четверг, 28 октября 2010 г.

Программы софт-каталога ProtoPlex (2010-10-29 06:02:01)

Программы софт-каталога ProtoPlex (2010-10-29 06:02:01)

Всего программ в каталоге: 8047
Размер каталога: 139061.82 Мб
Бесплатных программ: 3414
Новинок: 3344

Сайткрафт-Студия от WEBaby 4.29.1 (demo 1450 руб; 10920 Кб)
WEBaby corp.

Конструктор сайтов Сайткрафт-Студия - это профессиональный инструмент создания сайтов для непрофессионалов. Вам не надо знать программирования, HTML, сетевые протоколы и прочее.
В название конструктора сайтов добавлено слово Студия, и оно само за себя говорит. Времена меняются, и кризис заставляет многих задуматься о новых возможностях зарабатывать и продвигать свои товары на рынок. Сайты становятся необходимой, а для некоторых предприятий единственной возможностью рекламы своих товаров. Рекламные площади стали многим не по карману, и только Интернет остался доступной рекламной площадкой. В связи с этим возросла и потребность в сайтах, позволяющих представить свои товары или услуги без особых затрат времени и сил.

Как и прежде, с конструктором вы пройдете по всем шагам создания сайта: создание модели сайта, редактирование страниц сайта, публикация сайта в Интернет, а с помощью художественного редактора сможете быстро и легко создавать кнопки и нужные вам элементы дизайна.
Никаких сложностей при работе с ним у вас не возникнет, не только вы сами, но и ваши дети смогут легко сделать себе сайт.
Технология Легких обновлений, применяемая с конца 2007 года, позволяет легко дорабатывать программу. Щелкнув по кнопке обновить в программе вы автоматически обновите ее до самой последней версии. В течении года после покупки, покупатели будут получать эти легкие обновления бесплатно.

Полное описание Сайткрафт-Студии, инструментов и возможностей конструктора вы можете прочитать на сайте поддержки www.sitecraft.ru

Новое в версии.
Сайткрафт перешел на новую Библиотеку Интернета. Она должна работать надежнее и быстрее предыдущей.
Исправлены некоторые ошибки.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/6050.html ]

ПростБух от WEBaby 1.68 (demo 4000; 19116 Кб)
WEBaby corp.

1. Исправлены ошибки в расчете зарплат - раздел «Другие выплаты» и заполнении лицевого счета работника
2. На столе «Расчет зарплат и налогов» теперь показываются вычеты, которые были учтены в расчете НДФЛ
3. Исправлены ошибки в отчета - кнопки перехода к источнику

В следующих версии мы готовим учет основных средств и нематериальных активов и работу с первичными документами.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/7622.html ]

Lingobit Localizer 7.0 (shareware $695; 24643 Кб)
Lingobit Technologies

Lingobit Localizer - одно из лучших средств для перевода интерфейса программы с одного языка на другой. Редактирование диалогов, перевод меню, строк и всех остальных ресурсов прямо в exe файле. Подготовка файлов с заданиями для переводчиков, сохранение всех сделанных переводов при переходе с версии на версию, возможность проверить насколько ваша программа готова к локализации, поддержка более 180 языков - это только часть возможностей программы.

Поддерживаемые форматы: MFC, .NET, WPF, Delphi, Java, HTML, XML, Html Help, INI, PHP, Базы данных (SQLServer, Oracle, MySQL и др.).
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/2217.html ]

Zillya! Антивирус v.1.1.2942.0 (freeware; 51289 Кб)
AllIT Service

Незначительное потребление системных ресурсов
Zillya! Антивирус потребляет суммарно по всем процессам 120-130 Мб оперативной памяти.

Простота и дружелюбность пользовательского интерфейса
Zillya! Антивирус имеет очень простой и интуитивно понятный интерфейс, доступный даже самым начинающим пользователям. Антивирус не содержит сложных элементов настроек и расширенных функций, имеет только самые необходимые настройки, сгруппированные по категориям.

Проверка файлов и почтовых вложений в режиме реального времени
Сторожевой – это система проверки файлов в реальном времени, предназначенная для выявления вирусов и других вредоносных программ, которые пытаются проникнуть на компьютер. Сторожевой отслеживает запускаемые процессы, эффективно блокирует и удаляет угрозы «на лету», обеспечивает профилактику заражения. Почтовый фильтр проверяет все почтовые сообщения на наличие вредоносных объектов, тем самым гарантируя, что ни одна угроза не проникнет в систему вместе с электронным письмом.

Технология распознавания новых и неизвестных угроз (эвристический анализ)
Эвристический анализатор определяет вирусы по типичным признакам, то есть он способен определить вирус, который только что появился, несмотря на то, что такой файл еще не добавлен в антивирусную базу. Zillya! Антивирус имеет встроенный эвристический анализ и помогает защищать систему от самых последних модификаций вредных программ.

Интеллектуальный механизм подбора оптимального действия над обнаруженной угрозой
При выборе действий над файлами Zillya! Антивирус подбирает оптимальное действие: действие "Лечить" проставляется только для тех файлов, на которые получена команда возможности лечения от ядра, чтобы не путать пользователя; всевозможные архивы (включая почтовые базы, ISO-образы и т.д.) мы сканируем, но при выборе действий над ними возможно выставить только "Игнорировать". Мы не помещаем их ни в активные угрозы, ни в карантин. Тем более не удаляем. Мы извещаем пользователя о том, что в архиве найден вирус.

Моментальное отображение текущего статуса продукта
Zillya! Антивирус автоматически отслеживает статус системы с точки зрения безопасности и показывает сжатую информацию в области Статус Системы любого окна программы.

Дополнительные утилиты
Дополнительные утилиты, такие как Диспетчер задач и Диспетчер автозагрузки, расширяют функционал программы и помогают пользователю лучше контролировать процессы в системе. Диспетчер задач необходим для контроля над запущенными на компьютере приложениями, а с помощью Диспетчера автозагрузки можно просматривать информацию о программах, которые автоматически запускаются при старте Windows.

Наличие встроенных механизмов связи продукта со службой быстрого реагирования антивирусной лаборатории
Если у вас возникли подозрения по поводу некоторых файлов, в Zillya! Антивирус существует возможность отправить файлы на анализ в антивирусную лабораторию. Таким образом, антивирусная лаборатория очень оперативно реагирует на появление новых вирусов и помогает максимально защищать компьютеры пользователей. Также существует некоторая вероятность, что антивирус детектит чистые файлы, поэтому в Zillya! Антивирус добавлена возможность отправить чистые файлы на анализ в лабораторию. Если отосланные файлы на самом деле не несут вреда – специалисты удалят их из антивирусной базы.

Антивирусная база > 2 млн записей
Антивирусная база Zillya! Антивирус на данный момент насчитывает более 2 млн записей. Их количество ежедневно растет, поскольку антивирусная лаборатория постоянно выпускает обновления, детектирующие все большее количество вирусов.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10612.html ]

Zillya! Internet Security 1.1.2928.0 (shareware $14.95; 43551 Кб)
Олег Сыч

Zillya! Internet Security - комплексная защита от вирусов и хакерских атак. Zillya! Internet Security имеет очень простой и интуитивно понятный интерфейс, доступный даже самым начинающим пользователям.
Zillya! Internet Security включает в себя полноценный антивирус со всеми функциями:
- система проверки файлов в реальном времени, предназначенная для выявления вирусов и других вредоносных программ
- почтовый фильтр, проверяющий все почтовые сообщения на наличие вредоносных объектов
- эвристический анализатор, определяющий новые вирусы, записи для детектирования которых ещё отсутствуют в антивирусной базе
- три вида сканирования - быстрое (для проверки критических областей системы), полное (проверяются полностью все файлы на компьютере), выборочное (сканирование на усмотрение пользователя)
- ежедневные обновления антивирусных баз, гарантирующих работу в максимально защищенной среде

Zillya! Internet Security имеет брандмауэр уровня приложений:
- контроль над доступом приложений к сети
- защита от внешних атак
- автоматический режим работы - автоматически создаются правила, которые должны разрешать только исходящий трафик и не требуют вмешательства пользователя
- интерактивный режим для опытных пользователей
- встроенный набор правил
- общие настройки доступа к системе

WEB-фильтр (защита HTTP-трафика)
- блокировка опасных сайтов - запрет доступа к потенциально опасным сайтам
- определение потенциально опасного содержания сайта - разрешается просмотр без возможности загрузки опасных файлов
- создание собственного списка блокируемых сайтов - возможность добавления своих сайтов, к которым нужно ограничить доступ
- режимы блокирования - полное блокирование, режим блокировки загрузок

Быстрое реагирование на нужды пользователей осуществляется за счет непосредственного контакта с обществом Zillya!.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10546.html ]

Mil Shield 7.7 (shareware $29.90; 4100 Кб)
Ilko Tcenov

Mil Shield protects your privacy by removing all tracks from your online or offline PC activities (it also shreds the content of the infamous INDEX.DAT files).

