Transfer Photo, iPhone users can transfer iPhone photos to PC easily.iPhone Transfer Photo had many special settings for your personal iPhone photo backup, you can customize browser style, backup file format (.BMP or .JPEG)... . We had also realized iPhone auto detection feature, whenever you plug your iPhone to the computer,iPhone Transfer Photo could display all the iPhone photos instantly. From now on, you can backup all your iPhone photos to any computer. Try it, you will find more!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9044.html ]

iPhone Copy Pack Tool 2.1.3 (shareware $19.95; 1889 Кб)
tunny Inc.

iPhone Copy Pack - Copy songs/videos/photos from iPhone to computer. Tansee iPhone Copy Pack is a life saver when - Sending your iPhone for repair - Backup songs/videos/photos to a new PC - Moving to a new iPhone - Computer crashed - Share your iPhone songs/videos/photos with friends - Copy all songs/videos/photos to a new iPhone iPhone Copy Pack is an all-in-one iPhone copy solution. This Pack includes 2 software -- " iPhone Transfer $19.95" and "iPhone Transfer Photo $19.95". Now you can get this iPhone Copy Pack at a very competitive price $29.95! Save $10! iPhone Copy Pack is the ultimate backup tool for your iPhone. It enables to easily copy your iPhones songs/videos/photos to your PC. Whether you need to send your iPhone for repair, retrieve your songs/videos/photos because of a computer / hard drive crash, or just to backup to a different drive, Tansee iPhone Copy Pack will create an iPhone copy effortlessly.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9043.html ]

iPhone / iTouch / iPod to pc Transfer 2.3 (shareware $29.95; 1102 Кб)
tunny Inc.

iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer is an easy to use iPod/iPhone utility designed to help you backup all your files from your iPod/iPhone/iTouch. Recover lost or missing music or backup and restore all of your iPod/iPhone/iTouch content; including your favorite songs, videos, photos, Play Lists and more. If you have any iPod/iPhone device, this software is a must have utility to keep your iPod/iPhone safe. Features: * Top-rated iPod transfer software - Easy and simple to use, powerful as well. * Supports all iPod/iPhone/iTouch models. * Auto-scans your iPod/iPhone devices. * Auto-searches by Album/Artist/Genre/Type. * Simple to install and operate. * Advanced settings supports Backup Folder Rule. * Index by Album/Artist/Genre/Type. * Easily and quickly backup your songs, videos, photos, playlists, podcasts and more from your iTouch/iPhone/iPod to any folder on your PC. * Supports manage iPhone/iTouch/iPod content, import and export files between devices and computer. * Supports not only iPod/iPod Nano/iPod shuffle, also iPhone and iTouch. * Supports play media file directly in our program without third party player. * Supports manage your iPod device on any computer. * Supports transfer photos from iPhone/iTouch/iPod to computer. * Supports locate music or video by ablum/artist/genre easily. * Supports multiple languages. (English, Spanish, Deutsch, Japanese, Chinese...) * Good value for money.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9042.html ]

DVD to Zune Converter tool 2.6 (shareware $29.95; 5020 Кб)
tunny Inc.

DVD to Zune Converter is the easiest to use DVD to Zune converter software available. It can convert almost any type of DVD to play on Microsoft Zune Video player. It a powerful DVD to Zune converter with very fast conversion speed. The output also supports full screen viewing. You can enjoy your favorite DVD on your Zune as a portable DVD Player. Now you can get this DVD to Zune Converter at a very competitive price!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9041.html ]

DVD to PSP Converter Tool 2.5.3 (shareware $29.95; 3565 Кб)
tunny Inc.

DVD to PSP Converter is the easiest-to-use and fastest DVD to PSP converter software for Apple PSP Movie and PSP Video. It can convert almost all kinds of DVD to PSP Movie / PSP Video format. It is also a powerful DVD to PSP converter due to the conversion speed is faster than real-time. And the output iPos movie/video supports PSP screen, you can enjoy your favorite DVD on your PSP as a portable DVD Player. And DVD to PSP Converter software also include PSP Movie/Video Converter for free. Now you can get this DVD to PSP Converter at a very competitive price!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9040.html ]

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