Some features:
* Supports Windows 7 and Vista 32&64; Cleans all IE, Firefox, Opera, Apple Safari, Google Chrome and Avant tracks.

* SELECTIVE CLEANING. Many of the Internet Explorer tracks come from features that are good and convenient: Internet cache speeds up the browsing, cookies protect you from entering your user information over and over again, etc. Mil Shield selectively preserves temporary Internet files, history and/or cookies for chosen by you safe Internet sites. Another good reason to keep some of the tracks is to avoid being suspicious when others notice that your history, cookies and cache are always empty.

* AUTOMATIC CLEANING. You can schedule background cleaning at each startup or shutdown, or when the Internet Explorer is closed. While running in background, Mil Shield is completely invisible.

* PANIC KEY COMBINATION (a.k.a. boss key). Every now and then there are situations where you need to clean the tracks very fast. In such cases all you need to do is to press certain keys together and all open browsers, video players? and similar programs are closed and an invisible background cleanup is started.

Mil Shield cleans more tracks:
AutoComplete forms and passwords, all Index.dat files, temporary Internet files, all Firefox, Opera, Safari and Chrome tracks, cookies, UserData records, typed URL history, browse history records, most recently used download folder, recent documents history, most recently used folders records of the Windows shell, common file dialogs history, file and computer search history of the Windows shell, Start menu Run history and list of frequently used programs, Recycle Bin at low level, Windows temporary files, and restores your home page if it is hijacked.

NEW: Free disk space wiping. Custom cleaning of files and registry keys.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8038.html ]

Falco Calculator 2.8.1 (freeware; 1405 Кб)
Falco Software Company

Калькулятор. Полезная программа для обучающихся.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9547.html ]

Склад Украина 5.10 (shareware 299 грн; 4069 Кб)
Дмитрий Котельников

Программа для учета товаров и услуг по нескольким фирмам и складам.

Выписка и ведение архива документов:
- договор,
- приходная накладная + (штрих-код ценники),
- счет-форма заказ,
- счет-фактура,
- расходная накладная + (товарный чек, гарантийный талон),
- новая налоговая накладная,
- внесение остатков,
- акт списания,
- накладная на перемещение,
- акт инвентаризации,
- акт выполненных работ,
- возвратная накладная,
- корректировка налоговой,
- приходный кассовый ордер,
- расходный кассовый ордер,
- платежное поручение,
- входящее платежное поручение,
- доверенность.

Множество отчетов:
- "Остатки на складе",
- "Движение товара по складу",
- "Движение по клиентам",
- "Прибыль по складу по методу списания FIFO, LIFO, по среднему",
- " Взаиморасчеты с поставщиками/клиентами",
- "Печать ценников",
- "Прайс-листы",
- "Остатки по контрагенту" и много других.
Возможность самому создавать отчеты.

Журналы: печать архива документов, реестр налоговых накладных, журнал доверенностей.

Работа с сканерами штрих-кодов (PS/2, COM, USB). Генератор штрих-кодов. Режим кассы.

Функция общие склады, резервирование товара, синхронизация номенклатуры, автокорректировка цен, контроль остатков, 5 видов цен на товар.

Русские и Украинские бланки документов. Выписка по шаблону. Разные печатные бланки документов + разных форматов А4, А5. Дизайнер бланков.

Удобные справочники товаров, услуг, клиентов, поставщиков, сотрудников, активных фирм, валют. Автоматическое обновление МФО банков Украины. Шаблоны договоров.

Быстрый поиск (по первым буквам), фильтр (по любым буквам), сортировка во всех документах и справочниках.

Работа по сети. Репликация данных (работа в off-line, до 20 удаленных точек). Вход по паролю и разграничение прав пользователей.

Независимая шаблонная нумерация документов, резервирование базы данных, Украинский и Русский интерфейс, программа постоянно обновляться, обновления бесплатны.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/1799.html ]

Falco Icon Studio 7.3 (freeware; 20524 Кб)
Falco Software Company

Графический редактор для создания иконок.
Ключевые возможности:

1. Загрузка DLL/EXE, BMP, GIF(Animated), PNG, JPG, ICO, CUR, ANI, TARGA, PSD(Photoshop), PCD(Kodak), TIFF, ICL files.
2. Сохранение в JPG, GIF(Animated), PNG, BMP, ICO, CUR, ANI, TARGA, TIFF, ICL formats.
3. Базлимитные UNDO/REDO.
4. Множественное копирование о многих окнах.
5. Вставка из разных редакторов.
6. Pencil, Line, Text, Spray, Rectangle, Ellipse, Filled Rectangle, Filled Ellipse, Fill Tool, Selection Tool, Color Selection Tool, Lasso Selection Tool, Ellipse Selection Tool, Hue Selection Tool, Smart Scissor Toolm Blur.
7. Добавка иконок в различных форматах.
8. Эффекты: Rotates, Flips, Shifts, Contrast, Brightness, Invert Colors, Blur, GrayScale, HLS Adjustment, Sharpen, Emboss. Masks & Borders.
9. Любой дразмер до 2048 x 2048.
10. Редатор палитры.
11. PNG & BMP 32 бит поддержка с прозрачностью.
12. Множественное открывание файлов.
13. Поддержка ВЭБ-Камеры и сканера.
14. Возможность селектировать как в Photoshop.
15. Поддержка Висты.
16. Превью загрузочных файлов.
17. Информация о файле.
18. Расширенная печать.
19. Vista PNG Packed Icons загрузка/сохранение.
20. Уменьшение шумов изображения.
21. ICL(Икон Библиотека) загрузка и сохранение обеспечены. Множественный импорт в ICL-библиотеки.
22. GIF баннер Визард.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9558.html ]

Falco GIF Animator 2.8 (freeware; 19351 Кб)
Falco Software Company

Редактор Анимированных ГИФов.
Ключевые возможности:

1. Загрузка DLL/EXE, BMP, GIF(Animated), PNG, JPG, ICO, CUR, ANI, TARGA, PSD(Photoshop), PCD(Kodak), TIFF, ICL files.
2. Сохранение в JPG, GIF(Animated), PNG, BMP, ICO, CUR, ANI, TARGA, TIFF, ICL formats.
3. Базлимитные UNDO/REDO.
4. Множественное копирование о многих окнах.
5. Вставка из разных редакторов.
6. Pencil, Line, Text, Spray, Rectangle, Ellipse, Filled Rectangle, Filled Ellipse, Fill Tool, Selection Tool, Color Selection Tool, Lasso Selection Tool, Ellipse Selection Tool, Hue Selection Tool, Smart Scissor Toolm Blur.
7. Добавка иконок в различных форматах.
8. Эффекты: Rotates, Flips, Shifts, Contrast, Brightness, Invert Colors, Blur, GrayScale, HLS Adjustment, Sharpen, Emboss. Masks & Borders.
9. Любой дразмер до 2048 x 2048.
10. Редатор палитры.
11. PNG & BMP 32 бит поддержка с прозрачностью.
12. Множественное открывание файлов.
13. Поддержка ВЭБ-Камеры и сканера.
14. Возможность селектировать как в Photoshop.
15. Поддержка Висты.
16. Превью загрузочных файлов.
17. Информация о файле.
18. Расширенная печать.
19. Vista PNG Packed Icons загрузка/сохранение.
20. Уменьшение шумов изображения.
21. ICL(Икон Библиотека) загрузка и сохранение обеспечены. Множественный импорт в ICL-библиотеки.
22. GIF Баннер Визард.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9545.html ]

AVS DVD Copy King 2010.2.3 (shareware $39.00; 19375 Кб)
an yajian

AVS DVD Copy is a most convenient and demanded software to make DVD copies, create DVD discs for home DVD Players and perform other burning tasks. Copy genuine movies in the original, Hollywood-like quality, give new life for corrupted DVD discs, write Blu-Ray/DVD/CD data discs, make ISO Image of your movies and burn it later whenever you want, as many times, as you need. AVS DVD Copy supports wide range of media types (CD-R/RW, DVD+/-R, DVD+/-RW, DVD-RAM, Double/Dual Layer DVD and the latest Blu-ray technology BD-R and BD-RE) and CD/DVD drives. With simple and intuitive interface you can perform all tasks quickly and easily.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9475.html ]

AVS TV Box King 2010.1.3 (shareware $29.95; 31884 Кб)
an yajian

AVS TV Box is a TV viewer with Personal Video Recorder functionality (PVR) allowing you to schedule TV recordings.It works with any windows video capture device like satellite, TV and DVB cards, miniDV cameras, video capture cards, web cams including ones with hardware MPEG 2 encoder. Easy-to-use and clearly structured interface, adjusted Aspect Ratio, one-click switch to full-screen mode, skinable interface make viewing more comfortable.No trial periods, no feature limitations. No spyware or adware.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9474.html ]

AVS Video Editor King 2010.1.5 (shareware $59.00; 76518 Кб)
an yajian

AVS Video Editor is a full-featured editor for advanced video editing and professional-looking video creation, specifically designed for computer novices. AVS Video Editor enables you to master videos and slideshows with multiple fancy effects and transitions. You can import existing video clips from HDD or capture them directly from DV cams, TV tuners or other input device, AVS Video Editor automatically splits video into scenes that allow you to cut parts from the movie or re-arrange the content. Why not experiment with transition effects, insert images, text overlays, video animations or apply the exciting icture in pictureeffect and turn videos into own true masterpieces? With the included AVS Audio Editor you can enhance and add any audio from your library to spice up the collection and put the touch of creativity and individuality to it. Automatic scene detection algorithm allows you to navigate and edit video files faster and achieve accuracy when deleting or combining scenes, making video editing much easier.Once you finished the project, you can convert the movie to all key today formats and even directly upload your videos to iPod, Sony PSP, Archos DVR, Creative Zen, mobiles and portable players a rare hot feature among today video editors! AVS Video Editor is a unique software in its range that allows you to export movies to DVD or almost any video format: AVI (DivX, XviD, etc.), MP4 (inc. Sony PSP and Apple iPod), WMV, 3GP, 3G2, QuickTime (MOV), SWF, DVD, VOB, VRO, MPEG 1,2,4, MPG, DAT, VCD, SVCD, MJPEG, Real Video (RM, RMVB), DVR-MS and also burn it to DVD or VCD/SVCD with the included burning tool. DVD authoring plus individual DVD menu styles are supported.AVS Video Editor is packed with up-to-date feature-rich tools and offers more than one would expect for this price.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9473.html ]

Total video converter feral 9.2.3 (shareware $26.95; 10043 Кб)
an yajian

OJOsoft Total Video Converter is an all-in-one and fast video and audio conversion tool, extremely easy to use.OJOsoft Total Video Converter can convert video files between almost all popular video formats including AVI, MPEG-1,2,4, WMV, MP4, MPG, DivX, 3GP, 3G2, MOV, FLV, VOB, Xvid, MKV, TS, M4V, ASF, MJPEG etc.It can be used like iPhone video converter, 3GP video converter, PSP video converter, iPod video converter, and Zune video converter to convert all popular video formats to your mobile phone, Sony PSP, Apple iPod/iPhone, Zune video player and other portable video devices.Additionally, OJOsoft Video Converter provides an easy way to convert video/audio files to popular audio formats, such as MP3, WMA, AC3, M4A, OGG, AAC etc. Key Features:1.Support converting video files from one format to another 2.Support converting audio files between various audio formats 3.Support extracting audio tracks from video file 4.Support batch conversion with a task list 5.Support the latest popular video formats - MKV, TS, h.264, DVR-MS, VC-16.Windows Vista Supported7.Unmatchable converting speed, wonderful output quality 8.You can select video size, bit rate, NTSC/PAL, frame rate, audio codec, sample rate etc 9.So easy to modify the name and path of output files 10.When converting files, you can pause, stop and continue at any moment 11.With the user- friendly interface, OJOsoft Total Video Converter is suited for both veterans and beginners. You can complete your conversion as easy as 1-2-3 12.All decoders and encoders are built in. Once you download and install OJOsoft Total Video Converter, all supported formats can be converted without downloading any more codec 13. Safe to install and viruses-free. We respect your privacy. So there are no spyware and adware in OJOsoft Total Video Converter
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9472.html ]

AVS Video Tools King 2010.01.05 (shareware $59.00; 47190 Кб)
an yajian

AVS Video Tools packs 4 tools that are designed to meet your most various video tasks!AVS Video Converter converts between all key formats such as: DVD, AVI (DivX, XviD, etc.), DV AVI, MP4 (compatible with iPod, Sony PSP, mobiles and other portables), WMV, 3GP, 3G2, QuickTime (MOV, QT), SWF, VOB, VRO, MPEG 1,2, MPG, DAT, VCD, SVCD, ASF, MJPEG, H.263, H.264, Real Video (RM, RMVB), DVR-MS and like no other converter uploads movies, home videos, TVs, directly to your portable device at one go. AVS Video Converter allows you to create exciting movie DVDs to watch on your home DVD Player.With AVS Video Converter you can apply more than 50 video and audio effects, extract audio tracks, make still pictures of your favorite or hot movie moments.AVS DVDtoGo, a smart wizard-styled tool, copies movies and converts just any video to iPod, Sony PSP, Archos, Zen Creative, mobile or a portable media player with one-click. You don need to puzzle over best output parameters AVS DVDtoGo automatically sets them to be 100% fitting your device!AVS Capture Wizard helps you create home video masterpieces from the first run. The tool transfers videos directly to DVD from VHS tapes, DV or web cameras, TV tuners and even DVB-S, DVB-T or paid satellite channels! You can then enjoy your favorite shows on most DVD Players in use today.AVS Video ReMaker, a fast MPEG files editor, removes TV ads or just unwanted parts on the fly from DVDs or video files recorded with various DVD , PVR& DVR camcorders. Edited without reconverting DVDs or video files retain their original superb quality. The scene detection algorithm scans video and splits it into episodes making the editing routine most accurate and handy.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9471.html ]

Spy Message (freeware; 2878 Кб)
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The Spy Message is easy-to-use, reliable and powerful tool for protecting important information that you dont want others to see.With SpyMessage you can encrypt and hide your text message into image without any changes in its resolution or size.You can view the modified image with any conventional image viewer program, xchange messages with your friends without any fear from others spying on you, No one can know if your image contain messages or not, You can type direct messages or load the file that holds the message, SpyMessage uses two powerful encryption algorithms to protect your data, No plain temporary files are ever created, No password saved within your file and it gives you the privilege to set a special Password to retrieve your encrypted data.SpyMessage enables you sending and receives your private data securely hidden in images of various types. You can use your birthday photo or
landscape picture to send some important message to your friend or colegue securely - our application will also use strong encrypting algorithm to make communications really safe. Data is sent and received encrypted, but also nobody even knows that you send or receive any information. Other people only see nice photos; you see important text message. The requirements for running SpyMessage are very modest: Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4.0, 2000 or XP. Any computer that runs one of the above operating systems at a reasonable speed, with a mouse or other compatible pointing device (required). Any computer that runs one of the above operating systems at a reasonable speed, with a mouse or other compatible pointing device (required). 5 MB of free hard disk space (an additional 10 MB is needed during installation only to accommodate the initial setup files). Microsoft Internet Explorer v. 4.01 or higher. For optimum performance you should have at least 64MB RAM installed on Windows 9x-based systems. Memory recommendations for Windows 2000 and XP are higher.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9470.html ]

Deleted SMS Recovery Software (shareware $69; 985 Кб)
Data Recovery Tools

SIM card text message re-establishment software restores deleted phone book directories including mobile number, name, saved entries, e-mail address and image from mobile phone SIM card with the help of advance professional phoenix card reader. SIM card SMS restoration application has ability to preview recoverable data including inbox outbox, saved message and call history before actual recovery of data. SIM card missed call recovery software has read only permission so it does not affect other files in the disk. SIM card text retrieval software supports Windows operating system including 98, 2000, 2003, XP, NT, Vista, ME and Windows 7. SIM card text message recovery tool restores recent call, incoming, outgoing call and text message including read, unread, sent, saved, spam, chat history and picture message from cell phone SIM card with the help of professional SIM card reader and takes minimum time to retrieve deleted recent call history from blocked SIM card. SIM card SMS restoration program shows ICC Identification number and IMSI number along with the service provider name. Sim card SMS revival tool has read only property so it does not affect other files in disk.
* SIM card text recovery software supports different types of GSM and 3G SIM.
* SIM card SMS restoration tool has install and uninstall features.
* Sim card data rescue software provides preview option of deleted messages before actual recovery.
* SIM card call recues utility easily regains lost data.
* SIM card data recovery software is easy to install and fully professional with simple functions.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9468.html ]

Internet Speed Booster (freeware; 5103 Кб)
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Internet Speed Booster is the powerful easy way to speed up your internet connection. With Internet Speed Booster you can speed up you internet connection, utilize your memory, utilize your internet connection and change your windows settings. The main window consists of the following items: Speed Booster, Net Pinger, Ram Booster and System Settings. The Speed Booster contais the Wizard mode, Advanced mode, and Backup manager. The Net Pinger contains Pingr settings. The Ram Booster consists of the System status and Ram configuration. The System Settings contains Internet properties, System Settings, Modem Settings and Network Settings. To speed up your connection just choose one of the predefined connection settings and click Optimize Now. In Backup manager every time you change your settings the program will save your old settings. You can choose the backup file you want to restore or delete. The PING utility helps to keep you from getting your modem connection disconnected by your service provider. Most Internet Service Providers Disconnect users after a fixed period of modem activity. The option System Status in Ram Booster enables you to monitor your system resources. And you can optimize your memory with one click. You can adjust your ram booster settings from Ram Configuration form in Ram Booster. All the tools you need to be efficient on the Web!Boost and optimize the speed of your internet connection with this set of tools. Net Pinger prevents you from being disconnected from your ISP. Speed Booster optimizes the way your PC sends and receives data over the internet. RAM Booster allows you to free physical memory or RAM on your PC .
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9467.html ]

Media Player Max (freeware; 16128 Кб)
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Media Player Max is an easy-to-use program with amazing interface to play almost all media files with an easy-to-use playlist, The player can also play DVD-Video discs and Video-CD discs. The program features are: 1) Supported Input Audio Formats: wav , wma , mka , m4a , mp3 , mp4 , ogg , aac , 3g2. 2) Supported Input Video Formats: .wmv , asf , avi , mpg , mp2 , mpe , mpeg , mp4 , m4v , ogm , mov , hdmov, 3gp , 3gpp , 3g2 , flv. 3) Supports Video DVDs . 4) Easy-to-use design. 5) Smart playlist with thumnails view. 6) Variety range of codecs. The file menu contains the basic menu items that enable you to open your media file you have many choices to open media file as follow: 1) Open Media File: To open supported media files. Like (wmv, asf, avi, flv, ogm, 3gp, etc. 2) Open DVD: Let you choose the DVD-Drive to play the inserted video DVD from it. 3) Recently played files: Open from the recent files that you played. The play Menu supports full playback control it contains many menu items as follows: 1. Play/Pause: Playing and pausing the media and you can do that by using the short key (Ctrl+P). 2. Stop: Stopping the video play and you can use (Ctrl+S) short key. 3. Play Mode: Change the playback mode between three states Normal, Continuous and Shuffle. 4. Repeat Mode: No Repeat: After the end of playlist or the end of the file the program stops playing, Single Repeat: the program repeats the current file only and Repeat All: Repeats all files. 5. Full Screen: Toggle full screen mode and you can use (Ctrl+F) short key. 6. Increase Speed:Doubles the playback speed and make the playing faster you can use (Ctrl+Up Arrow) shortkey. 7. Decrease Speed:Decreses the playback speed and make the playing slower, you can use (Ctrl+Down Arrow) shortkey. 8. Reset Speed: Normal playback speed. (Ctrl+R) short key. 9. After file Playing finished: Choose what you want after playback finishes. Do Nothing: after playing nothing to do. Exit Media player Max: Exit the program
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9465.html ]

Image Viewer (freeware; 4346 Кб)
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Image Viewer is the powerful, compact and easy-to-use image viewer you can use. With Image Viewer you can do the following:- 1- Open a lot of image file formats like JPG,BMP,GIF,TIFF,PNG,PSD,PCX,TGA,WMF,EMF,WBMP,ICO,DIB. 2- Open images also from URL and save them to your disk. 3- Save to several image formats like JPG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, PNGtc. 4- View images in full screen mode and slideshow mode. 5- View and browse images in Thumbnails view. 5- View and browse images in Thumbnails view. 6- Copy, Cut and Paste images and portions of images. 7- Do some powerful effects like Crop, Resize, Flip, Rotate, Skew, Brightness and Contrast. From the general settings tab you can adjust the following options: 1- Background color of the viewer, click on the color button and choose the desired color and press ok. 2- Specify if the viewer loops around image files while browsing if reaching the end or begin of files. 3- Fit image during browsing. In the Full Screen Settings tab you can set the options of the full screen mode as follow: 1- Current image name display: sets the image name display options. 2- Display the image name in the full screen mode or not, by changing this check (Display in full screen mode). 3- Display the image name in the slide show mode or not, by changing this check (Display in slide show mode). You can adjust the Slideshow mode settings from the Slideshow Settings tab, these settings as follow: 1- Skip damaged and unsupported images during Slideshow: doesn show the bad images in the slide show to prevent annoying the user while the Slideshow. 2- Hide mouse pointer during the slide show. 3- Set the delay between each image, enter the value in Milliseconds (Note: 1000 = 1 Second). From the Association Settings tab you can set which files can be associated with the Image Viewer to be viewed with it, you can easily check or uncheck the file or you can select all or deselect all files.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9463.html ]

iPod Audio Ripper (freeware; 10765 Кб)
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iPod CD Audio ripper is a fast and easy to use program for recording digital audio tracks directly from compact disks without going through your sound card (this process is known as "ripping"). This digital recording process enables you to make high-quality copies of the original music. The Free Audio rippers easy interface allows you to convert tracks of your audio-CDs to your most favorite digital audio format with almost one click. Free Audio ripper can make direct digital copies from audio CDs and saves them as files on your hard disk to the most popular compressed audio formats such as cd to WAV , cd to MP3 (MPEG Layer-3), cd to WMA (Windows Media Audio),cd to Ogg Vorbis files with settings (32Kbps up to 320kbps). Free Audio ripper also supports more than one CD-ROM drive per computer. iPod Audio CD ripper extracts audio CD tracks to audio formats MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG Vorbis with excellent output quality and direct conversion with fast encoding engine, multiple/variable bitrate support, file verification, multi-drive reading, ID3-V1 & ID3-V2 Tag Editor -These features makes the process of conversion SAFER and FASTER.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9462.html ]

iPod Copier (freeware; 4699 Кб)
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iPod Copier is very easy to use tool to Copy your iPod Device(Any Type), you can copy tracks from iPod to your local hard drive. With iPod Copier you can: 1- View all Audio/Video iPod Contents. 2- Play Audio/Video Tracks of the iPod. 3- View the properties of the Audio/Video tracks of the iPod. 4- Copy Audio/Video tracks from iPod to local hard drive. 5- Search in the tracks properties to easily find the desired track. 6- Support All iPod Types. The iPod must be configured for disk use IF you have iTunes installed in your system (You will find this option in the iPod options in the iTunes Application). Its recommended to connect the iPod to the computer before launching the iPod Copier. The transfer page contains the following 2 main Sections:- iPod Connection: This section will load iPod Contents (Audio/Video Files), So you can view and copy them:- Automatically detect the iPod: If you select this option, Then iPod Copier will automatically specify the iPod Drive, Manually Specify the iPod Drive: With this option you will specify the iPod Drive, In general selecting this option speeds up the loading process a little bit, and View and Copy iPod Contents: Click this button to go to the Copy Page to view and Copy iPod Contents. This button is hidden by default and will not appear unless the iPod DB is loaded successfully.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9459.html ]

Data Shredder (freeware; 3672 Кб)
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Data Shredder literally destroys files, free space and your Recycle Bin contents instead of only deleting them. That means your data contents once overwritten and destroyed It cant be recovered.
The user therefore should be sure of the files, folders .etc. he/she wants to shred.There are many safeguards built into the Data Shredder program to warn the user.Windows allocates clusters for new files (and extending existing files) from one end of the disk and moving towards the other end. Accordingly, the user for example if deleting files near the end of the disk, it might be very long before those clusters get used again.Therefore, shredding a disks free space ensures that any deleted data stored in unallocated clusters will be completely shredded, and all the bits and pieces of left over data from deleted files will be destroyed.Generally speaking Windows stores files using two steps:A directory entry and A series of one or more clusters on a disk.When the user deletes a file using windows the files data doesnt actually get deleted from disk. Windows simply marks the files clusters as available for reuse, then marks that files directory entry as deleted (from the directories available) by replacing the first character of the files name with a special character. Now if those clusters dont get reused for another file, they are vulnerable and can be retrieved by those who know where and how to look for it.Adding one byte to the directory that was deleted will allow the retrieve of the entire file that has been deleted. This is used in most of the "Unerase" utilities functions. Data Shredder makes it virtually impossible to retrieve data from a file because it literally overwrites the files data clusters before deleting the file. A "quick" shred overwrites the file once, filling its data clusters with zeroes. A "Thorough" shred overwrites the file maximum 10 times, using varying bit patterns each time.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9457.html ]

DVD Player (freeware; 13556 Кб)
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DVD Player is one of the most efficient and powerful tools ever used to play DVD movies. By using this player, you will be able to grab snapshot and save it as an image and grab snapshot and save it directly as wallpaper; you can also set how you want to set the wallpaper (Tile - Stretch - Center). Also you can grab snapshot and save it to the clipboard. Using this player is so easy. To play a DVD, just select the DVD drive you wish to use by pressing the DVDs button. Use the media buttons to have full control over the movie. You can use the menu buttons as well to use the DVDs menu. You can physically eject your DVD, alter the volume, switch to full screen mode, grab a snapshot or enter to the Options dialog. In the Options dialog you can choose one of the available languages. Also you can set how you want to save your snapshot. If youre experiencing poor video quality; you may use the hardware acceleration to improve it. You are allowed to disable screen saver to watch your movie without being interrupted. You may turn the Auto Play option on to add a command to the context menu for your DVD, as well as adding "DVD Player" to your Auto Play list.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9456.html ]

DVD Video Image Extractor (freeware; 12535 Кб)
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DVD Video Image Extractor is an easy-to-use application to easily and effectively extract or capture images from your favorite DVD-Video discs. You can extract one image while playing your favorite movie and also you can extract a portion of the DVD-Video. It supports three tools for capturing snapshots which are Single snapshot, Continuous snapshots and Timed snapshots. By Single snapshot you can capture a single snapshot from the video and continuous snapshots allows you to capture a portion of the video as a sequence of images. Timed snapshots allows you to capture snapshots every certain amount of milliseconds.The main window is composed of three main parts: Media Actions, Media Tools and the Main Menu Bar. In Media Actions you will see a collection of buttons which includes the main media commands which are: rewind, play, pause, stop and fast forward. Also in the right side, you will find a button for turning audio on/off and a slider for setting the desired volume level. You should also notice the bar above edia Actionswhich shows the progress of the movie.In the Media Tools part, you will find the functionality we provided for you to capture snapshots: By clicking the first button, you will capture a single snapshot. You can use the shortcut key Ctrl + F1. By clicking the second button, you will start to capture a sequence of images until you click it again. You can use the shortcut key Ctrl + F2. By clicking the third button, you might be asked to enter a number in terms of milliseconds (depends on how you set your options), you may check the checkbox shown in this dialog to use the number you specified as the default without showing the dialog again. DVD Video Image Extractor will then capture a snapshot automatically and will use that number as the interval of time to be waited after each snapshot. You can use the shortcut key Ctrl + F3. The last button is used for activating the full screen display.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9454.html ]

radioactivebar (freeware; 1602 Кб)
Gas Spielberg

radioactive tool
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9451.html ]

Clean N Optimize (freeware; 4047 Кб)
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Clean N Optimize has highly customizable cleaning options and supports the most common web browsers and chat applications. It has a built in Shredder, so the cleaned files/folders can not be recovered again and separate shredder to manually shred files, folders, drives empty space, and recycle bin with the most famous and secure shredding algorithms. It is a powerful optimizer for Internet connection, System like optimizing hard drive, Windows Explorer like disable save settings at shutdown and Privacy like locking some hard drive partitions. Also it has Startup Manager to modify the applications that launch at windows startup and Uninstall Manager to modify or uninstall the user-installed applications. With Clean N Optimize you can clean your system with One Click. It has easy to use interface. The main window is just the start guide for you to use Clean N Optimize in efficient and easy way. Read the instructions and follow the links to start using the program. The Clean Settings Window consists from 3 main sections: 1)Internet items includes the following, categories Browsers: in the browsers tabs, you can check items that will be cleaned in each installed browser and Chat: in the chat tabs, you can check the items that will be cleaned in each installed chat program. 2)System Items consists of the windows category which consists from History Cleaner: check the history items that you want to clean which are related to windows system and Recent Files Cleaner: check the recent files that you want to clean which are related to windows built-in, the hard drive cleaner will free up the hard drive space by deleting the temporary and unnecessary files, you can include files with specific Extensions to be deleted. 3)Registry Items: the Broken registry items means the leftover registry keys that should be deleted from the system registry. With shredder you can shred 3 categories:1)Shred Files/Folders, 2)Shred Empty Space, 3)Shred Recycle Bin.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9450.html ]

Audio Converter Extractor Max (freeware; 3358 Кб)
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Audio Converter Extractor Max is an easy to use tool to convert audio files to various audio formats and extract audio from video files to various audio formats. The program can also rip audio CD tracks to the supported formats. Features:
1) Supported Input Audio Formats: cda,wav,wma,mp1,mp2,mp3,mp4,ogg,aac,alac,flac,ac3,spx,mpc,tta, ape,ofr,midi,adx,mod,mo3.
2) Supported Input Video Formats: .wmv,asf,avi,mpg,mp2,mpeg,mp4,mov,dat
3) Supported Output Audio Formats: wav,wma,mp3,ogg.
4) Supports Ripping Audio CD Track using fast and direct method for ripping.
5) Easy-to-use design.
6) Support the most popular audio formats.
7) Supports multiple CD-R/RW drives for Ripping.
8) Play back toolbar for listening to files before converting.
9) Automatic generation for track names.
10) Variety range of encoders.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9449.html ]

Audio Editor (freeware; 10158 Кб)
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The powerful easy-to-use digital audio editing program you can use. With Audio Editor you can: 1-Open a lot of audio files like MP3,MP2,WAV,WMA,OGG,VOX,G726,RAW,DSS,CDA,MPC,PCM,GSMtc. 2-Save to several audio formats: MP3, WAV, VOX, OGG, G726, WMA, and RAW 3-Edit ID3 Tags of the following file types: WAV, MP3, WMA, and OGG. 4-Record from all available audio sources in your system like microphone, Stereo mix, Line in. etc. you can mix or insert the recorded audio into the current audio or record in a new window. 5-Copy, Cut, Paste, and other editing operations on the opened audio files. 6-Apply a lot of effects on the opened audio files. 7-Apply a lot of filters on the opened audio files. 8- View Frequency Analysis of the opened audio files. 9-Mix audio files and save the output. Some menu items will not activate until you open a file like ctionmenu items, Trim, Insert silence.All ffectsmenu items, All iltersmenu items, Some ditmenu items will not activate until you select a portion of the waveform. Watch the selection information at the bottom. You can change the record device depending on source that you will record from, it may be "Microphone" to record from a microphone or "Stereo Mix" to record directly from your sound card that means you can play a song in the background and record from it. You can choose from other listed devices. In the same way you can change the output device [Play Device You can Change the temporary directory that will be used as a swap space for Audio Editor operations. You should select a directory in a sufficient free space partition. The Frequency Analysis shows you how much a frequency occurs in the audio file, you can move the cursor to the graph and watch the cursor value in the cursor frame If you see nothing,try changing the FFT size and FFT window. Tag Information is information related to the media files,you can get it in Windows XP by getting the properties of the file and then edit the summary tab.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9448.html ]

SID DVD Player (freeware; 13556 Кб)
Sound Indepth

DVD Player is one of the most efficient and powerful tools ever used to play DVD movies. By using this player, you will be able to grab snapshot and save it as an image and grab snapshot and save it directly as wallpaper; you can also set how you want to set the wallpaper (Tile - Stretch - Center). Also you can grab snapshot and save it to the clipboard. Using this player is so easy. To play a DVD, just select the DVD drive you wish to use by pressing the DVDs button. Use the media buttons to have full control over the movie. You can use the menu buttons as well to use the DVDs menu. You can physically eject your DVD, alter the volume, switch to full screen mode, grab a snapshot or enter to the Options dialog. In the Options dialog you can choose one of the available languages. Also you can set how you want to save your snapshot. If youre experiencing poor video quality; you may use the hardware acceleration to improve it. You are allowed to disable screen saver to watch your movie without being interrupted. You may turn the Auto Play option on to add a command to the context menu for your DVD, as well as adding "DVD Player" to your Auto Play list.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9444.html ]

2 Ways Royal Poker Portable Multilingual 2.0 (freeware; 44537 Кб)
John Miller

2 Ways Royal Portable Multilingual - скачивай и играй. Установка не требуется.
Цель игры 2 Ways Royal - получить покерную сдачу из пяти карт, содержащую выигрышную комбинацию. Чем лучше Ваша сдача, тем выше оплата (в соответствии с таблицей платежей на игровом автомате). Вы выбираете, сколько своих карт, и какие именно из них поменять. Вы можете поменять карты только один раз.
Примечание: в видеопокере 2 Ways Royal комбинация 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 одной масти называется Низкий флэш-рояль, а комбинация 10, В, Д , K, Т одной масти называется Высокий флэш -рояль.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9441.html ]

MagiDrive 1.0 (demo $0.00; 5096 Кб)
Леонид Паршуков

Устали от использования сложных программ? Хотели бы упростить работу с файлами разных форматов?

MagiDrive позволяет легко, одним движением мыши:
- менять формат изображений (JPG, GIF, TIF, PNG, BMP, ;
- преобразовывать музыкальные файлы (MP3, WAV, ;
- конвертировать видео файлы (AVI, FLV, MPEG, ;
- создавать и читать архивы (ZIP, RAR, 7z, GZIP, TAR, ;
- применять к файлам другие действия с помощью внешних программ, поддерживающих интерфейс командной строки.

Уникальность MagiDrive в том, что все операции производятся простым копированием файлов в специальные папки, которые доступны из любой программы. Например можно создать папку :JPG, настроить ее и тогда все изображения копируемые туда, автоматически преобразуются в JPG. Тоже самое можно сделать для аудио и видео файлов, а так же архивов. Кроме того, возможно добавить обработку с помощью внешних программ с интерфейсом командной строки.

Краткая инструкция:
- скачайте и установите MagiDrive;
- с помощью MagiDrive Manager создайте виртуальный диск (I:, J:, K:, ;
- на диске создайте одну или несколько папок;
- для каждой папки в MagiDrive Manager выберете действие, которое нужно выполнить с помещаемыми в эту папку файлами;
- все готово, теперь из любой программы копируете или просто мышкой переносите файлы в созданную папку, файлы обрабатываются в процессе копирования и в папке появляется уже нужный вам результат!

Текущая бета версия MagiDrive находится в стадии тестирования. Все пользователи бета версии получат финальную версию бесплатно!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9437.html ]

Free YouTube Video downloader PRO 1.6 (freeware; 3419 Кб)
John Johnson

Free YouTube Video downloader PRO 1.6 - это программа, которая поможет бесплатно скачать видео со всемирно известного сайта youtube.com. Программа поддерживает возможность одновременного скачивания и конвертирования в нужный формат нескольких видео файлов с youtube.com. Программа работает в двух самых популярных браузерах на сегодняшний день: Mozilla Firefox и Internet Explorer. Программа проста в установке и пользовании. Free YouTube Video downloader 1.6 - собери свою собственную уникальную коллекцию Youtube видео.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9443.html ]

SID Video Cutter Max (freeware; 5441 Кб)
Sound Indepth

Video Cutter Max is an easy to use tool to extract a part of your video files to various video formats. The program features are: 1) Supported Input Video Formats: All common video formats are supported. 2)Supported Output Video Formats: AVI, ASF, WMV, MOV, FLV, MPG, MPEG, MP4, RM, YUV with many video and audio codecs. 3) Easy-to-use design. 4) Support the most popular video formats. 5) Select a part of the input video file with an easy to use slider. 6) Automatic generation for output file names. 7) Variety range of encoders and decoders. The Supported Input Video Formats are Any video File that encoded with any of the following codecs: 4X Video , American Laser Games Video , AMV , Apple Animation , Apple Graphics , Apple MJPEG-B , Apple QuickDraw , Apple Video , Asus v1 , Asus v2 , ATI VCR1 , ATI VCR2 , Autodesk RLE , AVID DNxHD , AVS video , Bethsoft VID , C93 video , CamStudio , Cin video , Cirrus Logic AccuPak , Creative YUV , Duck TrueMotion v1 , Duck TrueMotion v2 , DV , DXA Video , Electronic Arts CMV , Electronic Arts TGV , Electronic Arts TGQ , FFmpeg Video 1 , Flash Screen Video , FLIC video , FLV , Sorenson H.263 used in Flash , Fraps FPS1 , H.261 , H.263(+) RealVideo 1.0 , H.264 , HuffYUV , IBM Ultimotion , id Cinematic video , id RoQ , Intel Indeo 3 , Interplay Video , KMVC , LOCO , Microsoft RLE , Microsoft Video-1 , Mimic , Miro VideoXL , Motion Pixels Video , MPEG-1 , MPEG-2 , MPEG-4 , MSMPEG4 V1 , MSMPEG4 V2 , MSMPEG4 V3 , MSZH , On2 VP3 , On2 VP5 , On2 VP6 , planar RGB , QPEG , RealVideo 1.0 , RealVideo 2.0 , RealVideo 3.0 , RealVideo 4.0 , Renderware TXD , RTjpeg , Smacker video , Snow , Sony PlayStation MDEC , Sorenson Video 1 , Sorenson Video 3 , Sunplus MJPEG , TechSmith Camtasia , Theora , THP , Tiertex Seq video , VC-1 , VMD Video , Used in Sierra VMD files. , VMware Video , Westwood VQA , Winnov WNV1 , WMV7 , WMV8 , WMV9 , Xan/WC3 , ZLIB , ZMBV.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9432.html ]

Cucusoft iPhone Ringtone Composer New 9.2.3 (shareware $24.95; 1102 Кб)
an yajian

Cucusoft iPhone Ringtone Composer is a real fun software program that enables you to compose your own unique iPhone ringtone. Even if you don know much about music, just click anywhere on the music line and you get a unique sound for your ringtone. Its so easy to use, you can even ask your kids to compose a musical ringtone for you! Or you can compose your own unique piece of music for your lover, and give it to him or her as a surprise gift. Yet, this software is also designed for the professional musical artist. With this iPhone ringtone composer, any musician can compose a wonderful piece of music and save it as a ringtone. Its easy to compose a unique musical ringtone for your iPhone! Just go ahead and do it. * You can directly compose on the music lines provided. * You can use multiple audio tracks. * Supports 128 different kinds of musical instrument, including piano, violin, harmonica, and so on. * You can use the audio effect of fading in and fading out. * Supports professional mode settings. * You can preview or pre-listen your composed music. * You can trim or clip audio freely. * Works in multiple languages. * Works with iPhone, iPhone 3G, or iPhone 3GS. * Works with iPhone OS version 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and later.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9430.html ]

iPoo DVD Ripper for Mac (shareware $29.99; 12800 Кб)
Jianfeng Guan

iPoo DVD Ripper for Mac is a powerful DVD ripper beyond your imagination. It is so incredible that the program supports almost all main-stream video & audio formats. It can convert/rip DVD (DVD-9, DVD-5 and IFO image files) to ASF, AVI, MPEG, MP4, WMV, WMV, RM, 3GP and FLV, and extract MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG, AAC, AC3, M4A, AIFF, AU, etc.With its powerful and splendid functions, you can complete your work easily and quickly.

Another attractive point is that it has many practical functions. You can preview the movie before converting, customize video quality, video size, audio quality and audio channels, convert files in batches, etc. With the advanced technique, it will definitely open up your horizon. So download it right now and have a try for free!

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9428.html ]

Rocking DVD Ripper Standard 1.0.1 (shareware $34.95; 9819 Кб)
Jianfeng Guan

Rocking DVD Ripper Standard is powerful software which has gained great reputation since it has been released. It can rip DVD, including DVD-5, DVD-9 as well as IFO image files to the popular video formats of AVI, ASF, MPEG, MKV, WMV, MP4, RM, MOV, FLV, 3GP, 3GPP2, SWF, etc., and it also support audio formats including MP3, WMA, WAV, RA,M4A, AAC, AC3, OGG and so on. It presents many amazing functions like preview, clip, snapshot, batch conversion, auto-shutdown, etc. Download it right now and have a try for free. Enjoy your life!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9427.html ]

TOP Video Cutter for Mac (shareware $25.99; 13107 Кб)
Emily Wong

Want to extract a piece of music from a movie you like most? With TOP Video Cutter for Mac, nothing is impossible. You can directly click the "begin" button and the "end" button to cut a segment, and the slider will show the exact progress of cutting.
The cutter supports the input formats of 3GP, AVI, ASF, MPG, RM, SWF, FLV, WMV, MP4, MKV, WMV, RMVB and the output formats of AVI, MP4, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MKV, MOV, RM, WMV, ASF, AAC, AC3, MP3, OGG, customize the output effect, and allows you to preview the movie before cutting, etc.
Want your mobile ring to be different and unique from others? Try TOP Video Cutter for Mac, and enjoy a beautiful life on Mac.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9425.html ]

TOP iPod Video Converter for Mac (shareware $25.99; 11264 Кб)
Emily Wong

TOP iPod Converter for Mac is a versatile iPod converter, you can convert input formats including AVI, WMV, MKV, DivX, MP4, H.264 AVC, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, 3GP2, FLV, SWF, ASF, RMVB, etc., and output video formats including MPEG-4 and MPEG-4 AVC (H.264) on the device of iPod. Converting files you love to iPod with original quality at the same time seems to be impossible before, but now you can make it with TOP iPod Converter for Mac. It can convert all the present popular video formats including AVI, WMV, MKV, DivX, MP4, H.264 AVC, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, 3GP2, FLV, SWF, ASF, RMVB, etc., and output video formats including MPEG-4 and MPEG-4 AVC (H.264). As a multifunctional software, TOP iPod Converter for Mac supports previewing input files, setting the location of access directory, as well as setting sound channel(stereo/mono), file size and video/audio quality. Now, you can enjoy your favorite videos in your ipod anytime anywhere. Excellent output quality and high conversion speed make TOP iPod Video Converter for Mac a nice tool to serve your iPod video conversion.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9424.html ]

TOP iPhone Video Converter for Mac (shareware $25.99; 11264 Кб)
Emily Wong

TOP iPhone Converter for Mac is a versatile iPhone converter tool, and it can convert input formats, such as AVI, WMV, MKV, DivX, MP4, H.264 AVC, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP,3GP2, FLV, SWF, ASF, RMVB, etc., and output video formats including MPEG-4 and MPEG-4 AVC(H.264) supported by iPhone. TOP iPhone Video Converter for Mac can convert all your videos to MPEG-4 video, which supports converting AVI, WMV, MKV, DivX, MP4, H.264 AVC, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP,3GP2, FLV, SWF, ASF, RMVB, etc., and output video formats including MPEG-4, MPEG-4 AVC (H.264) for your iPhone.With the powerful multifunctional TOP iPhone Video Converter for Mac, you can feast your eye on your like videos by previewing input files, setting the location of access directory, and setting diverse output profiles for one source at a time to convert iPhone videos and music in one step with simpler operation and less time. Set sound channel(stereo/mono) and resolution of output files and video/audio quality. Besides, more features are fixed to enrich your iPhone conversion experience.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9423.html ]

TOP Video Converter for Mac (shareware $29.99; 11264 Кб)
Emily Wong

TOP Video Converter for Mac makes you enjoy fantastic videos and music from diverse high-definition video and audio formats like AVI, WMV, MKV, DivX, MP4, H.264 AVC, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP,3GP2, FLV, ASF, RMVB, and apply them to PSP, PS3, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, Xbox, Zune or other devices. TOP Video Converter for Mac is a professional and powerful video converter software, which can convert among all popular audio and video formats, which supports input formats like AVI, WMV, MKV, DivX, MP4, H.264 AVC, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, 3GP2, FlV, SWF, ASF, RMVB etc. and allows you to output video formats including AVI, WMV, MKV, DivX, MP4, H.264 AVC, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, FlV, MP3,AAC,WAV,SWF, ASF. Meanwhile, you could experience the converted files on PSP, PS3, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, Xbox, Zune, mobile phone or other popular digital devices.TOP Video Converter for Mac is a powerful multifunctional software, which offers you the easiest interface and the highest conversion speed. Besides, you can preview the files before converting, and set the location of access directory. More optimal functions are supported.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9422.html ]

TOP Video to Audio Converter (shareware $15.99; 6078 Кб)
Emily Wong

TOP Video to Audio Converter, an efficient and easy-to-use converter, is capable of extracting audio from AVI, WMV, ASF, MPG and MPEG files to MP3, RM, WAV, WMA and OGG formats. Extracted audios are suitable for your MP3 players. The conversion from video to audio can be completed with just one click. TOP Video to Audio Converter, a powerful and easy-to-use converter, is capable of extracting audio from AVI, WMV, ASF and MPEG files to MP3, RM, WAV, WMA and OGG formats. Extracted audios can be played on your MP3 players. The conversion from video to audio can be completed with just one click. It provides powerful function of converting various files freely and relieves you of heavy tasks of file conversion.With TOP Video to Audio Converter, you can produce audio files with different quality levels and sizes. You can convert part of the file by setting "Begin Time" and "End Time". Besides, ID3 tags(Audio Title, Album, Artist, Data) can be added to output audio files, and then you can make your audios individualized and professional. There is no need to worry about that the time is long before listening to audios, because there is a built-in player for your pre-listening.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9421.html ]

TOP Blu-ray Ripper (shareware $39.99; 6963 Кб)
Jianfeng Guan

TOP Blu-ray Ripper, unmatchable Blu-ray and DVD software, rips blu-ray disks and DVD to AVI, MPEG, MP4, FLV, WMV, RM, MKV, MOV, 3GP, 3GP2, SWF, and supports extracting MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, RA from the movie.
With TOP Blu-ray Ripper, you can preview the movie before ripping, customize video quality, video size, audio channel and audio quality, clip the movie, snapshot the images in preview, automatically shut down the computer after converting finished, convert movies in batches, etc.
With a powerful multi-core engine, TOP Blu-ray Ripper will finish the work easily and fast. It is remarkable among all the blu-ray and DVD software due to its amazing ripping performance.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9420.html ]

TOP DVD to MP3 Converter (shareware $19.99; 9761 Кб)
Emily Wong

As a stunning DVD to MP3 Converter to convert DVD to MP3, TOP DVD to MP3 Converter for Windows can convert DVD to audio formats like MP3, WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, AAC, AC3, OGG, AIFF, MP2, SUN AU, and so forth. All of the formats mentioned above are all suitable for popular players, such as iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, and suchlike portable MP3 players. TOP DVD to MP3 Converter for Windows is a brilliant DVD conversion software. This picked MP3 converter assists you to convert DVD to different audio formats including MP3, WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, AAC, AC3, OGG, AIFF, MP2, SUN AU, and so forth.Convert your collection of movies and music DVD disks to MP3 audio, and put the fantastic music on iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, and suchlike portable MP3 players. Clip any audio segment as you want or split one file into several ones, and adjust various parameters to get custom MP3 file you want. TOP DVD to MP3 Converter for Windows makes your music MP3 player dance around you with dulcet music.Now, start to convert DVD to MP3 with TOP DVD to MP3 Converter, share and enjoy DVD movies and music taken on your multimedia devices.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9419.html ]

TOP DVD to iPod Converter (shareware $15.99; 9761 Кб)
Emily Wong

TOP DVD to iPod Converter is an essential DVD to iPod converter for your iPod. Now, using TOP DVD to iPod Converter to rip/convert DVD to iPod, iPod MPEG-4 AVC with luxuriant sound and picture quality, you can take DVD movies you love into your iPod simply and quickly. Comparing other DVD to iPod converters, it is your best choice to put DVD movies into iPod. It helps you rip/convert DVD to iPod MPEG-4, iPod MPEG-4 AVC, etc. perfectly. Moreover, it supports previewing the input files, splitting DVD automatically, taking snapshots to capture images in preview, customizing output effect, clipping segments from DVD files, shutting down the computer automatically after conversion finished, etc.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9418.html ]

TOP DVD Clone (shareware $25.99; 2897 Кб)
Emily Wong

Perfect DVD copy software, TOP DVD Clone will copy DVD-9 and DVD-5 to common blank DVDs with super high picture quality and speed. Simple and easy-to-use user interface, the wonderful DVD copier will refresh your common mind towards traditional DVD copy software.

With a powerful DVD copying engine, TOP DVD Clone will copy a DVD-9 to a DVD-9, copy a DVD-5 to a DVD-5, split 1 DVD-9 to 2 DVD-5, compress a DVD-9 to a DVD-5, etc. The DVD copy software also gives you the freedom to set the temporary path in advance for the temporary DVD information, and set your favorite name to the DVDs.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9417.html ]

TOP DVD Ripper Golden (shareware $35.99; 12131 Кб)
Jianfeng Guan

Shocking launch of TOP DVD Ripper Golden! Owning this perfect software, you will know that it turns out so easy to convert DVD to any format you like. The unmatchable quality and super high speed will definitely give you a big surprise!
TOP DVD Ripper Golden presents the most powerful functions: preview, snapshot, split, merge, clip, auto-shutdown, customize, etc., and completely relieves of heavy converting work.
You will be definitely overwhelmed by the powerful software. DVD Ripper golden, give you a golden digital life! Download it, right now!
Compared with the standard version, the additional functions are as follows:
1, Merge: multiple different files can be merged into one, outputting one complete file.
2, Shortcut Keys: simplify keyboard operation, improve your hand operation.
3, Newer interface: gold and black matched perfectly, visually shocking.
4, higher compatibility: highly compatible with more popular players like Windows Media Player, VLC players, etc.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9416.html ]

TOP DVD Ripper Standard (shareware $19.99; 9657 Кб)
Emily Wong

TOP DVD Ripper Standard is powerful and professional software which supports converting DVD to almost all popular formats, including AVI, MPEG, WMV, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, MP3, WMA, WAV and OGG, etc. With stable and advanced technique, it is all-in-one DVD ripping software which can rip DVD to most popular video and audio formats. You can fast rip DVD to AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, etc. Also, you can extract DVD to audio formats, such as MP3, WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, AAC, AC3, OGG, etc. Moreover, TOP DVD Ripper Standard provides powerful and professional functions. You can preview the input files, and clip any part of the DVD as you like. If you have something else to do while ripping, do not worry about it, TOP DVD Ripper Standard will help you shut down the computer automatically after conversion is finished. It is the best DVD Ripper Standard among all DVD ripping software.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9415.html ]

TOP MKV Video Converter (shareware $15.99; 6225 Кб)
Emily Wong

With great easiness and convenience for both novices and pros, TOP MKV Video Converter supports the input video format of MKV and the image format of BMP, output formats including AVI, WMV, FLV, MPEG, MP4, RM, MOV, SWF, MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG, RA, etc. The software eases all the MKV video conversion processes for you.

Also, TOP MKV Video Converter makes your videos fantastic and vivid and enriches your digital life. Providing great easiness and convenience for both novices and pros, when you are eager to experience your converted videos, you can completely preview the converted videos due to its preview function. Moreover, you can also clip the movie segment freely, snapshot the images in preview, automatically shut down the computer after converting finished, customize the output effect, convert video to MKV files in batches, etc. It makes your videos vivid and your life wonderful. Your creative inspiration and the software will be a best combination.

Finishing your work at amazing speed with excellent quality, TOP MKV Video Converter will not disappoint you! Download it right now and give it a try for free!

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9413.html ]

TOP iPhone Video Converter (shareware $19.99; 6225 Кб)
Emily Wong

TOP iPhone Video Converter is a convenient and easy-to-use tool that supports input video formats of iPhone MP3, iPhone MPEG-4,iPhone MPEG-4 AVC and the image format of BMP and output formats of AVI, WMV, MOV, RM, RMVB, DAT, FLV, MPEG, ect. It will provide you with a luxurious visual and acoustic feast. Providing you with vivid and fantastic videos. With such a good partner, you will become more confident than before in converting iPhone videos. TOP iPhone Video Converter can mainly convert present video files into iPhone files at high speed with high quality. Converted files by the software can be played on computers, and MP3/MP4 players. You can have any part of the file cut by clicking "Cut" button. You can appreciate your video productions anytime at any place.

With TOP iPhone Video Converter, you can preview the movie before converting, clip any movie segment, snapshot the images in preview, automatically shut down the computer after converting finished, convert files in batches, etc.

Converting video to iPhone easily and fast, TOP iPhone Video Converter will be the perfect partner for your iPhone, iPhone 3G, etc.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9412.html ]

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